To make PR more accessible to those who are having a harder time with the English language we need translate the manual into more languages. If your spoken/written English is on a good level and you want to translate the manual into your native tongue, then go ahead and contact read further!
We build up our manual through Honkit, a fork of [url="]GitBook[/url]. A easy to distribute and edit platform. It uses the Markdown syntax, a very easy to learn system to do formatting.
We store our manual on our GitHub. This makes it easier for community members to make their own translated versions and easier to update with each PR version.
Beginner's knowledge of Git is helpful, but we'll try to give all necessary information here to get you started. At any stage feel free to ask questions in this thread or PM [R-DEV]Mineral.
In order for you to work on your version of the manual, you will need to create your own copy, a Git Fork. Simply go to our GitHub page and click Fork button in the top right corner.
This will now create a copy fork of our Manual on your GitHub profile for you to work on. You can also then invite other users to help you by inviting them to the fork repo.
While you can edit the files through the GitHub website directly, we recommend to do it in your favorite file editor (just make sure it ends up in UTF-8 format!, notepad++ is also recommended) that has some markdown support. This means you will need to get the GIT first on your pc. For this you will need to download and install Git and install your repo. Familiarize yourself with how GIT works!
Best method
Once you have your fork installed on your computer, we suggest you copy the 'en' folder and change the name to the 2 letter language code that you are translating into. Then you open this new folder and in each subfolder you will find files. These are the chapters and therefore the files that will need translating.
You will also find the which is the page table. This one will also require translation of the titles. Note that there are many links (ex. {#subchapter-name}) in the files. These are used to link to chapters within the document. It's recommended not to change these names so all the links continue to work. Also don't translate and actual folder names. Also don't change any image names.
Please in the meantime let us know you are working on a translation so we can take a look and potentially help out.
Once you think your translation is completed let us know and request a pull request from your fork, this will merge your edits into our repo and makes your translation come live on the official manual page!
- German: By Rotblut (Updated for v1.5)
- Brazilian-Portuguese: v1.5 translation by Mordekay, v1.6.4 translation update by OBAMA: Fukai, Gabo e Concani
- Indonesian: PRID-TEAM (Updated for v1.7)
- Spanish: isaias43 (Updated for v1.7)
- Italian: Mdx00 (Updated for v1.7)
If you want to help with a translation make sure to contact those already started on a translation to get access to their Git fork. Or contact us and we'll help out.
You can see all current forks here.
Here is a list of translations of old manuals. They will all have a folder prepared on the Git to be started from. They need to updated to the new Markdown format as well be checked for changes between v1.3.1 and the current version. If you are willing to help you can do that by creating a Git Fork and editing within the language's folder. If you need any help contact [R-DEV]Mineral or post in this thread.
- French - Grey_Echo - v1.3.1 - READ HERE
- Spanish - BlackGus,Pirutoko & Others - v1.3.1 - READ HERE
- Italian - =ITW= and [EI] clans (contact BSR_Pheelz) - v1.3.1 - READ HERE
- Brazilian-Portuguese - SANGUE-RUIM - v1.3.1 READ HERE
- Hebrew - khtk1 - v1.3.1 READ HERE
- Chinese - Saga community (contact KingFish-v-) - v1.3.1 READ HERE
- Bulgarian - =BG=BladeNakamura - v1.3.1 READ HERE
- Finnish - K-Massive and Kovanaama - v1.3.1 - READ HERE
- Hungarian - IAmNotMatthew - v1.3.1 - READ HERE