That's great news!
I wish I could do something more than just the two ideas of winning/losing-sounds I made, but I have very limited knowledge at the area of 3D-modeling. I mean, I have used 3Ds Max before, and Cinema4D etc, but not for actual modeling, more like animate already modeled models and putting them in films. I'm a hell of a director of movies and special effects, but that's kinda it.. If you need a 3D sphere, call me.
I was in the army this year, as CV90 gunner if you need any help at the HUD or something. Gave some notes and pictures to someone here a while ago, and I really want the CV90 to be awesome. I still have an inside guy there if you need anything, a grenadier as gunner at CV90, access to a lot of other stuff too.
I am currently taking a bachelor in Information Technology, but unless you need a Java-application to pop up during game-play saying "Hello World!", I'm not much of use..
I imagined that BF3's graphics, game-play and game-modes would kill PR for me, but the more I play, the more I miss the incredible team-play and realism of Project Reality.
I've been searching the web continuously for almost three weeks now, in hope for good news in the "BF3-modding tools has arrived"-area without luck.

R would do some serious damage to ones social life, in the good way of course.
I have a brand new i7 2600K, GTX580 and 16 f***ing gigabytes of RAM waiting for BF3

R. And I would gladly give dice all my Christmas gifts in exchange for modding tools, even though we probably would't see the light of BF3

R in 3-5 years. Or it would be awesome if they just gave us the whole Frostbite 2 engine to make PR2.