sweedensniiperr wrote:Now this idea is a bit more interesting. But also, wtf? Do you really need to rearm those 2 rounds of AP? It absolutely needs to be slower and have a limited supply - but should also be able to be supplied itself.
I would be okay with it if it uses a modified version of the thing in mainbases, or even the same thing. I think it also should be enterable for it to work by one player, simulating someone actually bringing the supplies to the vehicle.
oh it was just a joke, now the reason why I said "Unlimited" for Rearm and Repairs is half because Repairs should absolutely be free, but for Rearming, its just cutting development, yes I forgot you can just throw a ammo bag that is eaten by a TOW (the same way I forgot Light MGs/ Automatic Rifles are the one thing to have shared mags).
The way I would see it, lets call this option as the "Foward Logistic Base" or "FLB" for short, is akin to COH, like the Soviet Repair Station and German Command Bunkers, or the "Ober Commando" Second Half Track base, all which "Passively" repair vehicles... that said this allows for 2 possibilities, now I always try to stay Conservative on my suggestions because I know Devs cannot do magic, specially on something like the BF2 engine, but I gonna lay out another option that I think could work even better, but not necessarly for BF2/PR (or even Squad).
1- After building a FOB with more Supplies the Team can decided to build a FLB, the base will be able to repair, at a bit slower rate than the Base repair, but still faster than field repairs, and rearm at the same rate but with a cost, with a Buffer that allows at maximum the re-arming of 2 Tanks, this buffer need to manually be reloaded with supply crates, which could be a "special' supply crate, (basically my first option fro the last post but implemented for this as well) that by itself can rearm vehicles, however at a lower efficency, be time or supply wise.
Something being done so the Buffer cannot be surpassed
2- Basically the Same thing but isntead of a Building, which I know in PR can be removed from some maps, its a Vehicle that "deploy" into a Building, the vehicle could then allow for respawning of troops like a FOB (this would allow for Re-Crewing of Vehicles),but not making of fortifications, acting more like a SL Rally. The Repair and Rearm would be the same as the First option.
Actually thinking now, depending on how you interpret "Deploy", you could make this in PR, basically it would be like a Shieldless, stationary, Titan from BF-2142...
Like if you can make an 3rd Truck type for larger maps (like I said I don't think this should be done in less than a 4km map), which spawns after 10 or 20min with a 10min delay for respawn, the truck being just a Logi with a giant wrench and screw driver on the Canvas to show its a FLB, the Deploy would be done by "Firing" the vehicle after being stationary, which would create a working repair spot besides it, with some markers to show what it is.
Now the problem here is, while you can make some dude stay on the vehicle for the repair duration, what you really want is it to just "deploy" and leave, as the player, but not as the vehicle, with it moving, breaking the repair point. Maybe that can be done by having the Hitbox actually being under the truck, extremely easy to destroy (by the truck itself), and the Truck auto-reloading it, like the existing Logi repair station.