note it's WIP, still some things that I already know will get fixed(missing seat heads, no rounds on all LODS,some missing double faces,some re-uving needed,...). Col's are also made but will keep those for later. it's mostly about the actual modelling that I'm seeking feedback.
triangle counts:
LOD0: 3791
LOD1: 2727
LOD2: 737
LOD3: 430
LOD4: 185
LOD0: 2159
LOD1: 754
LOD2: 273
LOD3: 124
Screens and p3d.in links:
p3d.in - zu-23-2-lod0

p3d.in - ZU-23-2 lods

p3d.in - ZU-23-2 wrecks

Hiarachy, similar to ZPU4, so should be correct? Only my second export attempt, take it slow