This car is liked by the insurgents, you can use it as transport and as a small ramming vehicle. Most BLUFOR soldiers just open fire at it, like it is a bomb car. That's because they look the same, they have the same sound/radio, speed, colours and the same armour. The only difference is that the bomb-car is packed with C4 on the back-seat, making it extremely useful against groups of enemies and all vehicles. Now we will talk about the civilian car. This car is, as said before, liked by insurgents. They use it a lot for transport, ramming vehicles, decoy, bait for ambushes and as a small armed vehicle. You can use the car in a lot of ways, but now I will give you the specifications of the car.
- (+) Capable of transporting 5 guys and a driver
- (+) 3 Insurgents are able to fire out of the windows.
- (+) You can fire weapons out of the windows
- (+) You can throw grenades/IEDs out of the window
- (+) High Top-Speed (Default key "Shift" to reach it)
- (+)Great Manoeuvrability
- (+) Easy to avoid missiles/bullets with when you have the right driver
- (-) No standard Armament
- (-) Lack of armour
- (-/+) Looks like a bomb car
- (-) Drifts easily
- (-) Not very strong against vehicles while ramming
Tips: AA/RPG on the roof
This is one of the great things of this car, you can use your Strelas and RPGs as a passenger in one of the 3 ?free? seats. Combined with his speed and maneuverability, it is a deadly weapon system. You can use it as a Vehicle Killer. Try to hit and run, use these advantages.
When used with the AA, you only have one chance of shooting the helicopter down. But, when your timing is well, the effects can be catastrophic for the enemy. This is the best alternative for the .50 cal techy, and it is a better way to kill high-flying helicopters.
Tips: Drive-By
Now it is time for Bloodz and Cripz, jihad Style! Well, no, it is easy, know where your target is. Hit and run. Throw grenades, stones, shoot with your weapons, try to use what you have. You can even throw IEDs out of the car! When possible, use the RPK or PKM, these guns are the most effective when doing drive-by's.
Tips: Decoy / Bait
You can use the car as a decoy, to get the enemies? attention when a suicide vehicle is trying to kill this enemy (vehicle). Or you can use it as a bait, some BLUFOR soldiers like to blow these cars up with their incendiaries. Just place them in the right spot with IEDs and grenade traps near it and wait!
Just improvise and you will get far! Join me next time when we are covering the last insurgent vehicle, THE GARY! And Big Red! See you then, B.Pronk(NL)