[List] What was your funniest kill/moment?

Share your in-game experiences playing PR:BF2.
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Gamerofthegame »

On the TG server, we were playing Zatar Wetlands. I was on the USMC and... Suffice to say, the Amerikans sucked. Well, anyway, we were down 280 tickets or so with 60 left so we decided to be a little less serious. The TG folk on teamspeak taunted the Amerikans (Which was pretty much only me; We were all on the same channel.) so I decided 'Bah to them!', grabbed my Huey (I was air taxi) and one other guy from my squad and took off, running full speed down the river toward one of the southern middle points, beyond the central hill.

Apparently I did indeed find them, as when I went to stop to kick my squadie (Marksman) out, I managed to clip a tree (While at full speed, basically) causing me to roll to the side and plummet downward, sliding across the ground on the Huey's side. Suffice to say, the moment it touched it was on fire.

I actually made it out of the crash alive, although the squadie didn't. Of course, I was promptly send into the bleed out white-screen-o-fuzz bit afterwards, but I managed to hide behind a rock and go to heal myself. And then I was shot in the back of the head.

We were laughing for a good two or three minutes over that.
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by combatwombat »

Yesterday on Basrah I was driving an APC when I spotted a red car zooming towards us from the East, maybe 150 meters away. I frantically yell to my gunner to shoot the guy, but with the VOIP delay he only notices when the car is like 15 meters away. However, it turned out that it's just an ordinary red car, with no c4 in the back. The guy just crashed into my apc and blew up, lol.
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Ray0 »

mine wud have 2 be when on fools road in a full squad
its was bout halfway thru the game + our rally was taken down + we had no bunker/firebase so we started at main
grabbed 2 landys went halfway across the bridge when i heard "S**T" from my SL
instantly i saw his landy fall
then i noticed the world was going up
and splash!
the entire 3rd bridge segment had gone + we were in the water

fun times :)
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by agentscar »

I took out a little brick compound on the outskirts of basrah,and the bodies of the ins. inside flew...flew high...I think they were the first Insurgents to land on the moon....lol,jk.
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by mooneyno1 »

my funniest moment was the other day playing on 64v fools road, me and the squad i was in was on a flag- on top of two buildings the squad leaer being on the building opposite, when suddenly i spotted a at missile or rpg come straight towards up from the tree line, it went straight past our squad leaders head i bent down and it got the guy next to me and killed him, was the funniest thing ive ever saw lol :P
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by 00SoldierofFortune00 »



This USMC troop landed his huey right next to our firebase without any of us knowing it, I killed him, we killed him, and then the chopper ended up staying there the whole round until the end when it was blown up by their own apc.
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by jaspercat444 »

Heres one-

On Al Kufrah Oilfield, I was on the British team, and I had just joined an Armor Squad. We were at the Main, waiting for some sort of transportation, and a bunch of my Squad Members were kind of... errr... messing with the commander. Me and another SM were running to the bridge, following the commander, all the sudden, my Squaddie fired a shot, and over VoIP (loudly) said "Run! Run! I shot the Commander!" :roll:
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Fluffywuffy »

The funny ones are always on Fools Road. When the GB team has fire base at the Train Station then a bunch of rally points. Then you start engaging enemy at top of hill. Guys come up to your position..... but OH NOE!! Im sliding down the hill they look around and don't find me. So they set a rally down. I come up 2 seconds later kill a whole squad and score a rally. :D

Fools Road Again
SL yells GB coming up the hill... O shiz I'm sliding the hill again. I see the GB squad while sliding down the hill prone and shoot 4 of them. The other 2 took cover so I flanked them.

^^^---Scores for me on the Miltia team!!
It rhymed lol.
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Chanvlan »

man thats funny ahaha

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Katarn: Fastropes, yeh fast ropes, and you can shoot while your on the ropes.
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by ZaZZo »

Yesterday, on the iGi server being 1337 paraptroopers with pilot kits. The MEC had just taken North village so we all dropped there and the pwnage began :lol:

Kiled like 6 guys and H-At'd a bunker XD
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Wicca »

Hey, then you killed me too at North village. Our squad had just moved in, built a fire base and was defending.

Then all of a sudden from above comes 6 paratroopers or smt.

That was crazy..

And before that a squad was firing on us with LAT and machine guns from the hills, i was in a 50 cal and returning the fire sometimes. Funny round.

