So for those who aren't aware, this 14th of September marks the 1 year anniversary of BASED. To celebrate, we will be hosting a mappack on Wednesday, 14th of September at 1830PRT! More info below.
It is honestly a huge moment for our community. 1 year ago, we left PRTA to join a teamspeak hosted on a crappy VPS that barely had enough slots for Tier Zero, let alone the other 9 clans that left. BASED now runs servers for both PR & SQUAD. We can grant admin powers and reserve slots via our forums. We have a multiserver control panel that allows us to ban rule breakers from all of our servers via a browser. All of our admins can login and query logs on players from all of our servers at once.
TL;DR we have gone from basically nothing, to having an extremely advanced, automated, and easy to use system.
During the event, we invite everyone interested in coming and hanging out to join us on our teamspeak. Its highly likely that many of us will be very drunk and having many laughs on teamspeak, so come join the fun.
If you would like to get a reserved slot for the event/BASED servers in general, sign up on our website here and have a chat to any member of BASED.
- Adak v9.14 by Rusty42
- FuShe Pass revamped by Rabbit
- Nuijamaa_v2 by Rabbit
- Strike at Karkand revamped by Rabbit
- Burning Sands by Rudd, rebalanced layouts by FFG & Zwilling.
- Kashan by Duckhunt & Potatochan, rebalanced layouts by FFG & Zwilling.
- Khamisiyah by AFSoccer, rebalanced layouts by FFG, X-alt & Zwilling.
- Qwai River by IronTaxi, rebalanced layouts by FFG & Rabbit.
Drag the maps from the pack to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr\levels
Server password : TBA
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P.S. you can build a community on Dank m3m3s and 420 Blazit attitudes.