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Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 05:01
'[MPN wrote:Slouch2;1075888']Austrian soldiers? This A3 mod wasn't done by Steyr in Austria, it was done by ADI in Australia.
I'm talkin' about the A3 in general not a specific australian A3.
Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 05:53
by [MPN]Slouch2
[R-CON]MAINERROR wrote:I'm talkin' about the A3 in general not a specific australian A3.
So... something that has nothing to do with this thread, then?
Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 07:49
Dude what exaclty are you on about? I mean what is your problem? There was a missunderstanding, it got cleared up and thats it. FFS don't start overreacting ... jesus.
EDIT: And by the way. The Steyr AUG A3 in general was developed by Steyr-Mannlicher whether you believe it or not.

Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 09:33
by [MPN]Slouch2
The Austrian Steyr A3 is not the same weapon as the ADF's F88A3, which was not developed by Steyr-Mannlicher. The main difference being the Steyr A3 has an external bolt release button, whereas the F88A3 is the same basic Steyr with an extended sight rail and new 1.5x scope which has a more secure base and 1913 rail on top, not to mention the new Coyote coloured powder coat.
The reason I'm being a bit of a **** about this is that the two weapons, while subtly different visually, be significantly different for when Tonnie models and animates it. The reload and mag change animations will be completely different due to the F88A3's lack of an external bolt release. The most noticeable difference when look at the weapon from a first person view is that the F88A3's sight and sight rail will be very different to the Steyr A3's.
When you compare the two weapons side by side, you can see just how different they are.
Steyr A3

Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 09:57
by Tonnie
[MPN]Slouch2 i have been fighting this argument so many times but in a different sense, ie i was talking earlyer that the F88 and the AUG are two diffrent weapons and that Australia builds the F88's not austria and that we bought the basic design and had the rights to modify and make them ourselfs but some ppl have it stuck in there heads that they are the EXACT same rifle with no difference at all. Same thing with the F88A3 and the styer A3 two completely different weapons and are made by two very different companys. But i got no where coz ppl have it stuck that the Australians use the weapons that austria make and not our own versions. meh not going to even bother....
I will look at maybe modifying them in phase 3 of the ADF build. We are still in Phase 1 so its abit off.
Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 10:05
by [MPN]Slouch2
[R-DEV]tonnie15 wrote:But i got no where coz ppl have it stuck that the Australians use the weapons that austria make and not our own versions. meh not going to even bother....
Personally, I blame Josef Fritzl for the confusion.
Seriously though, you've been doing a cracker job. Four thumbs up.
Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 12:45
[MPN]Slouch2 you gotta read more carefully what I wrote. I didn't write the F88A3 was made in austria I wrote the Steyr AUG A3 is made in austria and I also wrote that there was a missunderstanding, which was on my behalf.
I have never said that austria is producing the ADF's F88's. Thats why I told you to calm down.

Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 13:05
by Chuc
I reckon to curb others from making the same mistake I propose the F88A4 have a top mounted magazine like the Owen

That way no one will ever confuse the two again!
Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 13:07
by Tonnie
[R-DEV]Chuc wrote:I reckon to curb others from making the same mistake I propose the F88A4 have a top mounted magazine like the Owen

That way no one will ever confuse the two again!
oh god........
Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 13:09
by Chuc
Yes please!

Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 13:11
Awesome. Must be an indulgence to aim down the sight.

Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 13:23
by VisOne
[R-DEV]Chuc wrote:I propose the F88A4 have a top mounted magazine like the Owen
Better yet why not phase our the F88 series and return to the Owens since all rights to them are owned by the Australian government and they are arguably one of the most efficient weapon designs in regards to use and production. Cleaning no worries if yours stops working just get a new one. In fact while were at it lets do away with the chunky ugly helmets we are out fitting our boys with these days and return the tin hat.
I think our boys would look rather dashing indeed.
Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 13:32
by Tonnie
i think it needs a new flexible barrel too

Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 14:14
Now that one is gonna rock! And just imagine the benefits of the magazine position and flexible barrel. You don't have to build mags with springs with reduces the costs and the flexible barrel allows you to store it way better. You should send this pic as a suggestion to the ADI.

Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 14:52
by Tonnie
[R-CON]MAINERROR wrote:Now that one is gonna rock! And just imagine the benefits of the magazine position and flexible barrel. You don't have to build mags with springs with reduces the costs and the flexible barrel allows you to store it way better. You should send this pic as a suggestion to the ADI.
you forgot the shooting around corners
Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 14:53
Oh ye you're right. How could I.

Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 14:58
by Tonnie
well we cant forget a uber scope too

Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 15:11
Ye thats badass now! You can even see a fly at 4 km like it'd be on your nose with that scope actually you might be even able to put both of your eyes on the scope like on the binocles. ^^
Then only design flaw might be the cartridge ejection. :/
Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 15:17
by Tonnie
[R-CON]MAINERROR wrote:Ye thats badass now! You can even see a fly at 4 km like it'd be on your nose with that scope actually you might be even able to put both of your eyes on the scope like on the binocles. ^^
Then only design flaw might be the cartridge ejection. :/
not really coz its shooting out the other side

Re: [Weapon] F88 Aus Styer
Posted: 2009-07-06 15:22
by Scot
Attachable GAU-8s?