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Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2008-12-20 23:37
by joethepro36
I've had the OP in my squad a few times, he's a damn fine shot and he's tactically minded, so this is a recommendation for him I guess. I found it funny when I was on Muttrah and he was the only guy in my squad taking the initative to cover the squad from a rooftop while we were under fire, a good 30 seconds or so before I gave the command to do what he was doing; suppressive fire.

Now for my first experience:
I was on Muttrah city in 0.5, I had heard of project reality from playing point of existence 2 (a nice mod but I felt it was a little too close to the gameyness of vanilla). So I hopped onto a chopper (well flown, shock and/or horror) and descended into a street with my squad. As soon as we landed it stopped being a calm cityscape and turned into "HOLY JESUS CHRIST THERE'S FIRE FROM EVERYWHERE, THROW FRAGS, GET DOWN, SUPPRESSIVE FIRE, RRAAAAHHHHH". And from there is developed into actually being able to shoot accurately and make tactical decisions in bf2. I fell in love with the mod right there and I've been playing ever since.

Re: my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2008-12-23 03:31
by Froztbyte
kingkoolkoobyak wrote:yeeeah ;p
and its only the very beginning
good read
i rofl'd at your sig

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2008-12-27 00:52
by Wicca

PR is great... Just... Great...

*Happily Sigs* :)

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-19 15:05
by Uladh
joethepro36 wrote:I've had the OP in my squad a few times, he's a damn fine shot and he's tactically minded, so this is a recommendation for him I guess. I found it funny when I was on Muttrah and he was the only guy in my squad taking the initative to cover the squad from a rooftop while we were under fire, a good 30 seconds or so before I gave the command to do what he was doing; suppressive fire.
only reading this now lol i am putting it in my sig :)

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-19 15:35
by motherdear
holy necro :D

i can only remembering firing the M16 back in 0.4 and trying to place a SLAM on assets thinking it was like vanilla. back then squads were not as important and we had silenced sniper rifles. oh so many good moments

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-19 22:03
by Dorkweed
gazzthompson wrote:so the addiction begins.....
haha just as it began with everyone else :P

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-21 01:38
by Wh33lman
Let me share a little story with you Uladh.

When i first started playing PR, i intended to split my time between PR and vBF2 because i still had 2 weapon unlocks to go in vBF2.

That was about 2 years ago. I still dont have those 2 weapons.

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-21 02:09
by sharpie
Wicca wrote:hahaha....

PR is great... Just... Great...

*Happily Sigs* :)

Amen brother. Amen.

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-21 14:52
by myles
The thing i dont get you lead a squad on your 1st day?

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-21 23:23
by galeknight1
First time was in barracuda in the marshes, I was just lying there not knowing where the hell I was and what the hell to do, listening to my SL shouting 'Run to the side of the river!!!' as we were getting surpressed on all sides. I immediately alt-f4'd and read the manual.

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-23 17:36
by Original|nl
galeknight1 wrote:First time was in barracuda in the marshes, I was just lying there not knowing where the hell I was and what the hell to do, listening to my SL shouting 'Run to the side of the river!!!' as we were getting surpressed on all sides. I immediately alt-f4'd and read the manual.
Hahaha that's funny :)

First time I was on PR, I was like wth are all these people talking from? I was scared to death because in BF2 nobody had VOIP, and I was in a dark room turned around and somebody laughed through the microphone I turned the computer off and went downstairs :neutral:

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-28 20:35
by =]H[=COEMAN
The first time I played a round of PR, I had 1 kill and 32 deaths, that first kill was priceless.

