The anticipated release date for Project Reality: ARMA 2 v0.15 BETA is imminent ...
We have been very quiet and quite closed mouthed over the last 5 months about what we have been doing, but this has been for a number of good reasons. Part of the process of fixing bugs is that often more bugs are introduced, and our great testing team have repeatedly found more just when we thought we were nearly done ! Even now we are not entirely sure what the behaviour of the mod will be like under a full server load, and to that end we have organized a pre release game testing event, details of which can be found here.
Project Reality: ARMA 2 v0.15 BETA Trailer
The Project Reality Team has created the following trailer to tease you with some of the additions and gameplay changes you will find in the Project Reality: ARMA 2 v0.15 BETA release. So, relax, sit back and enjoy a taste of what is to come!
Project Reality: ARMA 2 v0.15 BETA Release Information
A huge amount of work has been completed on identified bugs and plenty on unidentified ones as well, game modes have been revised, and new features have been introduced. We have new missions on Chernarus and the US Army faction has been included on Takistan. A complete change log of the 0.15 Beta release can be viewed here
Project Reality: ARMA 2 v0.15 beta requires:
- ARMA2 plus Operation Arrowhead (collectively known as Combined Operations).
- For a better experience, we highly recommend the British Armed Forces DLC too.
Your game must be patched to 1.60. In addition we highly recommend using beta patch 89025 as there have been several important bug-fixes since patch 1.60. If you use a beta patch, ensure you add the switch '-beta' to your praa_betatg.exe shortcut.
Future Direction of PR : ARMA 2
Straight back to work after this release, the team hopes to have the 0.2 public release out soon after this. The 0.2 release will focus on assets and our upcoming new map, Afghan Village. And of course as a public release it will mean that you, the public, will be able to license and open servers.
The Project Reality Team is recruiting ARMA 2 developers, in particular those with knowledge of config files and Oxygen 2. If you are skilled and knowledgeable with ARMA 2 development, and would like to join the team ... then register on the forums here and PM [R-DEV]Twisted Helix.
- The Project Reality Team