[R-CON]LiamBai wrote:Has it happened since Friday?
today on =HOG=
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-07-12 05:50
by solidfire93
DPRC and Hardcore got this mass CTD too.....
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-10-29 00:39
by Brozef
There is something wrong with the Master Server for HOG, I click on the HOG server and it tells me 90/100, I click on it again it says 100/100, then again it says 95/100. This just fluctuates every time I click it but won't let me join because apparently it is full.
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-10-29 10:52
by Mats391
Brozef wrote:There is something wrong with the Master Server for HOG, I click on the HOG server and it tells me 90/100, I click on it again it says 100/100, then again it says 95/100. This just fluctuates every time I click it but won't let me join because apparently it is full.
This is no issue with the master server, but the gamespy queries being sent to HOG.
I "restarted" (spawning M1A1 on Baracuda ) your server a couple of minutes ago and it went straight back to showing 100players.
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-10-29 11:47
by H.Maverick
Yea we've noticed, also Mats that's cheating!
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-10-29 12:08
by Mineral
=HOG= Mixed Maps 2 has been temporarily blacklisted so no more players fall into the trap of joining it. Please use other HOG servers while we and the HOG team can figure this out.
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-11-01 10:59
by dysin
drinks were had. redline pulled it off
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-12-08 10:08
by happygoogleboy
Please give me admin, no admins on and server is popped.
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-12-21 15:08
by Bastiannn
> join in the morning
> play 2 or 3 maps
> server crash
> rejoin on muttrah after server starts
> map vote is sbeneh, saaremaa and some other map i don't remember.
> sbeneh and saaremaa tied with 10 votes each
> say we played sbeneh 2 or 3 maps ago BEFORE THE SECOND VOTE
> second vote is sbeneh and saaremaa to solve the tie, sbeneh wins
> we play sbeneh, admins ignore me saying we played sbeneh already, altough they acknowledged it
> accept sbeneh and get on with it
> MEC side; we have 1 COW no respawn
> spawn in the beggining and get on COW, by myself, figuring they are gonna drop some supplies and i can get dropped near a flag
> Trans squad made by some plkenzor guy, filled by 1 PRID member and some other random player, probably them knowing themselves.
> i'm on the right gun in the COW, get asked by 2 trans members (one of them being the SL) to leave the gun.
> got confused, asked why, he told me 'cuz im asking you so'. Figured out ok, he's the SL, it's his heli, lets give him some respect. I leave the gun.
> pilot is SL plkenzor, 2 gunners are PRID guy and the random
> we lift, then they go on to fly over H5/I6 and the CP called 'Hospital' shooting the 2 guns, overflying in a circle about 2 times before them getting engaged, trying to RTB after they fucked up but crash before reaching main (didn't explode by itself, the pilot CRASHED IT by not knowing how to fly)
> basically they used it as an attack helicopter overflying 2 times over an obivous danger on purpose using guns as fierce weapons thinking they have a CAS heli
> spend the next 5 minutes multiple reporting the incident
> the only reaction i get after 5 minutes of reporting is 'stop falsely reporting'
> explain again on chat what happened
> ignored
> admin spends his time on warning squads that are locked
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-12-21 17:05
by Wicca
This isn't 4chan.
But good story nonetheless.
Mod edit: user warned for unhelpful post.
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-12-21 17:29
by SyriousT
Bastiannn wrote:
yes i was on during this events. I changed the server instantly because no one has mic and there is 0 coordination.plus,before it in Muttrah there was guys using LAT against OUR logis and some destroying our crates and some aim at you for several seconds (to id you) then TK you saying all looks the same. I dont know how we won but they must've sucked more than we did (i stabbed a poor american with my bayonet lol)
scrambling the teams would've solved the 1 team dominance rule
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-12-22 02:42
by PricelineNegotiator
>still using greentext
The HOG admins tend to be pretty responsive. You have a good point about the maps, but what server doesn't have a problem?
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2017-01-01 01:26
by sunshine2241991
Just dont play on HOG .
they threat people on they forum like sh1t .
not really worth the time and the scene .
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2017-01-01 15:15
by Mouthpiece
Bastiannn wrote:#1
You know what I think about these kinds of situations? The players aren't the ones that are faulty. It's our, the veterans fault, that we couldn't keep up the high skill ceiling/level and high expectations towards newbies (e.g., seems like we stopped caring with the huge influx of noobies after 1.0). Because when I started playing in 2009., I didn't read manual at first and was a total nuisance to my team/squad. But back then in some servers there was zero tolerance policy - if you're not a teamplayer, if you want to masturbate with your friends all the time then you should leave (back then). And also what I miss from those days is that when Mumble wasn't integrated, it was like a idiot filter - and PRTA/TG automatically kicked Mumbleless players therefore making it A LOT easier on admins (not automatically, but admins could kick/ban player after 3 short warnings). Sorry for my rambling, I'm just sad that the general level of teamwork isn't there (as it was) anymore.
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2017-01-03 17:36
by AlonTavor
You called the Admin an idiot... = ban
You ban someone because he called you an Idiot? Holy shit, what are you 12? Just how low does someone's self-esteem need to be to get triggered by "Idiot"?
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2017-01-03 17:43
[R-CON]AlonTavor wrote:You ban someone because he called you an Idiot? Holy shit, what are you 12? Just how low does someone's self-esteem need to be to get triggered by "Idiot"?
I agree with you, here on DIVSUL the admins are called of a lot of things and the players only get banned if it is a really offensive insult, racism etc ...
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2017-01-03 19:17
by Danesh_italiano
[R-CON]AlonTavor wrote:You ban someone because he called you an Idiot? Holy shit, what are you 12? Just how low does someone's self-esteem need to be to get triggered by "Idiot"?
One player got banned for saying to one admin to be more smart.
HOG administrators dont consider this topic as "feedback". So, here is nothing to them.
Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2017-01-05 19:17
by Mouthpiece
Danesh_italiano wrote:One player got banned for saying to one admin to be more smart.
HOG administrators dont consider this topic as "feedback". So, here is nothing to them.
So you're saying that PR community should provide their feedback about this server straight into your homepage/forums where it will be "moderated" according to the liking of admins/members? Okay, much appreciated, good bye.