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Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 18:19
by =Romagnolo=
WEAPONS: Ax4 3p axxxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)

AT4 3p animations added (chuc)

WEAPONS: 3p fxxe axxxxxxxxs axxxd fxr vxxxxxs wxxxxxx (chuc)

3p fire animations added for "v....s w....." (chuc) - What ais the "v....s w....." ?

C'mon people, help !

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 18:28
by akatabrask
various weapons fit in pretty nicely

omg, this is just like crosswords :D my mom would love this

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 18:55
by Waaah_Wah
akatabrask wrote:various weapons fit in pretty nicely

omg, this is just like crosswords :D my mom would love this
Do you know what elce your mom loves?? :p

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 18:56
by Spec
=Romagnolo= wrote:WEAPONS: Ax4 3p axxxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)

AT4 3p animations added (chuc)

WEAPONS: 3p fxxe axxxxxxxxs axxxd fxr vxxxxxs wxxxxxx (chuc)

3p fire animations added for "v....s w....." (chuc) - What ais the "v....s w....." ?

C'mon people, help !
Its 'various weapons'.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 19:02
by akatabrask
Why is edit disabled?

Anyhow, started some decryption
Note that most of them are probably faaar from correct

HUD: Uxxxxxd gxxxxxxxr kxt ixxn axxxd to cxxxxs ixxxs fxxxxx (chuc)
"Updated grenadier kit icon added to civies incas flairs (YAY! an civie/inca faction)

HUD: Txxxxxd bxxxk on txe cxxxxxs to be a gxxxxxr 7x% gxxx (chuc)
"Tweaked black?on the civvies to be a greener 72% gray (ok, make any sense?)

HUD: Txxxd dxxn rxd sxxxxn oxxxxxy in txe hxt bxxxd txxxxxx (chuc)
Toned down red sangin opacity in the hat broad thawing (makes no sense either)

HUD: Fxxxd 3d hxd mxxxxxs nxt uxxxg nxw rxxxxr axd dxxxxxy mxxxxxx (chuc)
Fixed 3d hud markers not using new repair and destroy markers (that was easy)

HUD: Rxxxxr oxxxr ixxn cxxxxxd to a sxxxxl (xxxxs nxxxs to be uxxxxxxx (chuc)
Render opfor icon command to a simple (makes noobs to be underway (or something like that)

HUD: Mxxe oxxxr ixxn cxxxxxd to an exe (xxxxs nxxxs to be uxxxxxxx (chuc)
More opfor icon command to an eve (makes noobs to be underway (or something like that)

HUD: Axxxd hxd ixxn fxr 9xxxx (jaymz)
Added hud icon for 90210 (link pretty much explains everything)

HUD: Axxxd nxw hxd fxr bxxx3 at mxxxxxx (falkun)
Added new hud for bmp13 at markers (makes no sense at all to me - there is no bmp13)

HUD: Uxxxxxd axxxs wxxh nxw cxxxxxn axd lxt ixxxs (xxxxl nxxd sxxxxxe exxe to pxt in nxw hxx, rxxxx, axd ixxxxxxxt vxxxxxt ixxxxx (chuc)
Updated andys with new cannnon and lat icons (We'll need softere edge to put in new hax, rolex, and interneet v-----t iconsz (aaah-to unfocused - need help with this - seems we'll get hax and rolexes in .85...niiiice)

HUD: Axxxd nxw kxt ixxxx (chuc)
Added new kit icons (to easy)

HUD: Txxxxxd axxxxk ixxn fxxm a sxxxd to a cxxxxxxxx (chuc)
Tweaked attack icon from a sword to a cytoplasm (okay? seems reasonable to me)

That's all im gonna do for now, feel free to continue by adding or correcting more material so we can show those hard-working devs that they can't fool us MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 19:03
by akatabrask
Waaah_Wah wrote:Do you know what elce your mom loves?? :p
At least not norwegians :D

(fix that bloody edit button - I don't want to doubble post :evil :)

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 19:04
by zenrique
=Romagnolo= wrote:What ais the "v....s w....." ?
a) vicious whales?
b) vociferous whinners?
c) vowels wondered?


Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 19:19
by Priby
'[R-CON wrote:77SiCaRiO77;855132']Added a bunch of new statics to the repo incluiding the new truck txxxxxx, sxxxl vxxxxxn of the vBF2 bxxxk wxxl and the fw txxxxxn cxxxxx (rhino)
HUD: Added new kit ixxxx (chuc)
HUD: Added and txxxxxd sxxe vehiclee minimap ixxxx (chuc)
HUD: Uxxxxxd hxx, lxx, cxxxxxn and engineer ixxxx (chuc)
HUD: Addedd new lxxxxxxxs txxxk minimap ixxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Fixed at mxxxxxe cxxxxxxg gxxe ixxxx (falkun)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd with new ixxxx (chuc)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd for new axxxxn ixxxx (ancientman)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd with new vxxxxxe ixxxx (chuc)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd withh nxxxr minimap ixxxx (chuc)
What the hell is ixxxx? Image?

