Muttrah Sniping Guide

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Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by DoctorManhattan »


I will try to be concise & to the point in this guide.

How to aim the sniper rifle

a) On any movement using the WASD keys, wait for 8 secs before shooting. When you go from standing to prone position, wait for 8 secs. For every shot, you need to wait 4 secs for the next shot.

When you fire, keep holding the fire button to observe whether the target was hit. Release and count 4 secs from there for the next shot.

b) Where I place the crosshair is atypical. Bear in mind, I usually snipe from a7k5 mountains which is usually higher than the target.

For 400-500m,
For standing targets: Place them in the middle of the body, not the chest, but the waist. Typically I aim lower for the legs or the backside because chest hits might not be instant kills due to armor, however legs & backside are 1 shot disables. If they are resuscitated, shoot them again within 60s to ensure they cannot revive.

If you miss or target flinches due to a partial hit, don't get excited, just fire again after 4 secs. Newbies will try to drop a patch or start to crawl towards cover instead of running & usually die to the second hit.

For prone targets: I do not aim at the head or chest as most people do since this leads to misses. Again I aim for the backside when the enemy is proning at an angle to you or the legs, whichever part is bigger. If you do have to aim for the upper body, try aiming for the waist. If the enemy is laying horizontal to you (meaning you are looking at his side), place your your horizontal crosshair directly on the top line of the figure (which would be his back) rather than center of his mass (his side).

For high 500 to 600,
For standing targets: Aim for the tip of the head. Not the head, but the tip of it.
For prone targets: Aim the center of body, but again place the crosshair on the top line of the body. This is mostly silhouette shooting on Muttrah.

For >600m,
Same aiming point as above but this time, aim 1 hairline above the aiming point. But for Muttrah, typically you will be unable to see the target.
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by DoctorManhattan »

Sniping Locations & Procedure

Sniping locations are noted in red and green spots on the map.

Green denotes better spots on map. Red denotes dangerous spots to avoid if possible unless you have no where else to snipe from. Green spots are also where I usually hide to kill the newbie snipers at the Red spots. I will go through them 1 by 1.


First I'd talk from perspective as Mec sniper.

A.When the map begins, it is better to jump into an open squad in the final countdown seconds to grab the sniper rifle first & then leave to make a sniper squad. Before you deplore this behavior, think logically because this is justifiable and advantageous to the team. Firstly, if you know that you are very good as a sniper, it is better that you get the kit faster than the newbies who will take it into the frontline & lose it or who don't know where to snipe from. If the kit is picked up by the enemy, you will have 1 less sniper kit respawning until the enemy dies.

Leaving the squad serves to free up a space & besides, a sniper is useless to a 6 man squad in the frontline due to the 8s rule. Typically distance for attacking in frontlines is under 300m. A normal rifle is much faster to deplore and kill. If you say sniper can spot of the squad he is in, than that's really a waste of 1 spot. For spotting, just use mumble instead on the Squad Leader channel to help guide the SLs.

Also in a 2 man squad, only 1 person can get the sniper kit, hence in order to make a full sniper squad with 2 sniper rifles, 1 sniper rifle must come from another squad.

Hence a good Squad Leader understands this and should not begrudge someone coming into his squad to take the sniper kit.

B. Once you have the sniper kit, take a logistic truck and go with the second sniper. Or you can walk to the sniping spot at a7k5. I usually take a truck as I will require the crates to refill bandages & ammo fast. You will not want to take a 10 min walk back to base and then another 10mins back to the mountains. It is more effective for yourself and hence your team to be able to continuously fire at a7k5. Do not take the transport truck in the beginning as your team requires it to rush for caps. Logistic truck is better as a) people tend to abandon them at the frontlines b) the team can easily use the transport trucks to reload at main. Resupply is much faster as Mec. And in the first 5mins, they can take all the transport trucks for West obj & East obj with 1 logistic truck left over.

In my map, the path is denoted by the yellow line. Stop the truck at a8 where it is in the picture, drop the crates, and hide the truck near the mountains so the eventual cobra can't find it. Subsequently take your time to walk into A7k2 where the yellow line ends. There is a gentle slope there where you can walk up slowly to A7k5. There is no need to jump. If you are jumping, it means you are on the wrong path upwards.

Also there is no need to rush as everyone is moving towards their spots. If you really do get up there fast, you might get a surprise in the form of US choppers dropping off a sniper squad on your location very soon behind you as they might have the same idea to snipe from a7k5. Also there is not much to see at this point as US will be busy securing Docks objective.

