This we do not change. However, we are making this thread to give you all a clear direction on what to do if you think you have solid evidence of a server being handled badly, that is, admin abuse or other breaches of the server license agreement.
Do not use this to complain about a simple unfair temp ban, but if you seriously think you can make a solid case for a server being utterly badly handled, just do this:
PM [R-MOD]Nate. We will not be inclined to act if the PM does not contain evidence of actual breaches of agreement and all necessary information. Please do as much investigation as possible yourself to increase your chances of me being able to do something about it, We do not have a lot of time. If you can make a strong case, like with a number of screenshots of a certain admin misbehaving severely or on several occasions, AND if you already exhausted the possibility to complain directly to the clan / host via their forums, send me all you have and we will look into it.
To read the server license, please check here:
The actual license is visible if you click "User Server License", enter a random date of birth older than 18, and then read it. This does not mean you actually applied, if you then cancel. We won't quote it all here and it's nowhere else currently, but I think it's not too much of a bother to enter a date of birth to see it