WEAPONS: Added new reloadd animations for the g3 sniper (marksman?) (chuc)
WEAPONS: Got rid of unwanted cxxe from insurgency gameplay (jaymz)
WEAPONS: C7 animations added(chuc)

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 19:20
by Waaah_Wah
akatabrask wrote:At least not norwegians :D
No, but she loves Norwegian "body parts" if you catch my drift :p

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 19:36
by jozi02
lxl! to dxxxxxt xt xox hxxe tx thxxk lxxe Dxxs !

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 19:49
by lockpicker.=P
hey devs.. is there any info you can give out about the sniper rifles? :P


cheers :)

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 19:54
by Fluffywuffy

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 19:57
by akatabrask
Priby wrote:HUD: Added new kit icons (chuc)
HUD: Added and tweaked some vehiclee minimap icons (chuc)
HUD: Updated hat, lat, cxxxxxn and engineer icons (chuc)
HUD: Addedd new lxxxxxxxs txxxk minimap icons (chuc)
VEHICLES: Fixed at mxxxxxe cxxxxxxg gxxe icons (falkun)
ATLAS: Updated with new icons (chuc)
ATLAS: Updated for new axxxxn icons (ancientman)
ATLAS: Updated with new vehicle icons (chuc)
ATLAS: Updated with newerr? minimap icons (chuc)
What the hell is ixxxx? Image?

WEAPONS: Added new reloadd animations for the g3 sniper (marksman?) (chuc)
WEAPONS: Got rid of unwanted clue? from insurgency gameplay (jaymz)
WEAPONS: C7 animations added(chuc)
My edits in green and red on unsure ones

Uxxxxxd = Updated
ixxxx = Icons or as you said perhaps image but as icons is in plural i think that's the right one

Though what can cxxxxxn be? Some sort of class i think, corpsman to few letters, captain perhaps?
Waaah_Wah wrote: No, but she loves Norwegian "body parts" if you catch my drift
Yes of course she is a decapitating murderer traveling to norway once in a while killing guys named Ole, Jon and Søren and then puts them in tiny bags which she fills her pillows with :D

or not...have a feeling this thread will close soon :)

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 20:13
by Spec
Though what can cxxxxxn be? Some sort of class i think, corpsman to few letters, captain perhaps?
Good old crewman.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 20:40
by master of the templars
HUD: attempted to make the death scoreboard icon the same as the 'xxxxxxxn menu' scoreboard icon so you can't tell via scoreboard who is dead on the oxxxxxxg shot (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Taliban soldiers added (chuc)
KITS: Added Taliban limited kits (fuzzhead)
KITS: Taliban request kits uxxxxxx (chuc)
KITS: removed militia and Taliban scout so it well work properly with request kit pxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Added new pickup insurgent kit "xxno exxxxx" with the arty ied (fuzzhead)
COMMON: Added russian and Taliban rxxxxxxxxxxx (dbzao)
SOLDIERS: Added newer type 07 digital cams for pla faction (chuc)
EFFECTS: Added artillery IED explosion effect (chuc)
Here are some of the more interesting ones i have found


Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 20:44
by Spec
SOLDIERS: Added newer type 07 digital cams for pla faction (chuc)
Camo. Digital Camo.
removed militia and Taliban scout so it well work properly[...]
will work properly.

Just some tiny mistakes I just noticed.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 21:11
by evya
hmm:ASSETS: New kit icons added to cxxxxs icons fxxxxx (chuc)
what the last words can be? :? :
ASSETS: Set fxxxd bxxxxxs to hxxe txxs of hat pxxxxx (jaymz)
all i understand from this one is something sat for HAT :D
VEHICLES: Set c4 sucide[ingore my type mistake plz]e car bomb to use xxxxxe exxxxxxxn exxxxx (jaymz)
c4 cars will use new type of bombs? i hope so :twisted:
VEHICLES: Sxt bxxxx0 to uxe oxd bxxxx0 hxxx (jaymz)
well i understand from that some vehicle will use new weapon :D
STATICS: Axxxd a bxxxh of nxw sxxxxxs to txe rxxo ixxxxxxxg txe nxw txxxk txxxxxx, sxxxl vxxxxxn of txe vxx2 bxxxk wxxl axd txe fw txxxxxn cxxxxx (rhino) added a bunch of new statics to the rxxo ixxxxxxxg the new txxxk txxxxxx, sxxxl vxxxxxn of the vbf2 bxxxk wxxl[well/will?] and the fw
txxxxxn cxxxxx (rhino)
less vbf2 statics? :O
WEAPONS: Sxt axx4 sxxxxs to uxe 5xxxxxxxm axxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
set ak47 sights to use 5xxxxxxxm axxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
what the last words? :O
WEAPONS: Fxxxd up 3p zxxm axd zxxm fxxe axxxxxxxxs fxr txe axx4 sxxxxx (chuc)
fixed up 3p zoom and zoom face axxxxxxxxs for the ak47 sights :O again what the axxxxxxxxs mean?

well thats what i found now, maybe we will mange to get all of it before next changelog :!:

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 21:22
by Nugiman
how the f**k can you decode this?

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 21:24
by Spec
By guessing? Just think of military or game themed terms that might fit in there.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.851 first test build

Posted: 2008-11-24 21:26
by akatabrask
guessing and take the most logical result :D wonder what the devs think about this, either they will ban us all for trying or they jsut sit and laugh because they know the key or we are wrong

anyhow axxxxxxxxs = animations (probably)