The ATC feature will be in v1.3.5 on Operation Soul Rebel but so far it isn't in any other map.CR8Z wrote:Will the ATC make it into 1.4 when Falklands is expected (hopefully) to be released?
I have been excited about this ever since the first update about it. What a great addition to the game and totally new gameplay to an FPS!
With the Re-Integration of PR:Falklands it will all be on the Falklands too.
For it being included in other maps, at the moment it is with the cost of the UAV for modern maps, not an issues for PR:F since there is no UAVs but more of a problem for modern ones and they are not the simplest things to setup. If there is enough call for it we may look into ways of solving the UAV issue and integrating it into more maps.
Not a chance, at least for most of us here at PR, some might. But our experience with BF2 has taught us that EAs support to mods is very limited at best when originally they claimed BF2 would be the best modding platform in the world, only to pull all support for modding soon after BF2 was released.greg3000 wrote:Do you think In the future if EA releases a possibility to mod BF3/4/hardline, You would try to mod PR into one of them ?
The future is in making Indie games, where you have so much more flexibility and even far more support than you do in most areas of the modding world, not to mention the potential to make money from it. Although modding is still the best way to start off from for people looking into getting into game development.