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-28 21:14
by Shaihuluid
'= wrote:H[=COEMAN;1246249']The first time I played a round of PR, I had 1 kill and 32 deaths, that first kill was priceless.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I can still remember my first kill , over in Asad Khal as MEC. Our squads had holed themselves up in the walled compound on the right side of the map, barbed wire and everything on the doors, and an FB in the back. I'd played a couple hours of training/skimerish before this, but nothing really compared. The british sent in their squads in waves on the objective, lobbing grenades all over the place and supressing our defenses so bad that stepping out would have been slaughter. smoke on the battlefield was so thick that you could scarecly even see the man in front of you. Back then, getting shot was a practical nightmare for me, with all the blood effects and all :shock: , so I hung back and took potshots at the enemy.First Kill was just as our defenses were cracking inward and beginning to crumble. Sitting at the multi-level building farthest right on the map, I strafed out into the window port, spotting a brit Officer lying down in front of a wire fence about 50m away. Bullets flying all around me :shock: , I panicked and emptied the whole clip downrange :firing: . Last three shots hit him square-on :shocked: . Probably the most intense in-game combat I'd ever played in a game before. :m1helmet:

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-01-30 04:42
by Nax
'= wrote:H[=COEMAN;1246249']The first time I played a round of PR, I had 1 kill and 32 deaths, that first kill was priceless.
Man, I remember my first kill in PR. For the longest time, I only played medic, because I was a terrible shot when I first started playing (WTF NO KROSSHARES OMG THIS IS AMAZING <--- Me when I first started playing).

I honestly can't say I vividly remember my first PR game, but I do remember one of my early games.

I was on Kashan Desert. I was a squad medic, and man oh man, I almost wish I was new to the game again, because when you are a noob you get such an adrenaline rush. So I was sprinting around with my medic bag around, rounds flying past my head, and smoke being deployed everywhere. I spent the whole round hugging my squad leader (I had no idea where to go when I first started playing), and I was actually rewarded for this. My squad leader yelled over VoIP "Shit, this SAW gunner is gonna take us all down, get some smoke up and lets move forward."

I replied with two smoke grenades, took out my medic bag and hung onto my keyboard for dear life. So we are rushing forward screaming, running head on at the bunkers. Two of my squad mates were reluctant to move forward, and they quickly fell to incoming fire. The other two squadmates were trying to go around the back (they too died), so it was just me and my squad lead.

My squad leader climbed out the ditch we were hiding in, just enough so he could take aim at the SAW gunner who killed so many. He left off a shot, missed, and got taken out. He yelled curses over his mic, but I quickly said "Don't worry, I'll get you back up."

The Squad leader, not realizing I had managed to keep up with him, was overjoyed, telling me "Medic, you're a champion man. You're a bloody champion."

I finished the round, got off my computer, and sat down on my couch the rest of the day feeling like I had just saved the world.

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-02-06 06:51
by Ewoklord
My first kill was today. It wasn't much, I shot a medic as he was running away. I also knifed someone that round. It was my 2nd round, and somehow I became SL. If KrazyArab, it was also his second round, reads these forums, thanks for sticking with my crappy squad.

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-02-07 13:19
by Tahanatos
cant remember my first round. Maybe because it was ages ago when PR was still a minimod and more like BF2. But PR slowly changed and so did the Players. I only recently realized how amazing it has become when I joined a BF2 server. I yelled at my Squadmembers to stick together and tried to request a kit at the supplycrate. Then I got kind of frustrated when i couldnt hit a thing with a LMG on 50 meters.

My first great Teamwork experiences date back to when they first introduced the British and destroyable buildings. I dont know what version. We had this nice convoy with Landrovers on some long forgotten desert map. I was one of the .50cal gunners and we got ambushed. We drove into cover and opened fire my SQL was directing us and calling out enemy positions and everybody was reporting what was happening. It was so intense only when I got performens lag from an RPG blowing up the wall in front of me I realized "Wait Its just a game ... Calm down".

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-02-08 18:47
by CrustyDoom
I remember my first awesome PR moment. I was in ramiel as an insurgent and I was all alone in my own squad. the whole time I would sit and wait motionless (like I would probly be doing in a real life situation). Occasionally i would spot a US squad around a corner, head them off, and unload killing all of them. I did that many times, only died twice, and got about 20 kills. It remains my best experience ever.

Re: [AAR] my first great experience as a noob

Posted: 2010-03-03 05:39
by kanonator
I remember my first round was horrible. But since I spent hours and hours downloading the thing, I thought I'd give it another try. Thank god for that second try. Been playing a year now