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Adding Ambient Triggers to your map (Video)

Posted: 2012-06-10 14:27
by sylent/shooter
Hey everyone, my earlier tutorial was about adding ambient sounds to your Project Reality map and while this has generally the same idea, I split the parts so they weren't one ridiculously long video.

So here is my second tutorial about adding ambient triggerables to your map. I.E birds and dust and what not.

As always, these tutorials are not something that you should be worrying about in the early stages of your map as they are an advanced series. It assumes that you have everything set up for PR modding and you have a basic understanding of the editor.

Re: [Tutorial] Adding Ambient Triggers to your map (video)

Posted: 2012-06-10 22:05
by Rudd
great tut :)

Re: [Tutorial] Adding Ambient Triggers to your map (video)

Posted: 2012-06-11 07:11
by VapoMan
Good job man.

Also, your voice is sexy. 8)

Re: [Tutorial] Adding Ambient Triggers to your map (video)

Posted: 2012-06-17 21:57
by WeeD-KilleR
would it be possile to only trigger under more complex situations, like a vehicle driving by etc or 2+ man in that area.

Re: [Tutorial] Adding Ambient Triggers to your map (video)

Posted: 2012-06-18 16:28
by Amok@ndy
you have 4 options,


thats all you can do

Re: [Tutorial] Adding Ambient Triggers to your map (video)

Posted: 2012-06-18 17:43
by Rhino
also note bullets in PR "explode" due to the way we do suppression/sound crack sounds, so having things like dead fish floating up from an explosion in the water like I use to have on OGT, isn't viable anymore unless you want 50 dead fish floating up after one bullet hits the water :p

Re: [Tutorial] Adding Ambient Triggers to your map (video)

Posted: 2012-06-19 17:34
by rodrigoma
thanks for the tutorial
this will be really useful in my map