recent news and footage

Discussion pertaining to the PR Brazilian & FARC Forces faction
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recent news and footage

Post by aescobar32 »

Today was a big day for the conflict against the FARC since early this morning, Operation Sodoma took place in order to eliminate frontman "Mono Jojoi". the video is in spanish but you can see the footage of some random clips of jungle combat against the FARC. summary of the video is the operation involved UH-60 transported troops deep in the amazon forest where a hideout was hinted by local police. the aircrafts recieved light arms fire. with the support of modified attack blackhawks, AH-60 and Brazilian manufactured Super Tucanos, the FARC camp was heavily bombed resulting in the death of 27 rebels including 'El Mono Jojoi'

Operación 'Sodoma': Victoria sobre las Farc
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Re: recent news and footage

Post by goguapsy »

Wow, very interesting!
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: recent news and footage

Post by Redamare »

that is interesting .... too bad i dont know spanish :( or i would understand why there fighting . . .. . it it turns into an on going issue then that would be a good cantidate for a map idea / operation mission (Operation Sodoma)
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Re: recent news and footage

Post by Glimmerman »

Well done for the Colombian army :)

To bad they didnt catch her:


She is a Dutch national who works for the FARC.

She escaped together with the new boss of the FARC.

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