Increase time before you are thrown out of server when connection is lost

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Increase time before you are thrown out of server when connection is lost

Post by Leopard20 »

How can I increase the time that my connection is allowed to be "dead" before I am thrown out of the server (which says "your connection has been lost")? Sometime I lose my internet connection for like 10 seconds but before my connection is back up I'm thrown out of the server (which takes me like 10 mins to rejoin!)
I don't mean increase the time like by an hour! Just a few more seconds would be nice.
PR:BF2 Developer
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Joined: 2009-08-10 18:58

Re: Increase time before you are thrown out of server when connection is lost

Post by AlonTavor »

Timeout is hardcoded on both server and client. Not possible.
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