SP Rifle Accuracy Nerfed ?

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Joined: 2006-09-13 02:14

SP Rifle Accuracy Nerfed ?

Post by Sandy_Beret »

I have found that the accuracy of the rifles seems
a little "out" in SP. Is this so ?

Part of the reason for me to play PR SP is to hone my PR MP rifleman skills.

It almost seems as though it has been "nerfed" a bit in SP with accuracy
a little astray and hits going awry even after settling in place for several seconds.

Anyone else found this ?
"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone;
but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery."

- Malcolm X
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Re: SP Rifle Accuracy Nerfed ?

Post by XXLpeanuts »

I thought they made them more accurate in SP?????????
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Joined: 2006-11-15 20:04

Re: SP Rifle Accuracy Nerfed ?

Post by $kelet0r »

Assuming your computer isn't generating smoke when you try to play SP generally you will be more accurate offline then on. My understanding is that deviation is linked to server FPS - online this is locked to 30 fps. Offline, your computer is the server so it goes as high as your computer can handle up to the limit for BF2. If you want to get the mp style deviation offline you have to set your fps to 30 in the console command line.
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Re: SP Rifle Accuracy Nerfed ?

Post by 666planer »

I don't think I have noticed accuracy differences, ecept when I was in sp last night. I was shootong someone on semi auto at eeerrrrr medium range, I COULD NEvER KILL HIM, when it would just take a couple shots at that range normally, anyways all my shot were just kickin up dust around him.
Bt to the point I don't think there is an accuracy difference
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Joined: 2008-09-08 22:51

Re: SP Rifle Accuracy Nerfed ?


PR SP: M4 Acog Deviation (Accuracy)

Code: Select all

em ---BeginComp:SoldierDeviationComp ---
rem Short Barrel 556 Iron Sight Standard Accuracy Assault Rifle
ObjectTemplate.createComponent SoldierDeviationComp
ObjectTemplate.deviation.minDev .333
ObjectTemplate.deviation.setFireDev 1.4 .7 .023
ObjectTemplate.deviation.setTurnDev 2 .15 .15 .05
ObjectTemplate.deviation.setSpeedDev 3 1 1 .02
ObjectTemplate.deviation.setMiscDev 5 5 .05
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModStand 1.5
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModCrouch 1.0
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModLie 0.9
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModZoom .3
PR MP: M4 Acog Deviation (Accuracy)

Code: Select all

rem ---BeginComp:SoldierDeviationComp ---
rem Short Barrel 556 Iron Sight Standard Accuracy Assault Rifle
ObjectTemplate.createComponent SoldierDeviationComp
ObjectTemplate.deviation.minDev .333
ObjectTemplate.deviation.setFireDev 1.4 .7 .023
ObjectTemplate.deviation.setTurnDev 2 .15 .15 .05
ObjectTemplate.deviation.setSpeedDev 3 1 1 .02
ObjectTemplate.deviation.setMiscDev 5 5 .05
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModStand 1.5
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModCrouch 1.0
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModLie 0.9
ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModZoom .3

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