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Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-18 02:10
by Pvt. Green
Will we get swords, ducks foot pistols and blunderbusses à la Battlefield Pirates? :lol:

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-18 02:24
by Nagard
Jesus... This map will be so frikkin' awesome!

Whoever had that idea deserves a few cheers and thumb-ups.

:thumbsup: :15_cheers :thumbsup:

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-18 08:12
by Zemciugas
Now this is going to be amazing, the map is huge and detailed :D wish there would be some transport lilbirds :D and would be cool to have a little button in the ship, which when u press the ships horns sounds on, anyways can't wait for this awesomness, hope there will be a lot of heli's.

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-18 12:10
by Arnoldio
This is awesome beyond belief. Ship -> interior CQB, Tight village -> exterior CQB, beach landings, heli insertions and so on...

This is going to be great! :D

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-18 12:19
by Hauteclocque
-> MP5s for all BLUFOR classes. :mrgreen:

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-18 17:12
by AFsoccer
Wow, the map is looking great CRF! The terrain, features, and roads all look spot on. Even the beach had a gradual depth until the shelf, just like a real beach. Great job! :grin:

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-18 21:42
by Redamare
wow looks GREAT :) good work guys

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-18 22:28
by General Dragosh
Looks nice indeed =P

Really looks nice =]

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-19 15:25
by iwillkillyouhun
wow good job :) i cant w8 to tryit :S :) let's just hope it's gona be ready in the summer break :)

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-19 16:44
by MCI
Somalian Pirates We! :D

Looks great

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-20 08:41
by kablo00
[R-DEV]Hans Martin Slayer wrote:Great stuff champ! :-)
very good conguralition

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-23 01:22
by Sniper77shot
For an effective ground team make it a good load out, for example 2 support truck and strykers it makes for an effective troop escort so make sure you have to make the load out effective for both teams.

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-23 09:25
by CodeRedFox

Some WIP versions. Textures is coming along.

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-23 11:43
by Makikou
Seems pretty damn amazing, cant wait to see it PR!

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-28 20:17
by Megagoth1702
carrier will be clusterfuck dude

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-28 20:56
by CodeRedFox

Did some testing this weekend with a few guys and have moved a few of the cargoship closer to shore. Not to close just enough that the BLUFOR pilots dont end up taking the ship WAY before the OPFOR does.

Allot of the collisions were worked on, all the water tight doors were remade this week and some more reward idea's were looked into. Next few steps are better looking texture maps and doing some work on the bridge.

As far as the map goes this is continuing to be worked on. Each village needs its special attention to look like its actually lived in along with points of interest through out the map.

The warping that is found on every 4km map has been brought down to the minimum, which make me happy.

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-28 21:18
by driver-ch-driver
looks awesome, Really nice work :thumbsup:

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-29 05:57
by Maxfragg
am I right, guessing that the ship consists out of elements and that there could as well be longer/shorter versions, so that not only the fright is different?

anyways, loos awesome and thats a hell lot of containers, i hope there is nothing hidden between them ;-)

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-29 12:50
by Darkside
nice work :D

Re: Eyl Map, Cargoships, and Ship Boarding videos

Posted: 2010-04-29 14:35
by Drav
Great ships Codered, lovely work!