__Super_6__5__ wrote:you should get your facts straight before commenting, makes you look silly and uninformed.
You should too. In your post you claimed that I came here and demanded an admin be fired.
I'd like to see where I did that, if you would be so kind as to oblige.
__Super_6__5__ wrote:having lite admins is ignorant, it would be like asking a meter maid work around a bank robbery. Either BE an admin that can do everything or dont be one. Plus, a lite admin can be abusive or whatever just as easily as a full admin. PLus plus, if i had a dollar for everytime you and all these others come here and demand an admin be fired or complain id be rich, so now you are ok with bad admins???
Your reasoning is flawed. You're assuming that they're bad admins, and then trying to make a point that you shouldn't accept them because they're bad admins.
My suggestion is fine some vaguely trustworthy people and give them !k, !w, !setnext and maybe !mvote.
If they abuse it remove them.
If they abuse it badly ban them.
They will have no powers whenever a full HOG admin is on.
More than likely, you'll find a lot of people that would then make good full admins too.
__Super_6__5__ wrote:
__Super_6__5__ wrote:You should put a period after, "Hog is the only server i see running." It is the most popular server, bf2 tracker has it at number 1, we have helped it get there but not making anyone an admin, our rules, our play style etc. and to allow people not up to our standards to admin it will only damage that.
China has the most people so China is the best country right?

There's way more going into what server is populated than it being "the best".
__Super_6__5__ wrote:"Instead you'd rather attack the people pointing out that there is a problem." uh, right back at you? The problem is YOU people, you devs want to ***** but not step up and help
Now it's a conspiracy against HOG?
This multi page discussion started out with some Aussies saying you could do with a few more admins in some timezones. Now when more people say the same thing it must be some massive conspiracy orchestrated by the evil tyranical DEVs.
__Super_6__5__ wrote:@AlonTavor "Because I barely play on HOG, Its on the other side of the globe for me." Then why are you here complaining? If you WONT help, stay away or stay quiet, you are simply trying to start flame wars, start shit etc, this is how a dev acts?
This thread is for server feedback. From reading his post, it seems that he played on your server, had a shit time because there were no admins, and left some feedback about that. Nothing malicious, no flaming, no trolling.
Things got hot after you straight up accused him of trying to troll and implying he was lying.
I'm not sure why you'd expect anyone to want to help admin when the head admin treats them like this when they point out a problem. I mean, I get the feeling from your post that you dislike the way we're talking to you in this thread, but the reality is that this is the same treatment that the community receives from you.
Before accusing somebody of trolling and lying, do think about it.
Your accusation was probably just a mistake, but if I assumed you were lying and intentionally making up what you wrote to discredit Alon's feedback, I doubt you'd be pleased.
Someone once said "you should get your facts straight before commenting, makes you look silly and uninformed".
I mean if you're willing to accept me I'll go do that, but I don't quite fancy wasting both our time otherwise.