Well you could have two types of ammunition as described, high-exposive for general bombardments and piercing for antistructure work, that could be used against bunkers alike JDAM.
I agree that best will be to make the shell fall, so it can hit most of the map.
Should all 4 turrets be entarable? I think its better to have half of them enterable and give them this 30sec reload then have all enterable and the make the reload longer for the balance, as anything above 30 sec seems guite boring to me.
I am thinking that maybe two turrents should be used to shell "another beach", maybe turned 45 degrees to the west of east and just firing away, off the map, just to increase the ambience. Then you would have two turrets to be used by players to aid the team.
How were the guns fired? IRL they had 3 guns, ingame one turret has two guns, but were they fire at once, or one at a time? Im just asking, i dont know much about it.
PS: While im thinking, wasnt this map originally supposed to be a north-south attack for U.S., but it got accidentally turned?