Working Smoke Grenades against bots

Insights into the development of Project Reality.
PR:BF2 Lead Developer
Posts: 8532
Joined: 2012-01-02 12:37

Post by Mineral »

We would like to make a statement on behalf of the team and particularly one of our developers. We hold the individual rights of mod-creators in high regard as much as our own. We take pride in our own work and protect it. Therefore, we also respect the rights of all creators to the best of our abilities. But sometimes we make mistakes, and it's then our duty to rectify them as best we can.
Therefore, we hereby apologize to MaxP for incorrectly crediting the author of the work on the smoke for AI code he created and for not correctly verifying our source of the code. We meant no ill-will or had no attempt to steal or claim his work. We will correctly credit him in the future for his work and thank him for allowing us to implement his work on the smoke for AI code into a future version of Project Reality:BF2.
Unravelling all the mistakes we made took quite some time and we will not stop there. We are eager to prevent this from happening again and will adjust our procedures to learn from this. We are looking forward to more collaboration within the modding community and encourage anyone to share their work.
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