Please help me to fly jets!

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Please help me to fly jets!

Post by Heskey »

Hi all,

I've played PR for 4-5 years but have never had much experience in most assets because of asset whores.

I'd really like to become a proficient pilot in jets.

I have a Roccat Isku illuminated gaming keyboard (I use it as a normal keyboard):


I have a Logitech G5 mouse:


And a Logitech EXTREME 3D PRO joystick:


I've always thought a joystick is best for flying jets due to the ability to simply hold back on the stick to pitch up, instead of having to keep dragging a mouse down the mouse mat. Also, the ability to set a throttle level instead of having to tap W.

Opinion in PR seems to be divided.

I've always flown helicopters using keyboard and mouse and would say I am an expert in this; it feels natural and comfortable.

I don't know whether to use joystick or KB/M to fly jets.

I need help training in them, in all aspects. I have only once or twice been a gunner/bomber passenger, and so have little idea how certain weapon systems work.

If you're willing to get in game and help train me, please PM me, or reply to this post!
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Re: Please help me to fly jets!

Post by emmanuel15 »

Check out [R-DEV]Spearhead channel. He have a decent landing tutorials if that your problem (mine for high speed jets). As for air tactics read all at Basic fighter maneuvers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia or just jump to the manuvers. I don't know if physics works the same on PR but for sure this manuvers will 100% help you if you understand how it works and how to moves, learn the other planes abilities (the su-27 is quite dengerous) and your's capabilites and do co-op

As for a teacher i tried...never got replaid :(

EDIT: don't forget to use the F's to find your enemy and still control the plane
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Marcus Aurelius

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Re: Please help me to fly jets!

Post by DC_K »

Practice on your own. That's the only way you'll reach your true potential skill. Also, no one can tell you what controls to use. It's all personal preference. You say you're comfortable flying helicopters using the mouse and keyboard; I can't tell you to use a joystick instead. You have to find the good balance of controls. Now that doesn't mean I can't share what controls I use, which is also the mouse and keyboard, but again, it's just to give you a feel on what others use.

Start up Kashan on a local server, edit the configs to where the jets spawn faster, and practice flying, landing, make hypothetical CAS situations, and go from there. Watching Youtube videos of CAS can also help you become better.

You'd be surprised, most of the great pilots who play PR have a cheap non-DPI mouse or a random keyboard.
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Re: Please help me to fly jets!

Post by Heskey »

As far as I'm aware, flight physics in PR aren't anything like IRL; e.g. you need to thrust for additional turn rate in PR, unlike RL where you would slow down for a tighter arc.

Landing and takeoffs aren't a problem; it's combat and bombing I need help with.
operationBH wrote:You'd be surprised, most of the great pilots who play PR have a cheap non-DPI mouse or a random keyboard.
Oh I know, and that's why I think I need help! =]
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Re: Please help me to fly jets!

Post by Arctree »

I use a force feedback 2 stick and a fang pad which are as rare as hells teeth but improved my game no end oh and an imperator 2012 mouse.
A killer kit choice.
The fang pad is programable and does macros and more. Check it out.
As for flying ? Just keep trying.
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Re: Please help me to fly jets!

Post by DC_K »

Heskey wrote: Landing and takeoffs aren't a problem; it's combat and bombing I need help with.
Watch some Youtube videos of CAS bombings and dogfights, that should be a good start.
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Re: Please help me to fly jets!

Post by Inspektura43 »

I dont think theres anyone that will tell u how to fly jets.Got to find out yourself
and these Basic fighter maneuvers doesnt work in PR anymore because of the low view distance maybe the scissors but only with slowing down

you cant really perform any manouvers by the time you try to do this high yoyo or whatever the nme jet will already be out of sight

And to be honest no experience because of asset whores is a stupid excuse.
You can make asset squads whenever you want I dont see where the problem is.
Last edited by Inspektura43 on 2013-09-30 05:11, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Please help me to fly jets!

Post by AfterDune »

Perhaps Rhino's Flight Training video will help a bit. Don't know how up-to-date it still is in current PR, but I reckon it's a good start nonetheless:

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Re: Please help me to fly jets!

Post by matty1053 »

What I do...

Practice in Local.

I just have issues in landing.
I can do dog fightings no prob.

I did a successful landing once on Kashan because of the enemy AA camping our main in US side.

I recommend asking players who fly a lot to give you tips and twigs.
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Re: Please help me to fly jets!

Post by Kommandos0 »

Heskey wrote: I've always thought a joystick is best for flying jets due to the ability to simply hold back on the stick to pitch up, instead of having to keep dragging a mouse down the mouse mat. Also, the ability to set a throttle level instead of having to tap W.
To pitch up and down in a jet you don't have to drag your mouse you can just use your up and down arrow keys which is a lot easier. For me I see no honest appeal to fly a jet with a joystick apart from being able to set a speed with the throttle. Since you actually have a joystick just experiment and see which one you prefer more.

Also practice a lot in a local server (not co-op) as it will you make you a better pilot in general.
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