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Posted: 2007-10-20 16:08
by Sketch424
so shooting civs in vehicles doesn't give you that huuuuuge spawn time?

Posted: 2007-10-21 13:02
by G.Drew

read the wiki

Conventional forces are not allowed to fire upon Civilians, and will incur heavy penalties whenever a civilian is killed as a result of their actions. The only situations where civilians can be killed is when they are in a vehicle, on a ladder or rope, or when they get run over by a vehicle. In any other situations, the killing of a civilian will result in a 10 ticket bonus for the insurgent team, and an additional minute of respawn time to the person who killed the civilian. Killing a civilian will also prevent the player from using limited kits for the next 10 minutes.

Civilians can be captured by attacking them with a knife. This is to simulate restraining the civilian and cuffing him, since animations for such events are not in game. After getting captured, the civilian will take a minute longer to respawn, and the conventional forces team will receive 10 respawn tickets in addition to the intel points.

Posted: 2007-10-29 02:25
by Hx.Clavdivs
(Told before, but it is rather funny)

Desert as MEC. Or US? Or MEC? What the hell am I this time?
Reason for my confusion is that I've been auto-switched 2 times already and now seriously confused and a bit silly-nilly with drink.

Spawn in an APC that I quickly discover is under heavy fire and leg it to the nearest foxhole and jump head first into cover. Bleeding badly, and blurry vision I see a SL and a rifleman getting medical attention from (offcourse) a medic.

Ok ... fine. Priority for a medic is as you know SL first, then his own folks and then my turn. But for some odd reason, they just stop dead in their tracks what they are doing and just stare at me. And I do mean, they just stare at me. Weapons pointing down, one of the characters scratches his beard.

Getting slightly annoyed, I yell "I need a medic here!". Last thing I heard was "No sir" in arab and they all opened up fire. So I'm US this time then. Ok - I can work with that.

Posted: 2007-10-30 00:17
by Hides-His-Eyes
Get totally lost in thge kills in 7 gates as UK, can't find my squad, try to find somewhere safe to wait for SL to get back so i can follow him. Find a Chinese sniper who'd been holding the whole team down. Wasn't 100% on the team, he turns to face me, I get it from the skin colour and knife him in the face.

It's so satisfying when they see it coming.

Posted: 2007-10-30 00:54
by Desertfox
On Al Basrah me and Jaymz were at the Palace and we got into a technical and were driving to one of the bridges when we saw a dirtbike fly past us, I thought nothing of it but a couple of seconds later Jaymz goes "Was that a british guy" So I spot him and sure enough it is :o So I start driving and Jaymz goes "He is so dead!" and literally as soon as Jaymz says that we are at the bridge and see a warrior, im like "Oh shit!" and turned sharply, right into the water.... I jumped out and started swimming away but got killed, Jaymz made it out alive and then said "There's no one in the warrior"


Posted: 2007-10-30 01:33
by Outlawz7
Hx.Clavdivs wrote:(Told before, but it is rather funny)

Desert as MEC. Or US? Or MEC? What the hell am I this time?
Reason for my confusion is that I've been auto-switched 2 times already and now seriously confused and a bit silly-nilly with drink.

Spawn in an APC that I quickly discover is under heavy fire and leg it to the nearest foxhole and jump head first into cover. Bleeding badly, and blurry vision I see a SL and a rifleman getting medical attention from (offcourse) a medic.

Ok ... fine. Priority for a medic is as you know SL first, then his own folks and then my turn. But for some odd reason, they just stop dead in their tracks what they are doing and just stare at me. And I do mean, they just stare at me. Weapons pointing down, one of the characters scratches his beard.

Getting slightly annoyed, I yell "I need a medic here!". Last thing I heard was "No sir" in arab and they all opened up fire. So I'm US this time then. Ok - I can work with that.
Yes, on Al Fallujah in 0.5(?)

Posted: 2007-10-31 19:14
by Hx.Clavdivs
After a catastrophic round on Ghost Train where we suddenly turn a sure win to a crushing defeat (how that is even possible is because of IGI who was on the opposing team) I blow a gasket and go on a roaring rampage of ... defense!

Then we have a boring round of defense where we whupp their butts and win 300 tickets.

And now for the main story. I introduce:

Operation Phoneix as US
(still on IGI)
Now I have a full squad of happy defenders. Or so I think. Turns out that with exception of two brave fellows [LSD]Blondin and =JGK= Scoth(DK)The-kill, they all leave that *****. Me. With incredible skill they put up with me and we managed to defend Suburb and for the most of the round, we held on to Construction like it was no tomorrow.

Something has to be said for PR and how one can bond with your fellow squad mates when you are knee deep in shit and bullits fly over your head in every direction. Anyways, we win.