Now I will go through the spots

Spot 1) This may be the best spot in game. You overlook everything on West & East caps, especially the mosque, the construction site, the roofs of every major building. The bulk of the tug of war will be played around this East & West objective anyway. If you arrive at the spot late or later in the game, you will find enemy newbie snipers along the ridgeline of the Spots 3, 4, 5 and 13. Spot 13 is a bit far to spot but you might see the silhouette when he makes his way south.

If Mecs lose East objective and majority of enemy is in South, you can proceed east along the ridge line to spot 12. This is a bit tricky and involves a lot of jumps & double jumps. Train first on an empty server.

2) Just west of Spot 1, this is the location to relocate to if enemy starts to fire upon Spot 1. Just go back down the hill and climb up again to Spot 2. This spot is slightly more obvious to the enemy due to how the graphics is drawn.

The downside to Spot 1 & 2 is that, should someone decide to sneak in to backstab you, there is nothing much you can do except defend with pistol or try to escape and hide by travelling west from Spot 2 or east from Spot 1.

3) This is a typical spot for newbie snipers from both sides. The crane in construction site is the most obvious position to spot and kill a sniper. Avoid using.

4) Again a typical spot for both sides. If you hear a single gun report while you are at Spot 1, quickly observe and counter snipe these guys at spots 3, 4, 5. Avoid using.

5) A typical spot for US side. Its a silhouette shot from Spot 1 but you should be able to hit it with no problem. Avoid using.

6) Typical newbie spot from top of the hotel. Everyone can spot you easily and kill you with a normal rifle. Avoid using.

7) This is top of the warehouse and used to be a lesser known spot and quite interesting for a US sniper to use. You can't really kill a lot but its good for spotting vehicle movement. Avoid using as US sniper.

8) Mosque tower. Again a newbie spot for any sniper. Easily spotted and sniped at. Avoid using.

9) This spot is partially covered by the green line. Its meant to denote the roof of the other hotel. It is a lousy spot for Mec as you cannot see much unless the US side has pushed beyond East objective. Easily spotted and killed. Avoid using.

10) This is at the Mec Fortress. You can't do much as a sniper here as you will see zero enemies unless they have already overran to South city. Again easily spotted and killed, especially by attack huey or cobra. Avoid using.

11) It is by the tower near the Mec main. It is good only for sniping onto South city when the enemy has overran that position. Interesting note, you can actually walk along the entire ridge line to a7k5 if you want to. Only spot to defend as Mec sniper really.

12) Already mentioned. This is used for overlooking onto East and South objectives as US sniper for offense or Mec sniper for defense.

13) This spot is really debatable. Most US snipers use it as their first spot as it is easy and fast to get to from their carrier. However I really dislike this spot as it is difficult to travel southwards without coming down to ground level which is dangerous territory for a sniper. Also most people know to fire towards this location when they get sniped at North Obj and there is no place to hide at the hills on 13.

I did not go further beyond North Obj as it is pointless. Once Mec team captures north and push to docks, it is almost game over for US team.

Paradoxically, only when your team is doing badly at pushing and capping, is when most of your kills will come in. When the Mec team is extremely efficient, you can maybe pick off 1 to 2 squads before USA gets pushed back to docks.
Last edited by DoctorManhattan on 2009-07-15 23:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by DoctorManhattan »

For US sniper,
The spots to use and avoid is the same as the Mec side. Meaning you must get to A7k5 as well. Stealth & intelligence is more important to you than speed. Do not rush to A7k5 because in the early part of the game, people are rushing in vehicles all over south part of the map so you won't be able to sneak in by boat or foot easily. Just wait for everyone else to go first.

There are 2 choices for you.
1) By chopper. If so, pray hard and confirm with the pilot that he is good enough to drop you off at a7k5. Some very good pilots have done it a lot. Some can even crush the enemy Mec sniper camping at a7k5 with the chopper if need be. Oftentimes I avoid choppers as there seems to be a curse where sniper+chopper=crash.

2) By boat. This is usually my choice. Follow the blue line on the map, keeping close to the coastline. Avoid the first landing near Mec fort and go for the second landing near hotel at c7k9, disembark and sneak up the steps. Follow the green line by quickly running past the waterfront road and you should be able to sneak over to South Obj and onwards to a7k5. So far I have never met anyone on my sneaky journey to South objective. They are usually at East and West objective by now.

Because the water route takes a longer time, it gives Mec snipers some time to settle in. This allows you to backstab them easily. Just walk up the slope and knife them. Or just go close and single shot them. More observant snipers will notice the sounds of you sneaking so if you already have the US kit, just snipe them from below the slope.

If you have the US kit and you managed to kill the enemy sniper, swap it out for the Mec kit to deprive them of 1 sniper. If you didn't have the kit in the first place, well a free kit for you!

