Kaffi Java wrote:lol, my bad Romagnolo, and "Damn dromedary's are everywhere"
I assume it's a one hump vs two hump thing ? I'll keep that in mind, thanks
Exactly, 2 humps = camel, 1 hump = dromedary. Details, but life is made of details.
And keep posting pictures here
[R-DEV]OkitaMakoto:"Cheers, you're the man, Okita" [R-DEV]Rhino:"I in fact got kicked from a server for tking." Hitperson:"well done, treasure it forever." [R-DEV]Adriaan:"Damned classy Roma, if I may say so." [R-DEV]Chuc:"Pro man, pro." (yes, it was about me)
[R-MOD]BloodBane611:"Romagnolo, you definitely deserve a LOL award for that."