Mate posts like that are pointless dont do it the R-MODs will have a field day on you for thatHitman.2.5 wrote:???????????????????????????
[Vehicle] F/A - 18
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
HangMan: BF2 Editor, it has very strict limitations memory wise, and crashes all the time. Its like a girl. Treat it with respect and take it slow and you'll get places. Rush and get ahead of yourself and it will turn around and punch you in the mouth
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
Technically known as the Union Flag when not flown at sea...Warpig- wrote:United Kingdom, Great Britain = Union Jack
England = White with red cross
But I agree. Who cares what flag is on our F/A 18's aslong as it's supposed to be there.
Back on topic, very nice skin, I too hated the 'nilla version and this is a serious improvement.

"God will strike him down when he checks his email and sees young Fighter has turd burgling tendancies. Could you imagine going to church knowing your son takes it up the wrong 'un?" - [R-Dev]Gaz on 'Fighter137'
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
Good knowledge!! Few people know thatJedimushroom wrote:Technically known as the Union Flag when not flown at sea...
Back on topic, very nice skin, I too hated the 'nilla version and this is a serious improvement.

Anyhow, nice model, nice skin, can't wait to see it in game

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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
Did i not tell you......Hitman.2.5 wrote:???????????????????????????
User warned for useless post content.
As for the skin, yer his done a amazing job on the skin...
EDIT: heres a following pic to show what not right on the skin...
All the problems i have been able too pick without refs (Thank the AAFC for that one

Main Point is that you have a scheme of both SQNs ??? Dont understand why... My best advice would be stick to 77 SQN as they are deployed the most.

Last edited by Tonnie on 2009-05-26 11:01, edited 1 time in total.
HangMan: BF2 Editor, it has very strict limitations memory wise, and crashes all the time. Its like a girl. Treat it with respect and take it slow and you'll get places. Rush and get ahead of yourself and it will turn around and punch you in the mouth
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
If you read my second post properly you would of seen that I had a quote of a question I posted previously, but you didnt so I got an infraction for nothing, oh well i'm not fussed.
- Posts: 21
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
Capslock is not cruise mode for cool and implying that you're yelling at someone will not make them answer your question any quicker, or with any form of politeness.Hitman.2.5 wrote:And as I AKSED PREVIOUSLY WILL THEY BE ANY MAVERIKS OR THE AUSSIE EQUIVALENT ON THIS AIRCRAFT???
Likewise, EMPHASISING SOMETHING is generally best done when you aren't trying to ask someone something, as in this case it comes across as you attacking them. Might wanna pull your head in.
Good work to the lads doing this stuff, it's looking great.
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
Agreed with Aestabjoo on the caps... please refrain from using them like you have in that post...Hitman.2.5 wrote:If you read my second post properly you would of seen that I had a quote of a question I posted previously, but you didnt so I got an infraction for nothing, oh well i'm not fussed.
I cant answer your question atm as i dont know "but" i will get back to you on it.
Ok as i said i would get back to you so here it is... After consulting some other DEVs to find out how this works and how easy it is i have come to this conclusion.
We will replace the weapons systems with Australian variants as there are attached as child objects (BUT, its not high priority and would not be looked at by any of the ADF team atm as we just dont have the time or man power to go into little things like this when we mainly just use the US stuff anyway)
The weapons as Child Objects are considered "dummy weapons" meaning that they a a child object, that disapears (and is replaced with a projectile) when the weapon is fired ie makes it look like you drop a bomb or fire a missile, there for should not be to hard to make it would just be the coding that would take up time...
Therefor as i said before adding Australian variants of weapons systems on the F18 - Super Hornet is not a high piroity and wont be looked at at this current time.
2nd EDIT:
To add to that too...'[R-DEV wrote:tonnie15;1034109']Did i not tell you......
As for the skin, yer his done a amazing job on the skin...
EDIT: heres a following pic to show what not right on the skin...
All the problems i have been able too pick without refs (Thank the AAFC for that one) but the refs are there to back up what i am saying...
Main Point is that you have a scheme of both SQNs ??? Dont understand why... My best advice would be stick to 77 SQN as they are deployed the most.
- Undercarriage Should be very light grey almost white same as the weel rims
- Overall aircraft needs to be cleaned up so like where you have all these black wear and tear marks, you need to remove them... Maybe just have a little round the intake but other then that the RAAF keep there Aircraft in very high order and well maintained, try and show this the best you can on the skin