Now you are in a dangerous yet highly profitable location. If no enemy sniper was there at all, you can safely snipe at a lot of Mecs from behind in West and East objective and they won't believe you are at A7k5 which should be slightly behind their frontline. If you had to take out the enemy sniper in the first place, consider relocating to either west of Spot 2 or east of Spot 1 because he might be back to backstab you. It really depends on whether he believed he got sniped or knifed. So try to overlook A8 and also snipe at West and East. This prevents backstabbing as not a lot of people know how to jump the ridges.

Tentatively that's all for now. Even though A7k5 is getting more and more popular, and the more experienced players know all about it, there are probably no other better spots to snipe from. Just remember, don't panic if bullets start flying towards you. Just crawl backwards until you can under cover. Use patches if you are injured. Otherwise just hide for 5mins until they forget about you and rotate between spot 1 and spot 2 to snipe from.

Anyway I'm done. I probably won't be back as I won't be playing PR anymore. So good luck and have fun sniping.
Last edited by DoctorManhattan on 2009-07-16 00:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by Riffraffselbow »

Nice guide. I'll try some of these tips next time I'm sniping.
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by |TG|venomgamerz »

I am very disturbed by this...

A. your idea of a sniper is a leet killing machine... when instead they should be used for informing your team and or commander and providing support. And by support i don't mean kill kill kill... I mean taking out SAW that are pinning down guys, spotting targets, killing that HAT. If you go into battle thinking you are gonna score some major killz, thats the bad approach.

B. Wow... taking a truck and abandoning it... Wait... taking a logitruck and abandoning it... Are you trying to contradict the word teamwork?

C. Joining a squad and taking a sniper rifle, so you can have 2 snipers... That sounds alittle anti team and pro leet killing... Then saying that a "Good SL" would be one to understand, If you are in a squad and the SL is briefing you, he asks bob, go medic, and you say oh im just in here to get a sniper rifle... that is not a good soldier.

D. calling people noobs... i swear a rambo sniper is a vanilla thing isnt it? definition of vanilla?

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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by SkaterCrush »

|TG|venomgamerz wrote:I am very disturbed by this...

A. your idea of a sniper is a leet killing machine... when instead they should be used for informing your team and or commander and providing support. And by support i don't mean kill kill kill... I mean taking out SAW that are pinning down guys, spotting targets, killing that HAT. If you go into battle thinking you are gonna score some major killz, thats the bad approach.

B. Wow... taking a truck and abandoning it... Wait... taking a logitruck and abandoning it... Are you trying to contradict the word teamwork?

C. Joining a squad and taking a sniper rifle, so you can have 2 snipers... That sounds alittle anti team and pro leet killing... Then saying that a "Good SL" would be one to understand, If you are in a squad and the SL is briefing you, he asks bob, go medic, and you say oh im just in here to get a sniper rifle... that is not a good soldier.

D. calling people noobs... i swear a rambo sniper is a vanilla thing isnt it? definition of vanilla?

Yeah thats sort of what I thought too. Another piece of advice is the crane. It is amazing with an all around view and good cover. In vBF2 people would look there instinctively, but in PR I doubt people would give it a glance.

Another tip is if you have the choice not shoot when the enemy is looking in your general direction; they could see your muzzle burst and track you down.
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by Pronck »

Another great position to snipe is at the docks, under the concrete "pier" there are some dry places under where you can lie down and have good look out over the mosque and the main road ;-D
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by DoctorManhattan »

Thanks for the feedback. Have been away for 3 months for some hardcore pvp in another game, just got back into a few games & have some replies for you guys.


Don't get me wrong. The game is won largely by straight legs on the ground, capping objectives. However I believe that you have not actually tried out anything in the guide or that you do not play as sniper exclusively & hence will not understand how it all gels together. I am a power gamer & I play exclusively as sniper or engineer on Muttrah, because these 2 are the few classes which can turn the battle on its head. (Side note: played well, engineers can take out US advancement almost from the 5-10min mark onwards by eliminating virtually all aerial advantage. Spend a bit more time & you can lock down APCs as well)

Again this is for Muttrah:

1) A very good sniper can get 5%-10% of the tickets via kills alone. 20-40 kills is about right for me if I'm on my game, in a team of 32 players, that's a significant contribution. Killing entire squads on caps or harassing FBs are easy if you follow the guide. You can stop advances as well because killing a whole squad means they'd have to spend a lot of time respawning and regrouping, it all adds up.

2) I still stand by the logistic truck/boat decision. In the overall scheme, it is still the correct decision for me because I know the havoc any really good sniper can wreck, especially me.

3) Again, like I said, as a sniper, you just grab your gear and go. I play to my forte. I know I'm not a good medic, so I don't bother. An understanding SL will know that a Sniper is detrimental to his squad. A Sniper is better off as SL communicating to the Commander & coordinating air strikes.

