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Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-14 19:07
by Haley
Ya I found was boxkiller...he is new and he was dealing with chuck norris...and kicking idle players...I think he just missed it...looks like the admin in prism was afk....the 1st report was incorrect then yours then another incorrect report, then chuck....

017-08-13 12:04] !REPORTP performed by '[3dAC] Frontliner(Ger)': mhd intentional tking
[2017-08-13 12:04] !REPORTP performed by ' Liam' on 'mhmd mhmd': griefing, intentionally firing on friendly APC in main
[2017-08-13 12:05] !REPORTP performed by '[NEW] Spielmannsfluch': mhd tk in main with quad canon
[2017-08-13 12:07] !REPORTP performed by ' [R-DEV]AlonTavor' on '=LAG= CHUCK-NORRIS-MIAM': spamming mumble
[2017-08-13 12:08] !WARN performed by '=HOG= TheBoxKiller' on '=LAG= CHUCK-NORRIS-MIAM': STOP mumble spamming!
[R-CON]LiamBai wrote:I don't remember the names.
The ingame admin was playing that round and did type in chat, so it should be easy to figure out.
Searching the logs for me teamkilling mhmd mhmd should give you the exact file for the round.

As for what they did when I reported it... well, nothing.
When the admin was talking in chat after that I asked again if he would do anything about the griefer lighting us up in main, but got no response.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-16 01:19
by tankninja1
Haley wrote:we do not allow terrorist organization names like be used....sorry if u do not understand or appreciate why...
Too bad one of the factions in named after a terrorist organization...

And I got banned for following admin instructions to name a new squad, presumably not after a terrorist organization.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-16 22:57
by Rabbit
Fun games tonight, didnt notice any admins, but didnt notice any problems, so if there were admins on props to them to dealing with them before I noticed.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-20 06:20
by Reamz
Was manually added to banlist on 8/14/17 for "Rules for ban appeals...7. DO NOT RESPOND IN ANOTHER PLAYERS BAN APPEAL, THE ADMINS ARE THE ONLY ONES TO RESPOND IN AN APPEAL." The thread I responded to was a "PR Discussion thread," not a "ban appeal thread." Took 5 days to get a response after talking to a head admin the first day and poking all 3 head admins on teamspeak the fifth day. A few hours after the pokes the ban was lifted. Other ban appeals before and after mine were responded to in less than 1 day.

Not impressed.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-21 10:55
by happygoogleboy
No admins on atm

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-21 21:23
by doop-de-doo
Damn. I missed the CNC! O.O

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-22 07:07
by happygoogleboy
no admins on atm again

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-22 08:39
by Dorian
thats quiet a problem atm

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-22 09:12
by happygoogleboy
Still no admins on full server, please address this.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-23 04:09
by Psyrus
happygoogleboy wrote:Still no admins on full server, please address this.
Out of curiosity, have you applied to be an admin? They seem to be lacking admins during your playing times

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-23 10:36
by happygoogleboy
[R-DEV]Psyrus wrote:Out of curiosity, have you applied to be an admin? They seem to be lacking admins during your playing times

They said no.


Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-23 12:31
by Psyrus
happygoogleboy wrote:Yes.

They said no.

Sorry to hear that, I know how rough it can be playing both at high ping and without admins on.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-24 10:46
by Smiley1967
It s actually working really fine :)

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-24 13:30
by fecht_niko
Smiley1967 wrote:It s actually working really fine :)
Depends on the ping. HOG is around 90 for me which is fine but west coast server are around 200 which is unplayable as INF

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-25 03:44
by happygoogleboy
fecht_niko wrote:Depends on the ping. HOG is around 90 for me which is fine but west coast server are around 200 which is unplayable as INF
Wilkommen bei unser welt.

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-25 11:44
by happygoogleboy
No admins on atm

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-27 01:14
by Haley
weird, log shows 3 admins on at that time...Rageblade, Blood and Boxkiller

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-27 09:02
by happygoogleboy
No admins atm

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-27 13:52
by Haley
You are correct. There was no admin on for about 5 hours...I went thru the logs and banned the trolls. Thx.

Banned tk for kit 2017-08-27 03:44] !REPORTP performed by 'CWD Talking.Fetus' on ' Soulshark': shark, intentional tk at close range for my kit

Banned trolling 73e27dd8d6f040e9a0caf80672fcd911

[2017-08-27 03:49] !REPORTP performed by 'CFC Cheomesh' on ' dimon214125236': trollin

banned mass tk main 12be83a239d246862f489b6fe23c95e1

[2017-08-27 03:51] !REPORTP performed by 'CFC Cheomesh' on ' Contre': mass TK, intentioal, at base.

[2017-08-27 03:51] !REPORTP performed by 'CWD Talking.Fetus': intential team kill contre
[2017-08-27 03:52] !REPORT performed by ' The_Black_Vegetable': contre claimore in base, griefer
[2017-08-27 03:52] !REPORTP performed by ' ScoCallum' on ' Contre': /detonated garry in main

banned 2017-08-15 13:20] 1bbe4a9416a5da2502f0566d8ea522b8 Itsjames 82.69.40.

[2017-08-27 03:57] !REPORT performed by 'AVA Avatarix': Itsjames teamkilling commander in main base
[2017-08-27 04:06] !REPORTP performed by 'CFC Cheomesh' on ' Freedomfighter01': TK
[2017-08-27 04:30] !REPORTP performed by ' ~^*$_B2P1_HaS_HaX_2' on ' Itsjames': intentionally TKing
[2017-08-27 04:50] !REPORT performed by ' CaptainPlanton': james intentional blatened TK

Banned [2017-08-19 05:57] 23fa9945efe00dc900f42aeb24c23df9 Odilbek 5.141.219.

[2017-08-27 05:20] !REPORT performed by '[3dAC] Frontliner(Ger)': odilbek stealing assets
[2017-08-27 05:20] !REPORTP performed by ' rookie_dude': Obilbek stealing and crashing choper

Banned [2017-07-10 01:07] deac10225913dd73d90cd9b65b935d0a Victous 139.216.78.

2017-08-27 05:18] !REPORT performed by '[3dAC] Frontliner(Ger)': victous standing in front of a TOW

Re: =HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.

Posted: 2017-08-27 13:57
by Frontliner
thank you for your efforts Haley