Here are the numerous things that are wrong with it:
Quote from another convo:
(My post BTW)
If they didn't mean it to be a SH-60 then I have no clue WTF they were thinking.
What I hate is that there is a Marine H-60 (appears to be a SH-60, no not all SH-60s have FLIRs) with FFARs.
1) It carries soldiers, who shoot out of a helo filled with ammunition.
2) USMC only has H-60 model helos for VIP purposes.
3) Attack role SH-60s don't carry FFARs, they mainly carry Torpedoes, ASMs and AGMs.
4) Attack role SH-60s don't carry M134s and when a helo has M134s and FFARs, the M134s are fixed foward facing (obviously).