PRTA Infantry and Vehicle Training - 3-4/8/2012 1800PRT 3

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PRTA Infantry and Vehicle Training - 3-4/8/2012 1800PRT 3

Post by Wicca »

Infantry and Vehicle Training
- Training for new players of PR, but i'm sure some already trained players also could learn something from this.

When? 3/8/2012 1800PRT
Where? PRTA EU 3 server
How long will it take? 120-150 minutes
Requirements? A working microphone, Mumble 1.0 and some patience
Do I need to sign up? yes please sign up and comment if there is something particular you would like to learn.
Additional info: This training event will be a small exclusive training session with 1-7 trainees, and 1 instructor and possibly a few "live targets" to practice on. 4 different maps with 8 different factions will be used during the event to practice as many scenarios as possible.

What will I learn?
You will become a better more efficient player and you will be able to combat armor with armor or as infantry using AT weapons. You will learn some things that you cannot find in the manual.

1. Training with demolition weapons. (LAT, HAT, AP, Combat engineer and Granadier)
2. Infantry rearming efficiently
3. Accurate mortar training
4. APC, IFV, and Tank training (driving and firing techniques ect.)
5. Various tips about the game mechanics. (no exploits)
6. On demand training (whatever the trainees decide they wanna learn more about)

Instructor: Dustuna

Infantry and Vehicle Training - 3/8/2012 1800PRT

PRTA - Project Reality Teamwork Alliance

Training Saturday also!
Saturday 18:00 PRT 4/8 2012
Last edited by Wicca on 2012-07-31 19:10, edited 7 times in total.
Xact Wicca is The Joker. That is all.
Posts: 17
Joined: 2012-07-01 17:48

Re: PRTA Infantry and Vehicle Training - 3/8/2012 1800PRT

Post by PRICHM »

Where do I sign up?
Posts: 10
Joined: 2006-09-21 18:54

Re: PRTA Infantry and Vehicle Training - 3/8/2012 1800PRT

Post by Inaith »

Hum, I'm interrested into that session, I'm quite experienced into Project Reality gaming as infantry but not as much as I'd like to when it deals with vehicles...
I supposed I've to sign up here?
Posts: 7334
Joined: 2008-01-05 14:53

Re: PRTA Infantry and Vehicle Training - 3/8/2012 1800PRT

Post by Wicca »

Updated with link to signup.
Xact Wicca is The Joker. That is all.
Posts: 315
Joined: 2012-04-01 11:41

Re: PRTA Infantry and Vehicle Training - 3/8/2012 1800PRT

Post by RazoR41 »

Pity, i can't join this, i'd love to but i can't get my account even on vBF2 :sad:
Posts: 7334
Joined: 2008-01-05 14:53

Re: PRTA Infantry and Vehicle Training - 3/8/2012 1800PRT

Post by Wicca »

Training Saturday also!
Saturday 18:00 PRT 4/8 2012
Xact Wicca is The Joker. That is all.

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