FSA and Chechen Alternative LAT kits need a rework

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Joined: 2021-03-09 03:25

FSA and Chechen Alternative LAT kits need a rework

Post by dcm »

The FSA alternative LAT kit does not have RKG-3s or any throwable explosives at all. Why? It makes him alot weaker compared to his standard variant. The black tip rockets are already superior to the green tips. One extra green rocket is nothing compared to the armor penetration potential of the standard LAT kit. I believe that the FSA alt LAT should either be given two rkg-3s like his standard counterpart or two frag grenades.

The Chechen alternative LAT kit also has a similar problem. He is given the RPG-7 with green tips and he only gets two of them. Most other teams with the RPG-7 get either three green tips or two black tips. Having the SKS is bad enough. The MD.63 and RPG-26 combo is superior. I believe that the Chechen alt LAT needs to be upgraded to having black tip rockets. Or at the very least be given an extra green tip rocket.
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