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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 14:10
by __Super_6__5__
mectus11 wrote:This isn't an us vs them, stop being delusional and accept that your server needs more active admins, making a mountain out of a molehill because someone left feedback that should be adressed is childish.
and i am asking the very devs that come and bash us for that reason to step up and help with the problem, unless, they would rather just use this to further inflame the situation instead of helping.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 14:28
by LiamBai
__Super_6__5__ wrote:and i am asking the very devs that come and bash us for that reason to step up and help with the problem, unless, they would rather just use this to further inflame the situation instead of helping.
How many would be accepted?
Maybe they also don't like being required to play there?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, realityadmin has functionality for limited admins. You can give someonly only !k,!setnext and !w. Give this to a few people from Aus/Asia who play a lot during the problematic timezones and you're sorted.
If they abuse it, take it away or ban them.
Why is this not an option?

Another solution is of course to just accept more admins who play during these time zones, but out of the applications I see from such people on your forums, none have been accepted. Granted some of them have been not top notch, so to say, but at least solid admins have been rejected.

HOG is currently the only server that I see running adminless for hours at a time. Many people have been pointing this out for quite some time, and multiple solutions have been presented. Nothing has been done.

Instead you'd rather attack the people pointing out that there is a problem.

So here you go, I'll step up; I offer my services. If you give me admin powers, I will use them to enforce the server rules when I am on. I will try to set appropriate maps and keep teams balanced, and keep the server ticking over in an acceptable state. I will not go out of my way to seed HOG if I have friends playing elsewhere, and I will let real HOG admins deal with the server when any of them are on.
Ball's in your court.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 14:48
by __Super_6__5__
'[R-CON wrote:LiamBai;2168724']How many would be accepted?
Maybe they also don't like being required to play there?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, realityadmin has functionality for limited admins. You can give someonly only !k,!setnext and !w. Give this to a few people from Aus/Asia who play a lot during the problematic timezones and you're sorted.
If they abuse it, take it away or ban them.
Why is this not an option?

Another solution is of course to just accept more admins who play during these time zones, but out of the applications I see from such people on your forums, none have been accepted. Granted some of them have been not top notch, so to say, but at least solid admins have been rejected.

HOG is currently the only server that I see running adminless for hours at a time. Many people have been pointing this out for quite some time, and multiple solutions have been presented. Nothing has been done.

Instead you'd rather attack the people pointing out that there is a problem.

So here you go, I'll step up; I offer my services. If you give me admin powers, I will use them to enforce the server rules when I am on. I will try to set appropriate maps and keep teams balanced, and keep the server ticking over in an acceptable state. I will not go out of my way to seed HOG if I have friends playing elsewhere, and I will let real HOG admins deal with the server when any of them are on.
Ball's in your court.

you should get your facts straight before commenting, makes you look silly and uninformed.

guest admins are not required to play on hog, never have, hog MEMBERS are required to play on hog when the server is not at or near capacity. If server is near or at full capacity they can play anywhere they want.

having lite admins is ignorant, it would be like asking a meter maid work around a bank robbery. Either BE an admin that can do everything or dont be one. Plus, a lite admin can be abusive or whatever just as easily as a full admin. PLus plus, if i had a dollar for everytime you and all these others come here and demand an admin be fired or complain id be rich, so now you are ok with bad admins???

We dont pick people to be admins, they have to inquire, the ones we have picked and just made admins would either not ever use it, or objected to it. Then you have people running !admins and seeing and admin on but he is one that didnt want to be an admin and never admins, it HAS HAPPENED and now they are removed. You yourself also agree that some that have applied are not up to your standards, if we dont have standards then give me the hash to every player and we can have everyone an admin, would that help?

You should put a period after, "Hog is the only server i see running." It is the most popular server, bf2 tracker has it at number 1, we have helped it get there but not making anyone an admin, our rules, our play style etc. and to allow people not up to our standards to admin it will only damage that.

"Instead you'd rather attack the people pointing out that there is a problem." uh, right back at you? The problem is YOU people, you devs want to ***** but not step up and help, to say that you @AlonTavor "Because I barely play on HOG, Its on the other side of the globe for me." Then why are you here complaining? If you WONT help, stay away or stay quiet, you are simply trying to start flame wars, start shit etc, this is how a dev acts?

