That's actually the easy part. There are bf2 mods that have them.VTRaptor wrote:There's no Rafale in the game anyways my dudes.

That's actually the easy part. There are bf2 mods that have them.VTRaptor wrote:There's no Rafale in the game anyways my dudes. wrote:Then what about mec, should they get fighters too to balance out? What should they be using? Now you just enter a rabbit hole no pun intended.
Great, now all we need is someone to make the Charles de Gaulle, should be easy. /sCoalz101 wrote:
Here's the solution, basically a naval variant of the MiG 29, Problem potentially solved. In that case there's not much work to be done other than cutting off a few pieces and copying a tail hook on that and maybe a paintjob.
edit: If we're not willing to give MEC navy aircrafts, we can just drop a Shilka or two on the map for them and a few of stationary quad guns
Boya, I think that's the reason the French should never lose citybouya_tetsu wrote:Thank you for this great update
some feedback;
1. Repair point on MEC carrier
It's a bit difficult to find repair point on MEC carrier for trans.
Although 4 trans helis spawn, the repair point seems to be a bit narrow for them.
2.Wide and Open
The southwestern city area is great with new structures, but most of the map is wide and open.
And it is easy for weapons with thermals such as BMP2M and AMX to slaughter INF.
I think it might be better to make the FOG thicker.
Can't be fixed.lao wrote:Bug: misplaced build marker put when on the carrier (or close around, not sure about that).
Marker was actually put on City Center.
I see... Is this bug plaguing all 4k maps?Rabbit wrote:Can't be fixed.
No, it's special for this map because the main bases are outside of the normally playable area, like on Falklands (where the same will happen). That's how on Masirah the playable area is more like 6x4 instead of 4x4 because it is made wider that way.lao wrote:I see... Is this bug plaguing all 4k maps?
probably 1,000. But thats an inflated number because I have remade areas over so many times. Also it was going to have a lot more stuff that never gained traction like retexturing all the mec aircraft.lao wrote:
Incidentally, I got interested in modding and wonder how many hours it took you to make this nice map?
Only thing close to carrier MEC could use besides Mistral, and Mistral on map against French wouldn't feel right would be Ol-class tanker, that ship is in use by Iranians today, and they call it Kharg, and classify it as a helicopter carrier... But that's about it, helicopters, nothing more... Good thing about making that ship class would be that it would have more use, since Brits used it during Falklands War, and it could be placed on some maps posing as a generic cargo ship...Rabbit wrote:Then what about mec, should they get fighters too to balance out? What should they be using? Now you just enter a rabbit hole no pun intended.