Petition: Give every single crewman kit Ryan Gosling's Scorpion Jacket

General discussion of the Project Reality: BF2 modification.
Posts: 117
Joined: 2023-06-08 04:50

Petition: Give every single crewman kit Ryan Gosling's Scorpion Jacket

Post by dcm1 »

I drive. Others drive. We Drivers are an international brotherhood, beyond the borders of nation, state, faction, squad and team. We forego the glory of the gunner's position, and drive. We take it upon ourselves the burden of driving our vehicles, for the benefit of the team. We deserve to be recognized for our contributions to the team. You can appreciate us by giving us our due. We request Ryan Gosling's Scorpion Jacket from the hit motion picture; Drive, to be furnished to every crewman(driver or otherwise), for every team.

As you can see. Ryan Gosling's character wearing the aforementioned jacket in the following pics below.

Front and Back

Here is a beauty shot

Here is a model wearing the jacket

Here it is in Monochrome

Thank you for your time and have a nice day.

P.S. Can you also play snippet from the song 'A Real Hero' by 'College & Electric Youth', every time a driver dies? Specifically the line: "Real Human Being and a Real Hero". To honor the Driver's memory.
Posts: 101
Joined: 2014-06-30 08:05

Re: Petition: Give every single crewman kit Ryan Gosling's Scorpion Jacket

Post by Jagira »

Literally me
Posts: 38
Joined: 2023-12-11 16:26

Re: Petition: Give every single crewman kit Ryan Gosling's Scorpion Jacket

Post by AguirreA. »

He is literally me frfr
Forum Moderator
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Re: Petition: Give every single crewman kit Ryan Gosling's Scorpion Jacket

Post by Nate. »

Suggestion outside of the suggestion forum


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