Please add SP option

Suggestions and feedback pertaining to Project Reality Single Player.
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Please add SP option

Post by shephart »

for gods sake, please give us the simple SP option back, which allows us to play with 255 bots without any unbalanced teams, or atleast allow us to have 255 bots in COOP. I dont see a point in limit that, beside that most of us have good enough specs for playing BF2/PR with 255 bots.
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by AlonTavor »

which allows us to play with 255 bots without any unbalanced teams,
When was that? I don't remember client-side ever going over 100.
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by Fastjack »

AlonTavor wrote:When was that?
Longtime ago .... before 1.5
AIX had flightschool servers with 255 bots. Sofar i know, was it done via botratio percentage 300 - 500 %. You had manually to modify the serversetting with notepad because vanilla bf2 can only raise up to 100%

You also needed a name list with atleast 255 bots and many bots bugged out and standing around because of the SAI wasn't able to handle it.
DICE cheated the sp mode in (like using the MP map with activated ai=1) but i dont remember exactly.

PR with 255 bots :-o ..... Isn't fun because of the supression effect.
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by SemlerPDX »

That's exactly how I use to play Battlefield 1942: Desert Combat Mod, I feel for ya -- but in Project Reality mod, the closest you will get these days is COOP mode, hosting a local session as COOP as if you're hosting a local server without a public server license, but you'll never get the bot count that high.

The various parts, modes, and components of PR are developed by humans (sorry to state the obvious), individuals who have a little free time in their lives and some goals for PR, and not one of them has a goal to bring a Single Player mode back to Project Reality as far as anyone knows; it's a pretty safe assumption. This is a multiplayer mod. 100%.

Making things takes effort and a lot of time, and they have to gauge where to expend that energy where it would have the most impact. I promise it is not an offense when I say that you are just about the only one who wants a Single Player mode in PR, and those factors matter to programmers who spend their personal free time on this mod (as opposed to just playing games). Even a new idea that IS in line with the Team vs. Team gameplay gets evaluated for that factor, to gauge if it's worth spending anywhere from 160 to 1600+/- hours programming something new for this game mod.

We can't know all this when we suggest something we'd like, so don't feel bad that this is getting pointed out to you. I'm only doing it in case you are curious as to why this suggestion will likely not get any serious attention, and why PR SP is not coming back. Again, I feel for ya, but this is the reality.
Last edited by SemlerPDX on 2019-07-21 18:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by Arab »

If you want to play with 255 bots offline, there's nothing stopping you.

We didn't remove this option intentionally, but I will work on trying to increase the bot counts in the main menu to allow this without a tool (Only for Offline since Online requires quite some work).

Locally, you can use this tool called BF2 Bot Changer to increase the bots to a big level, but you need to play around with to get it balanced.

Make sure you backup or just the whole .ai files before you modify it.

It won't work in server mode because it's only applies to SP local mode but yeah.
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by Double_13 »

The game has a hardcoded limit of bots for opfor of 48.

having 250 bots will simple lead to battles of 48 vs 202.
Would be fun for zombie mod
Last edited by Double_13 on 2019-07-28 08:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by Fastjack »

Adding spawnpoins only for humans on opfor side could result in X human players vs. 202 zombies.
The 48 opfor bots never spawn.
Michael Z Freeman
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by Michael Z Freeman »

PR used to have an SP mode ?! What was this ? Track down the terrorists only to find that, yet again, a key member of your team has turned traitor? Cut scenes directed by Steven Spielberg and voice acting by Bradd Pitt ?

But I digress.

The PR practice mode has always been "SP" enough for me. Going "SP" should called Solo. That's what all the cool kids are calling it. As always with BF2 its more controllable running as a dedicated server but I still don't understand how to do this with PR (running on a LAN without a public server license). Am I missing something obvious ?
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by Fastjack »

Sp is the solo mode. PR has only the coop mode.

I looked into bf2 vanilla.

I think DICE cheated the SP mode in like this but i dont know if that works in SP but Arab mentioned it got never removed so it should.