And in the second round, I get my core crew back. We are going back to D-Fence. Cept, I kinda got a bit silly. We now have .:=IGI=: SapperACC and two other Hx folks in. Introduce the most offensive defensive team ever. We cap Construction, when I figure we should perhaps defend suburbs too. Since ... Just have to cap it first. Oh, maybe we should cap ... I mean ... defend market as well?

RUUUUUUUUUN! We are gonna defend farm. NOW! Move move move. You boys should have heard the response on VOIP. "Huh?" was one. Or "Aren't we defending?" Yes, we are defending farm. Just have to take that one too first. And boy did we defend farm. :D :D :D Got in neutral in no time and won that round about 5 minutes later. After getting attacked by the entire US team and their command truck.

All the while we laughed like maniacs. Funny round.

Posted: 2007-10-31 22:00
by .:iGi:.NinjaJedi
lol, nice read..

Posted: 2007-11-01 10:28
by lars
5 minutes ago i was running on a road when 2 apc's and 6 ppl passed me and they didnt even see i was i took my m249 and started shooting every1....then the apc shot me :(

Posted: 2007-11-01 17:46
by Alex6714
Having a lucky streak with the militia sapper gun (which I now respect greatly) killing a lot of people and running out of bullets. 3 people in front of me over a hill, I walk up, pop pop pop click. Oh dear, RUN!

Ran back, wondering where I am going to get ammo from in the middle of nowhere (searching for rally) until a brit with a SAW just runs past me. Alrighty then, out comes the knife. :grin: Get his kit, and funnily enough, after all that "skill" I get shot running away with the SAW. :(

Also pleased me taking out 2 APCs and headshotting 3 people with the sapper gun from a reasonable range. :grin:

Posted: 2007-11-01 21:07
by Warmagi
Yeah, I find sapper gun also ver... helpful :) in many situations. Sapper is very capable kit

Posted: 2007-11-01 21:22
by Wasteland
I was driving the suicide truck in 0.5 out in the middle of nowhere. I think me and Gara or DesertFox were planning on doing some cross team rally racing. In the distance I saw a Cobra just sitting in the middle of nowhere, so I drove toward it to investigate. As I get closer, a Blackhawk swoops in and two guys hop out to repair the apparently crippled Cobra. Now I felt kind of bad because I knew I was messing up what was probably the pinnacle of cooperation on that server. But I drove straight at them anyway, blasting the jihadi music. The pilots and mechanics looked at me, frozen, and the Blackhawk pilot tried to take off and get away in time, but I caught everything in the blast.

1 Cobra
1 Blackhawk
3 pilots
2 engineers

Posted: 2007-11-02 03:27
by Ninja2dan
I was on the Al Basrah map as an insurgent, server population was a little low, maybe 8-9 per team (about 4am PST). Due to the lack of players, the round mostly turned into the insurgents getting assaulted with APC's, while a few lone GB remained at the VCP to defend it. There weren't enough of us insurgents around to both defend the caches and take the VCP. We tried but failed various times and gave up.

What was happening is every time a new APC would spawn they would head to the city and rip up anyone they could. We had no civvies, just trying to take out the GB's who kept coming in. They had little intel, but kept coming in to look.

The real fun started when they managed to get an APC right outside the mosque entrance, and none of our guys had the RPG kits. They were all packed inside it, just about ready to storm the mosque. Next thing they heard was the cantina music from star wars, and I blow their APC with a Jihad car.

About a minute later they are rolling back into the city with another APC, but I'm already in another jihad on the way to the VCP. Their APC is just leaving the south VCP gate when I pull up next to it. Their grunts are blasting my car with small arms, and I could see the APC was solo-manned. It takes a few seconds from when you hop in as gunner before you can fire, just long enough for me to hit the boom button. Another APC down.

This kept going on for almost 30 minutes, every time a new APC came rolling towards us I was able to jihad it. VOIP was full of laughter for almost the whole round, as we were pissing of the brits quite well. I managed to take out 7 APC's that round with the jihad cars, and drove into the middle of the VCP with the jihad semi (not sure how I managed that to be honest), taking out 3 of them and their command truck while they were trying to set up a defense array.

I would say that was one of the funniest times I have played any game, and was also the only time I had a good laugh with a low population server. Good times.

Posted: 2007-11-03 03:09
by Hx.Clavdivs
Thors Brigade, Ejod as US
I finally manage to spawn in after 4 memory leaks. 5pitfire awaits me at base when I spawn in as engineer and says: "Lets just run wild".

We loose badly. And while we are loosing he drives me right up to
1 Command post, 1 Command truck, 1 bunker, 2 APC's and 2 Tanks.

The APC's and Tank's don't even realize that we just drove up to them. I even had time to put a mine and then a C4 behind, blow them up before they even knew we where there.

