McLuv's guide to requesting air support

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Re: McLuv's guide to requesting air support

Post by McBumLuv »

Elektro wrote:Remember that you are able to place " Fake lasers " if you spot that some one is trying to lase your teams vechiles. You can put a fake one, a little further or "on" the enemy himself, and hope that the CAS hits the enemy instead of friendlies.
Yup, that's what I tried to cover a bit of in Chapter 5. You can't put the laze "on" the enemy asset itself, since IIRC bombs won't go for "friendly" targets, and if you paint a laze on an enemy asset it will become a "friendly" target for the enemy team.

Anyways, I've had first hand experience, I believe everyone in the PRT has. :| :? :(


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Re: McLuv's guide to requesting air support

Post by HangMan_ »

McLuv wrote: - Suggest a route by which your support can approach safely if there are any threats.
You also need to specify a route which will be safe for your squad. Always call in airsupport from Left-Right or Right-Left. If u have the jet coming toward u or flying over your head something is likely to go wrong... Mayb not the first time u try it but it will happen. And its not fair on the pilot if he gets done for TKing a whole squad wen it wasnt his fault....


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Re: McLuv's guide to requesting air support

Post by Dobson »

LudacrisKill wrote:Can you make the end note in chapter 3 in size 100 font and make it flash different colours?

Most annoying thing ever, I usually dont trust a lase unless its done by my spotter or someone I know, its just too risky.

I even see clan members do it... on 3 occasions members from GCA couldn't lase properly... and they think they are the best clan. pfff
Pfff your not the only one. Once on a map of Jabal I was confronted by a team of GCA idiots who wanted the attack Huey - fair enough they made the squad first... BEFORE 1:30 which was against the server rules. OK there was enough of them to crew a Huey fully and have one left for a spotter. So I tried bargaining that they could have one Huey and me and my friend would crew the other. The reply I got was: "GTFO DOBSON YOU NOOB!" so to end the story they managed to get both Huey's and ended up loosing one within the first couple of Min's and then proceeded to tk me and fling insults :? : Shame the admins wouldn't do anything :sad: That said I have had some good squads with GCA players.
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