Last edited by Tonnie on 2009-05-28 13:28, edited 2 times in total.
HangMan: BF2 Editor, it has very strict limitations memory wise, and crashes all the time. Its like a girl. Treat it with respect and take it slow and you'll get places. Rush and get ahead of yourself and it will turn around and punch you in the mouth
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
relax mateHitman.2.5 wrote:If you read my second post properly you would of seen that I had a quote of a question I posted previously, but you didnt so I got an infraction for nothing, oh well i'm not fussed.
nice skin. love the ammount of detail the PR team goes into, it blows me away.
the point about the dirty looking aircraft, i agree it should be cleaner. i never understood why in games (especially bf) they 'dirty' up the aircraft. it doesn't make it more realistic, it just seems silly. i'm sure ground crews keep the planes clean...they are million dollar pieces of equipments after all

'[R-DEV wrote:NikovK']What you do is hold down alt and cycle through the seats. Eventually you'll find a free rope, usually seat 4 or so.
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
I do, I do!Scot wrote:Good knowledge!! Few people know that
Anyhow, nice model, nice skin, can't wait to see it in game![]()

And nice skin

Looking forward to the Aussies as well now

- Posts: 248
- Joined: 2008-08-15 01:12
Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
what just because of the F-18?HeXeY wrote:I do, I do!
And nice skin![]()
Looking forward to the Aussies as well now![]()

Translator: "He's not a bad man.."
Soldier: "He's not a bad man? he's got a BOMB strapped to him!"
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
That would be me stabby.Aestabjoo wrote:Good work to the lads doing this stuff, it's looking great.
I'm redoing the skin from scratch, removing all the dirt and rust and **** from the vanilla skin as well as standardizing the squadron insignia and general tidy ups ect. Pics when i'm done.
- Posts: 19
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
Slavak wrote:That would be me stabby.
I'm redoing the skin from scratch, removing all the dirt and rust and **** from the vanilla skin as well as standardizing the squadron insignia and general tidy ups ect. Pics when i'm done.
Sweet your the man Slavak

- Retired PR Developer
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
good to hear cant wait to see what you come out with mateSlavak wrote:That would be me stabby.
I'm redoing the skin from scratch, removing all the dirt and rust and **** from the vanilla skin as well as standardizing the squadron insignia and general tidy ups ect. Pics when i'm done.

HangMan: BF2 Editor, it has very strict limitations memory wise, and crashes all the time. Its like a girl. Treat it with respect and take it slow and you'll get places. Rush and get ahead of yourself and it will turn around and punch you in the mouth
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
That looks badass..Great addition to the mod.

In-Game Name: SmukeUK
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Wild_Bill: Smuke, you are a true ninja!.
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
ok so i know this is not a priority unit,
but just going over my mail. and apparently the f18/f "rhino" has arrived in town, and from what i have heard round the picnic table
these little beauties can cart around a single 5000lbs hardened ground penetration munition. supposedly there are a bunch of other variants but getting that kind of information might be a little harder to get.
the guys at the Boeing lab in Brisbane initially built them for F111's but since then have been modifying them for f35's and now the f18's (funnily enough this fix is pretty easy)
but just going over my mail. and apparently the f18/f "rhino" has arrived in town, and from what i have heard round the picnic table

the guys at the Boeing lab in Brisbane initially built them for F111's but since then have been modifying them for f35's and now the f18's (funnily enough this fix is pretty easy)
<22:31:15> "Supahpingi": i was actually mastrubating ferosiosly to mike meyers pictures
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
hey Slavak i havent seen you on msn for awile so i thort i would post here and might get a reply
hows she all going... one thing i would suggest is doing up the rivots in the metal but i will talk to u on msn laters 

HangMan: BF2 Editor, it has very strict limitations memory wise, and crashes all the time. Its like a girl. Treat it with respect and take it slow and you'll get places. Rush and get ahead of yourself and it will turn around and punch you in the mouth
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Re: [Vehicle] F/A - 18
For those who enjoy pictures

HangMan: BF2 Editor, it has very strict limitations memory wise, and crashes all the time. Its like a girl. Treat it with respect and take it slow and you'll get places. Rush and get ahead of yourself and it will turn around and punch you in the mouth