PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Share your in-game experiences playing PR:BF2.
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by YAK-R »

Carl Weathers wrote:Skinner-03 is awesome as SL and always a fun experience
Skinner is one of those SL's who is amazing with new players. He's got the perfect voice, perfect temperament and communication. If there were more like him i'm sure PR would be much more accessible for newbs
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by QuickLoad »

YAK-R wrote:Skinner is one of those SL's who is amazing with new players. He's got the perfect voice, perfect temperament and communication. If there were more like him i'm sure PR would be much more accessible for newbs
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by MaSSive »


Mostly retired I guess, but if you see them join.

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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by Rezza »

Still around. That initial list makes me a bit nostalgic though. Cheers to the good ol days but hopes up for a brand new bunch of good squad leaders to come out of the community and take the helm of being the backbone of the gameplay and teamwork that makes PR what it is.
Last edited by Rezza on 2016-11-24 12:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by Yrkidding »

A fair few on Alex's list are still kicking around the PRT having some good times there.
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by Onil »

MaSSive wrote:Makee

Mostly retired I guess, but if you see them join.
Why would you tell anyone to join me... that's an awful idea! I don't belong in that list as I don't really know how to SL. Trust me. ;)
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by Oskar »

Not having played in his squad yet, I still have to recommend TailGunner from a fellow SLs perspective. He's very good at proactively communicating with his team, very nice and polite, in a good mood, keeps his squad together and focused on relevant objectives. Can't wait to play in your squad TailGunner.
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by Rico »

Oskar wrote:Not having played in his squad yet, I still have to recommend TailGunner from a fellow SLs perspective. He's very good at proactively communicating with his team, very nice and polite, in a good mood, keeps his squad together and focused on relevant objectives. Can't wait to play in your squad TailGunner.
+1 for Tailgunner. Been a SM quite a few times, always a solid tactical experience.
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by maarit »

burgerking 345...over a year break from the game and he squadleading...i maybe want to play again this...
long live the pr and the best community and devs on planet. :shock:
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by gringuish »


if you guys see him leading a squad, join in

for real, you´re going to have a fun and inmersive experience
sure, he haces some minour troubles for speaking fluid english but he not only gets the job done
he´s comprehensive, he´r charming and also he is not a boss, but a LEADER
a guy you´ll follow even if you are the ultimate anarchist
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by chupachup »

I'll say that the quality of the average squad leader seems pretty high, better than you expect from playing with random people. I've tried it a couple times but it's just not within my skillset, so I commend all of you.

Recently played a very fun round with ToXiCGrAvE.
Monsieur Dimanche
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by Monsieur Dimanche »

I've played PR yesterday and i found a good Squad leader, very positive : he didn't gave up after three failure against Taliban ; also good com's, i loved him :smile:

Jihad Doublelegit, leading Spec Ops Squad.
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by [SFOD-D]Sandman »


A squad leader who really knows how to lead a squad. He will assess the situation quickly and give the right decisions on the point. I trust him with my life on the battlefield.
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by ismaelassassin »

Kalash ismaelassassin. English and Spanish speaker. He is the best aggresive inf squadleader ive seen. He will get the team and squad to get stuff done. If you want to charge a flag, this is the guy you must follow if you want to have the best chances. Very intense squadleader who doesnt tolerate many mistakes and focuses on speed and quick decision making. This guy will lead you to your death only to lead you to it again until you accomplish the objective or until he thinks is best to retreat to make a quick defence. PR equivalent of Zhukov. Downsides is if you see him leading a trans or cas squad, GTFO cuz you are gonna die. his terrain is definetly ground tactics lmao.
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by Nate. »

ismaelassassin wrote:Kalash ismaelassassin. English and Spanish speaker. He is the best aggresive inf squadleader ive seen. He will get the team and squad to get stuff done. If you want to charge a flag, this is the guy you must follow if you want to have the best chances. Very intense squadleader who doesnt tolerate many mistakes and focuses on speed and quick decision making. This guy will lead you to your death only to lead you to it again until you accomplish the objective or until he thinks is best to retreat to make a quick defence. PR equivalent of Zhukov. Downsides is if you see him leading a trans or cas squad, GTFO cuz you are gonna die. his terrain is definetly ground tactics lmao.
Did you just introduce yourself in third person? :D
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by ismaelassassin »

:-P :mrgreen:
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by BigBigMonkeyMan »

BigBigMonkeyMan is a chill and patient infantry SL who always plays the objectives, often doing the boring but important jobs nobody wants to do, but once the shooting starts you can rely on him to be quick thinking and clear in his orders while also providing good info on where threats are coming from. Fellow SLs and the commander find him easy to work with. Rather than being a micro-managing SL he prefers to trust his squad to be squared away, even delegating responsibility and certain missions to squad members, making them rise to the occasion and improving their gameplay. Not afraid to rush into the action when the situation is called for, be ready for an exciting game in his squad.

"We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on, we're going to survive.' Today we celebrate our independence day!"
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by Puhis »

Gonna recommend two guys from recent games:


Excellent leadership, solid grasp of tactics, patient with new players. Good voice, and good instructions. Will be clear with the objective and has a good grasp of micro-management while not meddling when unnecessary.

- Aux.| submox

Good leader with a good voice. Makes sure the squad stays together, open to tactical advice and stays calm. Seems like a good player, too - will not just lead on the comms but also leads on the battlefield. Top lad.
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Re: PR Squad Leader Recommendation Thread

Post by UncleSmek »

Abu-Gustav Al-Almani

These are among the best SL's leading public squads at the moment in PR with the small playerbase we have. All of them are capable players who can provide you with a good experience.
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