Wicca wrote:Mumble should be part of the # franchise imo.
It's not a franchise
And I thought we were pretty clear about this.
This tag means we are teamwork-oriented. What does it mean? It means I'm not stupid. It means I am not a f-tard. If you are not on mumble, you are not necessarily an f-tard.
Feel free to re-read the first post, my friend. And the entire discussion about mumble as well.
We are not saying we are against mumble. We are just saying that we don't HAVe to get into mumble.
Get the point, people: this tag does not include
any obligations except for playing the game right. Playing the game right is following your SLs orders, not ruining the game for others and not exploiting. If you want to use mumble, go ahead - I like it and I find it useful on some servers, specially if you are SL. If you don't want to use it, fine with me.
+In the future, people are gonna be saying that the tag should also mean we all must have VOIP. I hope I don't have to explain why we would never add this.