This is not the place to apply, rules man, procedures man, go here: Apply for =HOG= - =HOG= Forum

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 15:08
by inb4banned
__Super_6__5__ wrote:you should get your facts straight before commenting, makes you look silly and uninformed.

guest admins are not required to play on hog, never have, hog MEMBERS are required to play on hog when the server is not at or near capacity. If server is near or at full capacity they can play anywhere they want.

having lite admins is ignorant, it would be like asking a meter maid work around a bank robbery. Either BE an admin that can do everything or dont be one. Plus, a lite admin can be abusive or whatever just as easily as a full admin. PLus plus, if i had a dollar for everytime you and all these others come here and demand an admin be fired or complain id be rich, so now you are ok with bad admins???

We dont pick people to be admins, they have to inquire, the ones we have picked and just made admins would either not ever use it, or objected to it. Then you have people running !admins and seeing and admin on but he is one that didnt want to be an admin and never admins, it HAS HAPPENED and now they are removed. You yourself also agree that some that have applied are not up to your standards, if we dont have standards then give me the hash to every player and we can have everyone an admin, would that help?

You should put a period after, "Hog is the only server i see running." It is the most popular server, bf2 tracker has it at number 1, we have helped it get there but not making anyone an admin, our rules, our play style etc. and to allow people not up to our standards to admin it will only damage that.

"Instead you'd rather attack the people pointing out that there is a problem." uh, right back at you? The problem is YOU people, you devs want to ***** but not step up and help, to say that you @AlonTavor "Because I barely play on HOG, Its on the other side of the globe for me." Then why are you here complaining? If you WONT help, stay away or stay quiet, you are simply trying to start flame wars, start shit etc, this is how a dev acts?

This is not the place to apply, rules man, procedures man, go here: Apply for =HOG= - =HOG= Forum
The guy complained about no admins being on while a mass teamkilling was happening and rather than looking into the issue you choose to act like a delusional baby.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 15:29
by __Super_6__5__
the guy(s) continue to do NOTHING but complain, i GAVE a solution, why is it you cant see that? Why is it they wont apply to be admins? Why are you siding with them when I GAVE the answer to correct the problem?

I know why, they dont want to help correct the problem, they want to complain. APPLY or shut up already.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 15:35
by Frontliner
Yak applied. Was denied.
Google applied. Was denied.

You're showing the middle finger to them, and then when we point out that the problem still persists you claim nobody is stepping up for the task? Are you intentionally lying, are you unaware or are you trolling us right now?

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 15:37
by Uladh
came back to project reality after a year or 2 away and joined this server and got into a squad at main and we all jumped into a jeep and they all have a clan tag and start insulting me telling me to get the fuck out of the jeep then 1 of them gets out of the jeep and aims his gun at me so i jump out and return fire in self defense and they drive off leaving me alone and then a few seconds later i get banned from the server, i do not reccomend this server to anyone

Edit to add just viewing some of the other comments on this thread i think i have dodgeda bullet with this server and should prob thank them for banning me

Posted: 2017-07-12 15:49
by __Super_6__5__
Frontliner wrote:Yak applied. Was denied.
Google applied. Was denied.

You're showing the middle finger to them, and then when we point out that the problem still persists you claim nobody is stepping up for the task? Are you intentionally lying, are you unaware or are you trolling us right now?
so what? they dont meet our standards, why only two people applied?? lol, comical.

Where are the devs? they play there, they complain there, they should admin there.
Uladh wrote:came back to project reality after a year or 2 away and joined this server and got into a squad at main and we all jumped into a jeep and they all have a clan tag and start insulting me telling me to get the fuck out of the jeep then 1 of them gets out of the jeep and aims his gun at me so i jump out and return fire in self defense and they drive off leaving me alone and then a few seconds later i get banned from the server, i do not reccomend this server to anyone

Edit to add just viewing some of the other comments on this thread i think i have dodgeda bullet with this server and should prob thank them for banning me
i agree, you should not play there, we ENFORCE our rules.

