[Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [Released]

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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Ason »

I don't know if it is related but since the new update I can't open my map in the editor. It keeps crashing when loading objects, ru_apc_mtlb_hmg. I can open the editor and choose mod but it crashes when I load the map. I tried removing the mtlb from pr_edit\objects\vehicles folder,removed GPO in mapfolder and tried with earlier backup map but no success:/..
Does someone know what the problem could be?
EDIT:Solved :) changed the mtlb to bmp2 in the gpo's
Last edited by Ason on 2014-01-05 02:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Ason »

Is there some tutorial of how to set up the UAV to work ingame? Do I need to copy objects/common folder from PR folder to PR_edit folder to get the new commandposts?

The pavements are z-fighting like crazy so I would like to see how bad it is in-game with UAV.

EDIT: It worked easier than I thought, just placed the old command post and it worked. For some reason there is no z-fighting at all in-game which is absolutely great because I thought I would have to change every pavement in the map :D
Also got a temporary minimap :) (without OG)
Last edited by Ason on 2014-01-12 17:01, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Ason »

I have now set up both aas64 and aas32 layer but only the 64 layer is showing in the maplist.
Do I need to pack the map before this works?
I got both 64 and 32 folder in the gpm_cq folder. I followed this tutorial but it's very outdated so I don't know if it still the way to do it.
https://www.realitymod.com/forum/f189-m ... -maps.html
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Rabbit »

Posted the info that is in your notepad named Assault on Grozny located in your info folder.

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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Ason »

Rabbit wrote:Posted the info that is in your notepad named Assault on Grozny located in your info folder.

Code: Select all

	<name> grozny_first </name>
	<briefing locid="LOADINGSCREEN_MAPDESCRIPTION_Map_Name">map description for modders maps not localized (english only)</briefing>
	<music> common/sound/menu/music/map9.ogg </music>
		<mode type="gpm_cq">
			<maptype players="64" type="headon" locid="GAMEMODE_DESCRIPTION_aasfullassets">Unlocalized test for this mode on this map</maptype>
should I add this below the same with 64?
<maptype players="32" type="headon" locid="GAMEMODE_DESCRIPTION_aasfullassets">Unlocalized test for this mode on this map</maptype>
EDIT: Thanks for directing me to the right path Rabbit, it works now :)
Last edited by Ason on 2014-01-14 18:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Ason »

Hey guys. I mentioned earlier that I had some problems with z-fighting pavements in the editor but not in the UAV ingame. Now it turns out that when I'm flying with choppers the z-fighting shows just like in the editor.
So my question is, what solution to this problem would be accepted by the PR-team? I really don't have the energy/motivation to fix the terrain around every pavement so since it only shows when in chopper, would removing the AH from the map be an acceptable solution?

(only terrain that z-fights with pavements, not pavements with eachother and only seen when in chopper)
Last edited by Ason on 2014-01-16 16:31, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Element-X_IV »

I use sidewalks on my map too although I haven't experienced z-fighting so far, not sure if it's because of the height I have it at off the terrain or if graphics settings might have effect on this.

How high is the back side of your sidewalks off the ground? By back side I mean, the shorter edge opposite from the curb. If the back side sinks into the ground a bit, you could try raising it a bit more where it perfectly meets the ground, it could help I guess.
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Ason »

Element-X_IV wrote:I use sidewalks on my map too although I haven't experienced z-fighting so far, not sure if it's because of the height I have it at off the terrain or if graphics settings might have effect on this.

How high is the back side of your sidewalks off the ground? By back side I mean, the shorter edge opposite from the curb. If the back side sinks into the ground a bit, you could try raising it a bit more where it perfectly meets the ground, it could help I guess.
the back side is a littlebit less than halfway through the terrain so I guess it would help to bring them up a bit.

Is it possible to raise all pavements in the map by a specific number at once?
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Mineral »

you can select an pavements, then use 'select all of the same object'(or something similar) and them move them all together?
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Ason »

[R-CON]Mineral wrote:you can select an pavements, then use 'select all of the same object'(or something similar) and them move them all together?
Yeah I will give it a try but I find it very hard to move something like 1 cm manually. I don't know if my mouse is bad but it feels like there is a minimum of like 5 cm between every step when draging objects with the mouse. so it just goes too much to one way or too much the other.

And also I have different types with different heights so I need to raise them all by a specific value :/

EDIT: I found this but I don't know how to use it :/
Last edited by Ason on 2014-01-16 17:43, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by sylent/shooter »

Just select the object (s) and hold down shift and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move them. Page up and Page down are the Y axis, Arrow up and down is the Z axis and Left and Right are the X axis.

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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Ason »

[R-CON]sylent/shooter wrote:Just select the object (s) and hold down shift and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move them. Page up and Page down are the Y axis, Arrow up and down is the Z axis and Left and Right are the X axis.
Okey so simply removing air assets is not a solution?

I tried what you suggested but the problem is for example when raising 24m pavements 1 pageup click raises them (X)cm while 1 click for 12m pavements raises them (Y)cm. If they would raise the same amount I could just mark all 24m and raise them 3 clicks and do the same for all other types. Or if I could select all different types of pavements at once and then raise them together that could work but I don't know if it's possible to select all 24m, 12m, corner1 etc at once.

Since I'm not following the grid I got pavements overlapping at some places. I have put in heights that don't make them z-fight but still being able to walk over them without problems.
I use 3 different heights on the pavements:

I use these heights with different kinds of pavements so some of the 24m pavements got the height 24.87600 and some 24.86600 etc. And because some of them are overlapping I have to raise them by the same exact number otherwise the overlapping parts will most likely turn out wrong and z-fight.

I thought I could use the boxes in my last picture to use some kind of [select all objects of type] and
[raise all objects (x)cm] function or something, does someone know anything about this?

This is the general height of the backside of the pavements atm:
Last edited by Ason on 2014-01-16 19:51, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Psyrus »

Looks like you should delve into the staticobjects.con and edit it there, as it'll be far more efficient IMO. If you can write yourself a small script it'll be even quicker. Ancientman did some awesome stuff with regexp before, but I am not proficient with that (haven't done it in ages)... so you might be able to regexp it (although for this purpose I think a script would be better).
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by salaminl »

Any news on the map ?
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Ason »

salaminl wrote:Any news on the map ?
Nope, I just got a small part left to build on the city but I'm out of motivation, but I might pick it up again soon. Thanks for your interest :)
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by Pvt.LHeureux »

I have interest too!! I tried to do Grozny once, my first map :| . Scrapped it haha.

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Post by Microwaife »

Keep going man!
The map looks very promising!

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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by lucky.BOY »

Look through the thread and see how far you have come, it would be a shame to let it go..
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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Post by MasterNimrod »

I Agree! This is a map that PR has never seen before! I think it has a great potential. I imagine myself sneaking a squad through the city, taking down their apc's. The assault on Grozny will be recreated time after time when you finish the map for us! :D

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