4) Shrug, I never played vanilla bf2. I only picked up this game for PR. I was a Tank Commander & I loved how the sounds in the game is similar to the ones I hear in my tank.

Anyway I still stand by my guide as probably the most optimal way to play Sniper on Muttrah. I still coordinate air strikes and all that, however most games, the cobra crew is terrible so its a waste of time. The team still benefits from my constant report on enemy locations anyway. However between waiting for an squad to move in on that enemy position 100m away, I'd rather snipe the whole lot myself.


1) Sorry bro, the crane is the worst place to snipe from on Muttrah. It is the first place anyone looks at.


1) Unfortunately, the pier does not offer an elevated vantage point & offers targets only in 1 dimension. At the hills, you can see everything & everyone, which increases your opportunity to strike.

Anyway this is still in my opinion, the optimal way to play sniper on Muttrah. The first few games I went into, I still went over 20-0.

One memorable game I played yesterday was when I went 11-0 as US sniper in the first 5-10mins of the game, just camping the MEC FB at West Obj (The MEC side was really bad, they couldn't spot me at all). I believe I could have set a personal record that game by going 50-0. However a newbie pilot had to land on top of me to deliver another sniper (who died in 3 miins)... I got switched to MEC side, went back to the same
spot & sniped down the US troops. I think I got 20+ at the end. We won by a really slight margin of 10-0.

I've read through some of the recent threads on what a sniper should do & I'll have to disagree with most of them. Recon? Really? You don't need a sniper for that. What those posters present are an idealized version of what they think a Sniper should be. However in this game, it doesn't work like that. A really good sniper is a killing force all on his own.

On Muttrah, a good sniper can be so disruptive that the enemy eventually sends in either the Cobra or APC/BTR to try to flush you out.
Last edited by DoctorManhattan on 2009-11-19 13:57, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by Nick_Gunar »

Very effective but from now on, you will have to avoid all the spots you have marked lol
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by DoctorManhattan »


Yes I had assumed that as well before I went off 3 months ago. However rest assured that it is OK to use those few spots. Reason being there are a lot more influx of new players into the game. They have zero idea what to do the first time they are under sniper fire. Also they do not know where to look.

Some old players have moved on to other games. And some "experienced" players are not even sure how to get to these areas. So I was pretty much wrong about not being able to reuse these spots. I'm reusing these and its still OK. Just keep low & don't move much once you get settled in.
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by 0331SgtSpyUSMC »

Good post. I have to agree with Doc here, most of the time sniper is left on his own. Even when you try to play as a part of the team, very seldom that anyone actually listens to enemy location reports. A good sniper can most of the time if not stop then definitely slow opposite force down by a great deal. I once held 2 sqds from advancing, allowing my team to flank and overrun them. However, when you do have a good commander as well as descent SL's, a sniper becomes a very valuable intel provider. Nothing is better than executing a well coordinated air strike on enemy FOB and saving cobra by taking out an AA gunner moments before. As for joining a sq just to get a sniper kit, I've done it so is 90 % of PR community have. I'm sure of it. I think there is nothing wrong with allowing 2 sniper kit to be requested in the same sq, because this is how they end up most of the time anyways.

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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by Nick_Gunar »

DoctorManhattan wrote:@Nick

Yes I had assumed that as well before I went off 3 months ago. However rest assured that it is OK to use those few spots. Reason being there are a lot more influx of new players into the game. They have zero idea what to do the first time they are under sniper fire. Also they do not know where to look.
To be honest, I think your post is great really but I didn't make myself clear enough ^^.
The only problem is that every "sniper hunters" (myself included lol) visiting this thread know the common used positions for new snipers in PR, you see?

I watch all the times for mountains, hotel roof, water tower in muttrah and now I have discovered more spots :lol:
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by Winstonkalkaros »

Basic requirements of PR Sniper:

- You have trained in single player or training server.

- You have a spotter to work with you (Not always necessary in short ranges)

- You have you SL's permission to play as sniper.
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by PFCWashburn »

None of you know the true spot to snipe from in Muttrah...
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Re: Muttrah Sniping Guide

Post by Limitbreaker »

0331SgtSpyUSMC wrote: As for joining a sq just to get a sniper kit, I've done it so is 90 % of PR community have. I'm sure of it.
So I ask you, is it okay? I mean to solo as sniper.

To be honest I don't have any friends playing PR and I doubt anyone of them would like to play "the worse" role (spotter), same as most people in DotA want to play carries instead of supports.

I've been always refraining myself from taking Sniper kits to solo because I always heard how bad and wrong it is. And I just couldn't force myself to be such an *******.

Now I ain't sure if it'd make me an ******* though. :confused:
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