Project Reality: PRSPY this shows a list of other popular servers for you to break rules on.

good luck, hope you find a new home :-P

oh, frontliner, where is your application? Havent seen any, but i have seen allot of complaining, thats kinda backwards.....but whatever.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 15:54
by Mineral
@Super we have a edit button, no need to 3x reply. Also please stop looking at team members as anything special. They definitely aren't. Just address them as any other player please.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 15:59
by __Super_6__5__
i here you mineral but i lump them into a class that would value the standards we have and would most probably make good admins.

I would simply rather see them as admins then only a forum doing nothing but complaining day in and day out.

I know it appears i am attacking them, im not, im wanting there expertise and dedication and trying to get them to step up and help rather than step up and hurt on a forum.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 16:05
by Frontliner
Super, the issue is with the ANZACs primarily. I already said that even IF I were to apply it would be completely meaningless because their evening is my frigging noon when I'm working and I have no intention of losing my job over adminning your server.

That's why I've said that you need to recruit some of the ANZACs or Japanese to fix the problem with their timezone.

Do you understand the issue now or do I need to hand you a map showing the timezones?

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 16:09
by __Super_6__5__
so when do you play that there are no admins?

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 16:27
by LiamBai
__Super_6__5__ wrote:you should get your facts straight before commenting, makes you look silly and uninformed.
You should too. In your post you claimed that I came here and demanded an admin be fired.
I'd like to see where I did that, if you would be so kind as to oblige.
__Super_6__5__ wrote:having lite admins is ignorant, it would be like asking a meter maid work around a bank robbery. Either BE an admin that can do everything or dont be one. Plus, a lite admin can be abusive or whatever just as easily as a full admin. PLus plus, if i had a dollar for everytime you and all these others come here and demand an admin be fired or complain id be rich, so now you are ok with bad admins???
Your reasoning is flawed. You're assuming that they're bad admins, and then trying to make a point that you shouldn't accept them because they're bad admins.

My suggestion is fine some vaguely trustworthy people and give them !k, !w, !setnext and maybe !mvote.
If they abuse it remove them.
If they abuse it badly ban them.
They will have no powers whenever a full HOG admin is on.

More than likely, you'll find a lot of people that would then make good full admins too.
__Super_6__5__ wrote:
__Super_6__5__ wrote:You should put a period after, "Hog is the only server i see running." It is the most popular server, bf2 tracker has it at number 1, we have helped it get there but not making anyone an admin, our rules, our play style etc. and to allow people not up to our standards to admin it will only damage that.
China has the most people so China is the best country right? :D There's way more going into what server is populated than it being "the best".
__Super_6__5__ wrote:"Instead you'd rather attack the people pointing out that there is a problem." uh, right back at you? The problem is YOU people, you devs want to ***** but not step up and help
Now it's a conspiracy against HOG?
This multi page discussion started out with some Aussies saying you could do with a few more admins in some timezones. Now when more people say the same thing it must be some massive conspiracy orchestrated by the evil tyranical DEVs.
__Super_6__5__ wrote:@AlonTavor "Because I barely play on HOG, Its on the other side of the globe for me." Then why are you here complaining? If you WONT help, stay away or stay quiet, you are simply trying to start flame wars, start shit etc, this is how a dev acts?
This thread is for server feedback. From reading his post, it seems that he played on your server, had a shit time because there were no admins, and left some feedback about that. Nothing malicious, no flaming, no trolling.
Things got hot after you straight up accused him of trying to troll and implying he was lying.

I'm not sure why you'd expect anyone to want to help admin when the head admin treats them like this when they point out a problem. I mean, I get the feeling from your post that you dislike the way we're talking to you in this thread, but the reality is that this is the same treatment that the community receives from you.
Before accusing somebody of trolling and lying, do think about it.

Your accusation was probably just a mistake, but if I assumed you were lying and intentionally making up what you wrote to discredit Alon's feedback, I doubt you'd be pleased.
Someone once said "you should get your facts straight before commenting, makes you look silly and uninformed".
__Super_6__5__ wrote:This is not the place to apply, rules man, procedures man, go here: Apply for =HOG= - =HOG= Forum
I mean if you're willing to accept me I'll go do that, but I don't quite fancy wasting both our time otherwise.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 16:40
by Frontliner
......are you shitting me right now?

