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PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-05 12:15
by Wicca
The PRTA wants to invite you all to Rudd's new version of Burning Sands in which 32 players on each side will battle for supremacy. The teams will be MEC versus GB fighting in two different Burning Sands Skirmishes and then will have combined operations on an AAS layout.

You will choose to either fight as MEC or GB. Select a team and signup.


Because this is a test event Rudd will need to gather as much information as possible regarding performance, bugs and gameplay.

Please have in mind that the map isn't generally lightmapped, there's a black square in the minimap - overlooked shadow - and the folder size is heavier than desired. Rudd is aware of these issues.

Mumble is mandatory and the chain of command must be respected.

For more info: PR Server Rules - Wiki - PR Teamwork Alliance


15th of September 1900 PRT/GMT/UTC


Extract the zip to \Battlefield 2 Complete Collection\mods.

e.g. C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Battlefield 2 Complete Collection\mods

e.g C:\Program Filesx86\EA Games\Battlefield 2\mods

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-05 13:48
by L4gi
MECxicans ftw.

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-05 13:54
by MikeDude
Taco time!

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-05 14:03
by Smuke
Poopsies, can't make it. Rudd better do another one at Christmas when i'm back from the hallowed halls of university.

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-05 14:11
by rPoXoTauJIo
I see only 1 slot for trans squad in GB team, but in GPO.con (cq, 64) i see transport 2 helicopters. Planned crash? :mrgreen:

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-05 14:49
by BloodyDeed
Sounds good, too bad its on a saturday :(

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-05 15:12
by Wicca
you dont need 2 people transporting all the time.

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-05 16:24
by saXoni
Move this to Sunday and I'll be in.

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-05 19:30
by K4on
Sounds really good. The winner gets all the icecream?

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-06 03:17
by Maj.Osama
can you tell me what is the change log ?

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-06 07:10
by Arnoldio
ssOss wrote:can you tell me what is the change log ?

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-06 08:26
by Wicca
Just download the map and look around ssoss. Interesting name btw.

Arnold be nice to people.

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-06 09:21
by Rudd
ssOss wrote:can you tell me what is the change log ?
This was a pretty major revamp of the map so there's not a changelog as such, but I'll give you the low-down.

Hyper optimisation

9000 objects has been turned to 4000 objects, without much loss in detail in most areas.

E.g. there are only 3 terminal objects at the airport instead of 4 now, however by rotating one of them I think its now a more interesting place to fight than before and is more optimised.

The UG and OG textures are pretty optimised

The static object choice is very much more tuned to which texture pallets are loaded etc.


Burning Sands was a 'jack of all trades' map, it had bunkers, it had a city, it had was kashan meets EJOD. On paper that sounds exciting, in practice it produced a map that didn't know what kind of gameplay it wanted.

So Burning sands now focuses only on the city and specific areas outside the city on the NW and SE sides. The Bunker complex is simply removed, if I ever make another map, that complex will return but it was a sideshow that required too much effort to fight over when there is the city to fight in.

The villages have been dumped, and replaced with a few compounds throuought the fields, the fields have been deepened a tiny bit to make better cover.

The NW industrial area next to the gas station is gone

The wirefences are gone, replaced with corrugated due to the problems with tankfire and rockets not going through


Burning Sands v1 had too many vehicles, both air and land. The New version is more conservative in how many vehicles are alive at any given time.

The air transport was rethought a bit, in 64 the Brits get a lynx and a chinook the Mec get a Mi17 and transport gazelle , with one attack helo each. There's space for 4 helos in each base because there's an extra chopper for each team on the 128 layer.

All the flags are in the city area, there are points of interest outside the city, but there are there to provide scenery and things to fight over in the event of a flank attack.

The GB and MEC have swapped sides on the map due to feedback that an invading GB force would want the airport before the city.

So in summary, more reliable gameplay and higher FPSs is what I was aiming for with this version.

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-06 10:10
by Curry
Rudd wrote: All the flags are in the city area...


Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-06 10:23
by DoRn
Sounds and looks good, Rudd!
Good job!

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-06 11:49
by sweedensniiperr
oooh so it's l4gi vs danger...interesting...

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-06 11:55
by Wicca
lag versus danger? What?

It will end bad.

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-06 13:01
by Arc_Shielder
Interesting statistic: of all the events I have ever participated, my team never lost once.

I would sign up in the British Forces if I were you.

Re: PRTA Burning Sands v1.5 Test Event - Signup now!

Posted: 2012-09-06 17:21
by Stealthgato
Sounds like Burning Sands is completely different. It will still be a good map no doubt, but not near as good as 0.95 for me.

EDIT: Which reminds me, Rudd, do you have the 0.95 version you could send to me or upload somewhere? I want to keep it but I don't want to have to download all of 0.95 again.