[AAR] 2 man army

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Joined: 2010-05-30 15:43

[AAR] 2 man army

Post by whathe12 »

I was defending a known cache with one other guy. The cache was in a small little compound in the NE side of the map, not sure the exact coordinates though. Most of my squad had just been taken out by a kiowa. Only 2 were remaining. Myself and one other squadmate. My SL had promised reinforcements but they never came. The whole team thought known was going to be lost very soon. They were wrong.

One of my dead squad mates had an anti air kit that he died with. I quickly search for it in the heap of dead bodies around the doorway to the cache. I grab it just as another enemy humvee pulls up. There was only three of them, all bunched up in one corner. I pull out my grenade and lob it towards them. It lands right in front of one of their faces. I could see the man's pupils grow huge as it's inches away from his face. None of them had time to react to the deadly explosion that killed all three of them.

I quickly run back into the house with the cache in it to get my anti air rocket deployed while my other man keeps an eye out for enemy infantry. I get it deployed just as he spots a kiowa coming our way. The kiowa hovers a few feet off the ground about 50 m away from the cache building. I know I'm gonna get blown to bits if I come out, but hey, lets try it. I run outside, crouch, aim, FIRE!. The kiowa fire about the same time I fired. It's rockets landed all around me, putting me in a black and white stage. But then I saw the wreckage of the kiowa only meters away. I walk back into the cache build and get a medic kit and patch myself up untill im ready to go.

By now the enemy were getting stratigic with their plans. They sent two humvees to get out, one coming from the south and one coming from the north. They also mortared us until the humvees arrived. They didn't do any damage except blow up their own humvee that was left there by their dead squad. The two humvees pull up at the exact same time. All but the gunners got out. They saw the rope and all started climbing at once. Big mistake. I click my rifle to auto and open fire. I took out all the people on the rope as well as injuring one who later died because of his wounds. The 50 cal gunners started open firing on my building even though I was not ear a window. My other squad mate who was still there quickly put and end to their surpressing fire by throwing them a grenade each a grenade with their names on it.

So far it's been three humvees and one kiowa, and about 2 squads taken out by 2 men. They start to continue the mortar fire after they realize their comrades had been taken out. This time though, they send in the calvary. They sent in a blackhawk, an APC as well as a crow humvee. My squad mate gets the jitters seeing them heading towards us and starts retreating back to main. Too late. the APC spots him and easily takes him out in 3 shots. Now it's only me left with the rest of my squad defending an unknown cache, leaving me to defend agasnt an army of troops. I take a second and pray to Allah to thank him for what he has given me. After that holy moment, I grab the rocket and climb ontop of the buildings roof to spot the BH. I see it coming around the north side with a couple troops in it's passenger seats. I lock on and before it shoots out it's flares it's hit by the rocket. I knew there was no time to loose as report of the APC and crow humvee were coming my way. The humvee first pulls up with everyone getting out. I was lying down in the heap of bodies by the cache. One enemy inf comes in and sees my gun pointing at him. I wound him but he wounds me as well. He starts running towards his buddies but my bullets get there faster. He's taken down, but now I have a whole squad coming into a 2 room building as well as an APC making sure no one comes in and no one comes out.

As the squad moves in the first room I bounce a grenade off the wall that takes out 2 of them and wounding the rest. As I reload my supply of grenades, I see a helmet pop at the window. It was the pilot from the blackhawk! No wonder he hadn't popped out any flares, he had bailed out as he saw my rocket, leaving his comrades to die in the helicopter. He pulls out his pistol and start firing in my area. Finally ending my 1/2 man army spree.

It was a great run but they eventual got that cache a few seconds after I died. It was a tremendous round with me leaving shortly after that.
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