I didn't even die once!

Thors Brigade, EJOD as MEC
34:12 - all of them as either engineer or medic. That means all on foot. I got killed 7 times trying to save my SL, and the last 10 minutes I was the SL trying to give folks a spawn point. I know, it don't sound that impressive, but the next in line in the kill score was in an APC.

I had 17:3 without a scope before I tried to help my squad in some capacity. I should just quit playing PR for good right now, because I will never have 2 rounds like that again.

Posted: 2007-11-04 13:39
by Wallz
I was playing as British in the battleareana server (insurgency) it was like the last 20 tickets and our whole team was assaulting the last ammo depot. Anyways, I happened to be in a squad that I managed to get to follow me when I had the SF kit, I went around back but a timed c4 on the wall.. Boom I blew up a guy on the other side as well as the wall.. But it got better.

After we went in and killed like 20 guys that were shooting the rest of our team.. After killing them, I threw a timed c4 down next to a building.. And a guy spawned rate on top of it and blew up. Just as that happened the game ended though. Good timing lol.

Posted: 2007-11-04 15:12
by Sudano68
I was playing as the brits on Al Basra, and I was south west of the VCP hiding near a tree, when I saw a civilian coming towards me. The funny thing is that the whole time he is staring at me with his binoculars and there was a insurgent using him as cover to get closer and closer to me. I held my fire, until I got a shot, took one shot and got the insurgent in the head, and my whole squad saw it, they were off to my left. It was hilarious in my opinion.

Posted: 2007-11-04 18:54
by CareBear
on =TAG= server, OGT

chinese ha manged to push there wa and cap the tunnel, while whole of our team, trying to get the tunnel back, also 1 or 2 squads keeping hold of temple,

temple get finally capped by chinese,
brits finally take the room in the tunnel and start capping,
just as tunnel goes neutral, so does brit main
me and my mate, hop in a landrover him on the 50. me driver

race up to the flag and see the enemy squad running about the flag, we race in at high speed, and i switch to the Gimpy, and we mange to kill all enemy without taking damage .... O.O, like sommit out of a film ^^

Posted: 2007-11-15 07:26
by Hx.Clavdivs
Thors Brigade, Ejod as MEC
Reader discretion adviced
This post might offend some of our more sensitive readers and should be read under parental guidance.

Or squad consists of the following kits:
1 Sniper
1 Marksman
1 Rifleman
3 H-AT (say thank you to the kind marine who dropped that kit)

On the hills east of Ruins we do our supa-campa routine. Needless to say, NOTHING gets to leave Main base or get past Gas station. Then we have a massive wave of attackers from the direction of that little shed underneath us. When they are wiped out, I position myself above that shed to get a closer look. Oh boy, there are 2 RP's and one officer inside there. With that handy marksman kit I manage to make sure that they can't get out, but some of them are still hiding inside. Read: The officer.

To give you an idea how fast they spawn in and how relentless they are, I get 22 kills in a very short period of time, all from that shed.

"Hey, H-AT guy - get over here! Send a rocket inside that shed!"

And voila! I now how a massive discussion on my hands along the lines of: "Is it ethical or morally right to fire of that rocket on infantry?" I kid you not. While I was camping RP, my 3 H-AT stood discussing this. Referring to this forum, server rules, personal experience and personal preference.

In the end a rocket was sent inside and the RPs, officer and one tango was killed. We wanted to wait until they had all spawned in, because we managed to agree that H-AT fire could be justified if it was multiple targets clustered together. Unfortunetly we had to cut that short because we had other pressing issues to attend to. Read: 1 APC and 1 command truck.

Disclaimer: Our ammo hungry H-AT was feed by our RP, a supply crate, 1 vodnik and the afore mentioned rifleman. We managed to keep our 3 H-AT kits for the entire duration of that round (about 40 minutes). Claudius sucks as sniper, but I now understand why folks love that marksman kit!

Posted: 2007-11-16 16:53
by Left_Beheretic
On Basrah? as insurgent.

We've manaeged to work our way to the NW of the VCP which other squads have captured.

However there's an APC sitting on the road north of the VCP blasting away.

I get up behind with my RPG but I'm out of ammo. So, I crouch at the back and wait for the RPG to reload off of the APC. I step back and "BOOM!" and then run forward as the turret turns towards me and opens up while I go to ground. He cooks off a few rounds and he must have figured I was dead as he turns his attention back to the occupied VCP.

I reload AGAIN from the APC, step back (but not far enough as it turns out) and "BOOM!" he's a smoking armoured shell and I'm a corpse.

Good times.


Posted: 2007-11-17 09:57
by Smuke

I was driving a jeep and i turn a corner and his mec guy jumps onmy bonet i cant see anything a crash into a tree and he goes flying lol