All I want to say is I would have continued to work until I got removed from the team.
Well for my map I just would like to show you an early mini map of it, somethings aren't showing up and I don't feel like fixing the issue because I am scrapping it. Anyways so here it is. It was 8.3% completed at the time basic layout almost done for the terrain.

I want to give a special mention to a person who has always supported me, thank you [R-Com]Hangman you have helped me develop my maps. As well a special mention also go's to Zeno, Amok@ndy and [R-DEV]Irontaxi.
Some things I wanted to get accomplished before I left was completion of my map Suai and releasing it but that day will never come now

I feel like I wasn't welcomed here by everyone some really hated me and are the reason I am leaving here today, but I don't want to mention names. Until I am welcomed back I am out.
I still support all pr factions especially NZDF.

You might still ketch me around on the forums and playing a few rounds of PR, but until I am welcomed back to development of NZDF and especially community factions I won't map for project reality, maybe for fun but not to be released.
Anyways I will continue in the modding community but not for project reality so life moves on and I will move on. So good night, see you around.
As well, do not post useless/stupid/complaining comments I am getting sick of them.
Also thanks to the mapper Jones for his un-direct support and his kindness he showed to me. Thank you Jones.