First :

The sp mode is a exact copy of the MP GPO layer of same size. 16/32/64
The MP version needs to be done same as you create a ai supported map. In translation to PR - all deployment layers maps need strategicareas in their GPO's etc.

Than you create GPO's for SP1 (16) - SP2 (32) - SP3 (64). If PR's large layer 128 works with SP4 idk. They are exact copies of the deployment layers.

Desc.file (Stirke at Karkand)
<map gsid="4">
<name> Strike At Karkand </name>
<briefing locid="LOADINGSCREEN_MAPDESCRIPTION_strikeatkarkand">map description for modders maps not localized (english only)</briefing>
<music> common/sound/menu/music/load_MEC_music.ogg </music>
<mode type="gpm_cq">
<maptype ai="1" players="16" type="assault" locid="GAMEMODE_DESCRIPTION_assault">Unlocalized test for this mode on this map</maptype>
<maptype players="32" type="assault" locid="GAMEMODE_DESCRIPTION_assault">Unlocalized test for this mode on this map</maptype>
<maptype players="64" type="assault" locid="GAMEMODE_DESCRIPTION_assault">Unlocalized test for this mode on this map</maptype>
As you can see there is no gpm_sp. Only gpm_cq with activated ai through maptype ai="1"

I see no problems running the sp mode on the skirmish layer because they are mostly infonly.
But SP2/SP3 must use the deployment vehicles. möööööp

Additionally, that's knowledge here i read over a decade ago and before patch 1.5.
So maybe i miss or forget something here.
Michael Z Freeman
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by Michael Z Freeman »

@Fastjack I don't know what that means. Is there some advantage or difference of the "SP" mode over the usual Coop mode ?
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by Outlawz7 »

Michael Z Freeman wrote:Is there some advantage or difference of the "SP" mode over the usual Coop mode ?
Yes, teams are split even regardless of bot number unlike gpm_coop with the 48 bots on team1 limit. But the thing to do here is to fix that limit, not reintroduce a half-functioning remnant of BF1942 which is what SP in BF2 was.
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by Fastjack »

Increasing the max bot count for team 1 over 48 would be nice Outlawz.

The biggest problem i see with 1eam1's 48 bots maxlimit is the respawn time. Bots cannot GIVE UP to repawn. They waiting the whole time till the timecounter hits 0.

Increasing the respawn time result in easy gameplay without challenge. Humans caping the flags really quick without or very low resistence (bots still waiting for death) and the medic got more time to revive human players.

Having a low respawn time results in many stress for the medic and the bots keep coming.
On low server population the humans getting steamrolled when they use no firesupport from vehicles. Atleast when you play on botskill above 9 like we do.

I hope the PR Team find a way to increase the botcount.
If we got more bots on team1 (opfor), the respawn time could be increased without affecting the gameplay.


Your arty script hasn't any additional pythonscripts that reduce respawn time of everyone that wear a [R-BOT] tag??? ;-)
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Re: Please add SP option

Post by One-Zero »

SemlerPDX wrote:I promise it is not an offence when I say that you are just about the only one who wants a Single Player mode in PR. I'm only doing it in case you are curious as to why this suggestion will likely not get any serious attention, and why PR SP is not coming back. Again, I feel for ya, but this is the reality.
Well, I am another one who would like it, so there are two of us LoL and you know how that equates in the song Alices Restuarant :lol:

Oh, heck and feckless world, my skills and abilities are all but screwed by my medical condition. My reaction time is nigh on zero and I would be nothing but a liability in any team without being able to practice during the week. I loved the old Single player version, I still have it saved on my PR mod disc somewhere from days of old.
I continued reading and see that some of the Dev boys give hope in regards to this feature, but my frazzled brain cells still cannot absorb all that they say!

Since joining last week, I have read every article about installing and problems encountered. Some of them twice, I made notes on key points and today, I installed PR:BF2 in one attempt and run the program in co-op mode to check out functionality. Everything worked smoothly with all settings maxed out, but it was only me in there, so I expect to nudge it back a bit with more bots etc.

If I understand some of the talks that have happened here, there are some missions that have bots already included :? : is that correct? Please, can you use the KISS principle if you explain it to me :o ops:
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