How much a CO player are you?

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Joined: 2008-08-31 02:48

Re: How much a CO player are you?

Post by McBumLuv »

^that's possible, though I've also taken hits by people who complain about the lack of need for a CO, and who mainly use me as a leeway to complain about vaious squads not performing as they would/should. It's stressful and not fun most of the time the way it is now.

The last round I played, which I used as an example, was in my server as the Brits, about 3/4 full. It was Fools Road, an excellent map, And I had a Recon Team, three infantry squads, and a half infantry half APC squad. There was an IFV team, which was locked incidentally, it was also the same squad that played as mini-tanks on Qwai with the Chinese APCs the last round, whilst complaining about those stupid infantry squads for not getting their sh*t together and capping flags (they lacked transport).

Anyways, as commander, I was able to relay the information about the location of tanks only, a job anyone could have done through team chat. The IFV squad kept complaining to me about all the other squads not performing to their utmost, and few of the other squads ever contacted me about targets, I had to ask every other time to see if they were being engaged, only to find out that they had a tank and infantry attacking them :roll: Well, soon after I dropped the Arty to no avail, I just called it quits for the night. I wasn't needed or wanted, so I wasn't going to stay any longer.

And Micheal_Denmark, the thread in my sig is ... antry.html, it's about trying to limit the use of maps in HUD and therefore limit complete battlefield intelligence to every player. I believe it would help out commanding if SLs actually asked you to command them than if they were free to make up their own tactics based on the fact that they often have more intelligence of the entire battlefield than the commander.


Posts: 225
Joined: 2008-10-21 19:19

Re: How much a CO player are you?

Post by wuschel »

I play CO when I am in the mood to relax a little in this small stinky trash can they call CO trailer.

Even when one is not too experienced, putting up a simple attack/defend scheme for the squads and let them execute it benefits the team a lot. Especially on pub servers getting one to three squads to perform well and coordinate their operations can save the round.

What I really would like to see is the tricks from the box: An example of how closely You guys are micromanaging squad operations i.e. two front attack on a position, defense with air support coordination, etc.
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