So we've got the Networked Tank Projectiles ready (Basically fixes issues with not hearing cannon shots and hit detection), but the problem with the current system is that the particle tracer effect will cull at around 150m away from the player view.
[R-DEV]AlonTavor came up with a solution to use the model to render the projectiles like the RPG's which do not have this issue. Currently it's setup to use the RPG projectile model but we do need your help.
We would like someone to model Green, Red and Yellow tracers, and if possible have a glow effect via shaders/reflective material or otherwise a lightsource effect can be attached to provide the glow
If that's not possible, a model of a generic Tank Projectile will suffice for both HE and AP rounds.
This would enable to release this as part of v1.6 hopefully.