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re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-01-19 15:18
by MrTomRobs
I don't suppose Welsh would be any good to anyone, would it? I'm learning at the moment, I wouldn't mind over the summer attempting to translate the manual if anyone wants it.

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-02-13 10:47
by Aquilles0296
I can translate the new V0.95 manual to portuguese. Also, i heard that some members here in the forum have CD-Keys that worth $2,00. I Don't have a international credit card to buy them, but i could translate the manual, and if you approve, i could have one online CD-Key as a reward to play Project Reality *----------------*

Just PM if we can do that :)

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-02-13 18:23
by lucky.BOY
As you can see on the first post, the portugese version is already assigned to [R-DEV]zenrique. It is worth mentioning that he is translating it for free, as well as all of us.

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-02-14 15:34
by =SAGA=Green_yy
I can help with translation in Chinese.

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-02-20 13:49
by daniellegraham
=SAGA=Green_yy wrote:I can help with translation in Chinese.
Already assigned to me. Working in progress

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-02-20 14:22
by Misho
It seems there hasn't been an update to the Swedish translation progress in a while? If you want to send me a copy of the files I could probably get it done in a week while doing my nigh shift at work.

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-03-03 12:04
by daniellegraham
Anyone who can contact [R-DEV]Spearhead, please remind him to check to PM inbox.

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-03-14 13:31
by Marian
hey SirCommandant

Have you already asked for a German translation?
if not here is my question :)

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-03-20 11:47
by MyStErIaL
Marian wrote:hey SirCommandant

Have you already asked for a German translation?
if not here is my question :)
Yeah, a german translation would be really, really nice. Waitin' for it since release of 0.95 ;)

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-03-23 08:46
by cobra49
Hi guys I can speak Bahasa Melayu. Malaysian language.

if there is anything, drop me a pm. sometimes i forget what threads i post in.

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-03-23 09:23
by TheComedian
I can translate into Macedonian. But there is noone to read it. There is 3 macedonians who play PR (including me) :-(

I have 1337 skillz in the english language.

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-04-30 18:55
by ninucs
I know this isn't a feedback thread, but I think it's the appropriate place to ask about this:

Please retire the german translator! Or at least the one that does the ingame translations ...

The tips that show at the loading screen are poorly translated and a few are full of errors.
I'll reinstall PR on english tonight because this is driving me nuts, translating is a difficult task! I think a plenty of these guys with their school english just don't take it serious enough.

Anyway, I would be glad if you reassign the german translation to another guy or group, as well as I will translate for you if you ask me to do so.
I were a NATO soldier for a few years working with british mates in a signals batallion, so I think I got enough experience for this.

Thanks in advance

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-05-10 07:24
by Kusunoki
I talk Spanish so if there is anything may be I can help as well. Send mail in case of something thanks! =)

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-05-10 18:53
by Doc.Pock
i can translate into most southwestern slovan languagaes xcept bolgar and romanian(is it slovan not sure) from english or german and vice versa ofc

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-05-16 09:02
by llRvXll
Spearhead, did you receive my pm?

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-05-23 02:23
by Broseph
Question, why is there two translators for Serbo-Croatian, isn't that redundant?

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-05-23 03:27
by BroCop
Is your post redundant?

2 different languages. If you fail to realize that (as much as fail as your message in your signature is) then you may leave this thread

re: Official PR Manual - A call for translators

Posted: 2011-06-06 14:06
by Sanirius
Oh hai gaiz. I see you have a serbian and croatian translator. Need a bosnian one? Obviously they are very diffrent languages! So i think you would need one!