Never have I once stated that the issue is about me or my playing times(primarily). The issue was brought forth by the ANZAC guys who frequent your server during the US morning hours because that's their evening. These guys find nobody adminning the server which is especially aggrevating for them because at that time no European server is up at an acceptable player count - even if there were their ping is outrageously high, whereas on HOG or FCV it's sort of in the realm of manageable - and they have to deal with all sorts of jokers and the same maps all over the place. You could easily get rid of the problem - but you don't seem to understand what exactly the problem is.

As for me personally, I experience this occasionally when I wake up early on Saturday or Sunday (European) mornings. I often find the server void of admins, but since I - unlike the ANZACs or Japanese 1) have multiple servers to choose from and 2) that isn't my primary playing time anyways, I am not affected by this at much.

But I understand where the others are coming from.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 16:41
by __Super_6__5__
ugh, look, im not going to respond to these anymore, you have our response, if others want to continue on with the back and forth they are allowed.

It is quite clear you do not want to help, i just checked, no admin applications, its very clear you only want to sit back, wait for no admins to be on, come here, startup the flame machine and troll us.


sorry for the all caps but yall seem to ignore the fact that we are saying we are accepting admin applications and pointing out that you are not applying. We will not accept everyone to be an admin, no server does, apply or troll, your choice.

and frontliner, let them speak for themselves, who the fuck are you anyway?

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 16:48
by Frontliner
Well, they did that and you ignored it. Or you didn't get it. So go figure why I, Liam and many others spoke up.

Grow up, I can talk about whatever I like without it affecting me in any way, I can talk about the hunger in Africa even though I'm a rather big European man sitting in my comfy little chair if I feel like it.

But currently I just feel like helping a bunch of ANZACs to get admins for their playing time on a video game server. And you can't stop me.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-12 16:54
by Outlawz7
Aside from another drama, your server has Asad Khal AAS Inf on maplist, a layer which doesn't exist anymore. Instead game runs Asad Khal AAS Alt which does exist but ingame asset overview is blank because of this. Please change it on maplist to Alt or Std.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-13 02:50
by Haley
I checked the logs and banned the guy...there were two admins on. One was new....he eventually figured it out. The other was afk for 30 minutes. Sorry for the delay in getting it done but sometimes there are small gaps in it is now we have pretty good admin coverage all night. There will always be exceptions and we appreciate your interest in making reports...who are the ANZACs you are speaking of...Ill go look at what time they play and what admins are or are not on at the same time...

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-13 04:56
by Frontliner
The lads in question
FFG wrote:While i'm sure some in the PR community appreciate your server. Please get latenight admins so this stops happening.
[quote=""'[R-CON"]LiamBai;2165776']Playing again with no admins for some hours. Loading into a second round of Fallujah right now.[/quote]
additionally the Japanese he plays with

[quote="YAK-R""]no admins on for the last 2 hours, server is full and we're playing asad khal again.. zz[/quote]
happygoogleboy2 wrote:You guys need more admins right now.
[quote=""'[R-DEV"]camo;2168721']I doubt i'd be accepted so i don't apply.

In regards to the teamkilling claim. Yeah there was a mass teamkiller on the beruit round yesterday, could you check your logs again and ban the guy?[/quote]

As for the timezones

[quote="Frontliner""]I believe none of the guys you listed for the night shift are Australian, they are European at best. But when it's 19-21 hours in AUS that's noon over here, so it doesn't help whatsoever. You need someone from the Anzac TZs or close to it, and the only ones who come to mind who are reliable enough are the Japanese or the guys who've been asking for adminship for a number of times such as Yak and google.[/quote]
Frontliner wrote:Super, the issue is with the ANZACs primarily. I already said that even IF I were to apply it would be completely meaningless because their evening is my frigging noon when I'm working and I have no intention of losing my job over adminning your server.
Frontliner wrote:The issue was brought forth by the ANZAC guys who frequent your server during the US morning hours because that's their evening.
Literally said it three times just by myself. Is the concept of your morning being their evening too hard for you to grasp? That 4AM for you is 4, 5 or 6 PM for somebody else?

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-07-13 11:52
by Haley
I understand the time zones, not really any need to be a **** about it...the thing is that when I look at the times that they play I see them playing 9 to 11am EST...I also see another playing at 1 to 3am EST when there is admin I am asking which anzec players u r talking about so I can look at the times that they play...I know a couple and they seem to play when admins are on.