We won btw :P
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Chimpanzeeee »

As a squadleader on fools road:

Revived after being shot at Train depot to find I'd lost the officer kit to another sqd member =\

Game wouldn’t let me request another kit - since we needed a new rally asap i took the medic and the guy with the officer kit 100m off, found a nice spot. said sorry and capped the guy with the officers kit.

medic, being on the ball, had his paddles out already waiting for me to switch kits. The moment i switched kits i notice the business end of an AK47on the edge of my screen. :confused:

Standing there two feet from the medic is a lone milita soldier who's just walked up to us to check out what we're looking at! I press fire but pull out e-tool :-|

Medic sees him too and freaks out, firing full auto. he ends up nailing me a couple of times before i start shooting too. it takes 20-30 rifle rounds each and still not drop the guy at 10feet. :o ops:

he finally dies after ive pulled out the pistol and hte medic has put in a fresh mag.

medic starts healing me, the teammate i shot asks wtf we’re doing shooting at his body instead of reviving him. :D
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Laverty[2-7th] »

At kashan i was cleaning a bunker out as a Enginner so i had my M1014 shotgun out and proceeded up the stairs. Crouching i turned the cornor to see a hostile rally with 2 guys standing around it with there Rpg and G3 looking out the front end of the bunker. i quietly snuck up behind one and Put buckshot in him from point Blank. quickly i whipped my knife out a stabbed his Horrified Buddy. then as i turn around to finish the Rally another guy spawns and i quickly knife him too. then i knifed the rally and ran to clear the rest of the bunker too.
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Fluffywuffy »

'Laverty[2-7th wrote:;700510']At kashan i was cleaning a bunker out as a Enginner so i had my M1014 shotgun out and proceeded up the stairs. Crouching i turned the cornor to see a hostile rally with 2 guys standing around it with there Rpg and G3 looking out the front end of the bunker. i quietly snuck up behind one and Put buckshot in him from point Blank. quickly i whipped my knife out a stabbed his Horrified Buddy. then as i turn around to finish the Rally another guy spawns and i quickly knife him too. then i knifed the rally and ran to clear the rest of the bunker too.

[DM]AirborneLegs or hellatom ingame
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Neoboy »

Remember playing on Al Basrah and found a cache, but I was on officer and my squad was tied up elsewhere so couldn't get an engineer on it. There was a machine gun in the cache so I decided to do it the old fashioned way and shoot it until it catches fire. So it started smoking and as my last bullet in the machine gun hit it, it caught fire. At this point I started reloading and a guy pops up from around the corner, sees me and takes aim. I'm thinking it's the end at this point but at that precise moment the cache explodes and takes him out. Was more a relief than funny moment at the time though.
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by CareBear »

albasrah fighting into the city, taking down several insurgents and civilians, and hearing shitewolf over ts lolling at the british soldier who just killed the ambushers etc, i tell him its me, he tells me to look up, i do and hes a civi on top of the roof, i go to run off in search of more victims i can actually get to, unfortunatley while speakin on ts (push to talk being alt) and checkin the score board, i alt+tab out of game :/

i hear shitey in histerics on ts, shouting me that he just killed me with his rock from the roof :(

i tell him im comming for him

spawn at firebase, hop in the landrover with a squaddy, and we proceed to drive in cricles around the insurgents and civis, killing them with .50 fire and my wheels of doom, none of them being shitey :(

in the end we get hit by a volley of RPG's with there splash damage manageing to take me out,

so i respawn at firebase and await for the squaddy to pic me back up, and i grab spec ops kit to go huntin on the roofs for shitey

running around with specops kit on albasrah, chasing after shitewolf who was a civilian,

found him on a roof, snuck up behind, he turned around and screamed over ts 'ARRRR FECK' in his crazy northener accent followed by me knifing him in the face, and his body thrown off the rrof
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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Masaq »

Epoch messed around with T&T's gravity modifier when the server was quiet. This happened:


Red bomb car, about 150m in the air, suspended over the Mosque area. Stayed up there until small arms fire blew it up (which was just as well, it was lagging out the server up there).

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Re: What was your funniest kill/moment?

Post by Fluffywuffy »

Ironcomatose wrote:I think its obvious that he says he had the SAW from the beginning of the round.
Couldn't anybody grab the white truck in 0.6?

[DM]AirborneLegs or hellatom ingame
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