How to decide what to do

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How to decide what to do

Post by Bringerof_D »

For most people who thuroughly look at tactics before they are imployed they often concider what they as the enemy would likely do in reaction to what you do. We as humans all follow a simple and very basic train of thought, go where there will be gain, go where there is likely to be action.

After considering the above it is allready pretty easy to come up with a likely winning plan, but of course you do not know what the enemy have and dont have if you're not there allready. Now is the time to concider what they can have and where it can be. look at the map, consider where there is good land for hidden vehichles where you would walk past it and not see behind it untill it is too late. what available assets do they have that can go there?

As humans we always wish to be able to over see large amounts of land, now in the past of bows arrows, swords and spears, this would have been good. but now it is always a bad idea to be up high. because if you can see them, they can see you. If you can see a large open expanse, you must remember that ANYONE over that large expanse of land can see you.

if after concidering all this you still dont really understand, i have come up with a simple way to do it.

Step 1: What would be the best or easiest way to go there and do that thing?

step 2: what do you want to do?

Step 3: decide

Step 4: do the exact opposite of what you have decided
Last edited by Bringerof_D on 2008-06-02 23:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to decide what to do

Post by nicoX »

Is this for beginners, or skilled players also?
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Re: How to decide what to do

Post by Teek »

The best and right way to do something is usaly the hardest.

High ground is advantageous, proved in A-stan, WW1 and WW2. You can compromise most of the cover the enemy has by looking over it and you have even greater cover.
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Re: How to decide what to do

Post by MrD »

Don't meet the enemy headon all the time.

Think innovative.

Cover bases behind you that can be capped in case enemy leapfrog you.

Staying hidden near an enemy cappable cp for 5 minutes is not a bad thing if it gives you an opening to cap it when they move off.
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AH man, sarcasm is so hard to get across the web, even if we are both british :(
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Re: How to decide what to do

Post by Bringerof_D »

Teek wrote:The best and right way to do something is usaly the hardest.

High ground is advantageous, proved in A-stan, WW1 and WW2. You can compromise most of the cover the enemy has by looking over it and you have even greater cover.
yes but thats on a general sense, thats in fighting with an entire regional unit with artillery and airsupport. when fighting as infantry or as just a few armoured vehichles you want to pick ambush positions where the enemy will pass you and you can hit them but they cant see you unless they turn around.

not to mention this is a game and you cant really have your body hidden in a hole while nothing but ur head and rifle sticks out. if you can dig in like IRL granted high ground is advantageous. as well in afghanistan we are fighting small groups of people at a time, in most circumstances in PR you will also be fighting only a squad at a time BUT when i refer to ANYONE can see you i mean ANYONE from ANYWHERE that you can possibly see, can see you, so random armoured vehichle or sniper, not just the person you are fighting. just cause you're not shooting at them doesnt mean they wont try to shoot at you
Last edited by Bringerof_D on 2008-06-02 23:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to decide what to do

Post by Bringerof_D »

nicoliani wrote:Is this for beginners, or skilled players also?
i dont follow the idiot's steps down at the bottom but the above quidelines are a good way to predict enemy movement and to predict how you should act. war is all about phsychology, you want to make moves that the enemy wont see coming but will force the enemy to react in a way that you have predicted.
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Re: How to decide what to do

Post by PFunk »

This is hard to do on a squad level. Fog of war as they say. Really the whole deeper tactical thing isn't really an SL's job, not theoretically anyway. Usually you do what your Commander says and then you do little things like flank here, wait there. Probably picking your route is your biggest decision when moving across terrain to a target. A lot of squads think that combat is like Final Fantasy or something. You walk and then have a fight and it doesn't bleed together.

The problem also with making decisions about how to do something the enemy doesn't know you're gonna do is that your squad is much smaller than it should be for that kind of tactical combat so its really difficult to pull much of it off when you don't have a good commander tying all the squads together.

Intel is good too. If you can know something before you're able to see it you can plan. Again this is almost all to do with commanders.

Decision making is really hard and thats under the best circumstances, with all the support. On your own trying to lead its hard enough getting your guys together let along making good decisions without having to slow down and make sure everyone's doing what your decision wants them to do.
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Re: How to decide what to do

Post by Top_Cat_AxJnAt »

Teek wrote:The best and right way to do something is usaly the hardest.

High ground is advantageous, proved in A-stan, WW1 and WW2. You can compromise most of the cover the enemy has by looking over it and you have even greater cover.
Ay Teeks speaks the truth and so does mi sig!

Its all about giving your self objectives. An objective is a result that must occur from your actions. The result must be easily measurable.

Everything action you take it game should always help lead to the 1 result: Your Team Wins Game.

This is an objective, let us call it "Obj 1", but it is a massive and daunting objective, that will require many smaller actions and results to achieve it. We need to know what those actions and results are.

Because 99% of players would have no clue atall how to clear and hold a 2km by 2km area of land (thus Win the Game), so to help us achieve "Obj 1", the game provides a less daunting objective. This objective, lets call it "Obj 2", is to capture and hold all the areas around objects called flags. The game even tells us the order in which these flags must be captured.

Because there are a number of flags and only 1 or 2 can be secured at one time, it is helpful to make each flag an objective, lets call one particular flag "Obj 3".

This leads us to our first objective that we must devise ourselves, "Obj 4".

Got any ideas then for this one mate!
Last edited by Top_Cat_AxJnAt on 2008-06-10 10:30, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How to decide what to do

Post by Bringerof_D »

good points all, now of course what i've said aplies more when you dont have a commander or your commander isnt giving you any orders, either that or his/her orders are insanely stupid and impossible.

even so deciding your approach to enemy tterritory following my information above is very important, since it is pretty obvious most people are gonna try barging in from the front, since its so much work and too boring to go all the way around to the back of the map then double backing to the objective. my plans so far have always been succesfull in use in game, even in paintball. always concider what you would expect the enemy to do in your situation, where your defences will be and you'll know generaly what the enemy setup will be like. these movements dont have to be significant in anyway, i mean instead of spraying the guy behind the tree, try giving him a short spray and disappear behind a hill and flank to the side/wait for him to follow you over the hill

i mean in paintball i've drawn a guys attention, taken cover, hopped over a log, move no more than maybe 2 metres and i had a perfect shot at him while he was still supressing my previous position

btw top cat i used to do the high ground high building thing but i've realised since then that i am almost completely exposed up there. i mean on a grander scale where you can actually set up defences and what not that'd be a good idea, but as a man whos sihluetted against the sky it's a bad idea.
Last edited by Bringerof_D on 2008-06-10 23:38, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How to decide what to do

Post by Pvt_Parts »

[posted in wrong thread]
Last edited by Pvt_Parts on 2008-07-04 16:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Uninstalling and going away for a while...
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..Too stressed to focus on a tactical game.
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Re: How to decide what to do

Post by BlackwaterEddie »

That's the problem with having a high position (on top of a building or hill). You're going to have the best view of the battlefield but at the same time, the battlefield is going to have the best view of you ;)

If I'm in a defensive positon it will usually fit the following criteria -

1. Easy to move out of in the event of surrounding area being overrun.
2. Hard to get to to ensure that I don't suddenly find a knife through the back of my head.
3. Good view of the area of interest without compromising myself.
4. Narrow arc of fire to enable me to put the majority of my shots in the smallest area, nothing like catching a squad in an alleyway when you're at the bottom with a SAW.
5. A position I can readily defend in the event that my position is compromised.

The majority of building interiors will give you most of this criteria and even though point 2 is hard to come by you can hinder any attacker by putting up claymores or other such devices in order to protect (or atleast warn) you from incoming attack.
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