Looking for tactical individuals

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Looking for tactical individuals

Post by AutoluxAfter »

I'm currently looking for 7 tactical minded individuals who want to join up and do squad operations together. I'm not looking to build a clan. Just a group of guys who want to play tactically as a squad but also have fun.

A little bit about myself:

23 years old and prior service in the US army as a medic. I've been playing PR for as long as I can remember but have taken a lot of breaks due to school/military. I'm online and avail to play after 5pm MST but I'll free to talk almost all day.


A clear mic

English speaking

Living in the USA

Preferably Pacific/central timezone

Tactical mindset. Prior military would be great.

A sense of humor

Steam(So we can all communicate in a group)

Possibly ventrillo for out of game chat

Rules/suggestions(no specific order):

This is not a milsim unit. We'll move like one but it wont be as serious as one.

-Move tactically (IE No blindly running across linear danger areas (roads, open spaces, water) This includes formation movement. Unless we need to haul *** to an objective we will move tactically. That includes different formations (Line, wedge, staggered column, etc) Nothing I say below will be expected of you immediately. We'll all train each other to work together.

Obtain positive identification (PID). Open your map and verify if you have to. No tking for any reason.

Call out targets using the 3 d's: Direction, Distance, Description. If you're shooting, you'd have better have calling it out. (IE 30, 100 meters, APC)

Do not shoot unless the enemy has spotted you. Call out instead and wait for confirmation/subsequent orders.

Do not give up unless the medic has informed me that you are unreachable. I will always refer to the medic's judgement in this situation. 1 dead soldier is better than a squad wipe because the medic died trying to revive the breacher because I ordered him to in the middle of a huge firefight.

No suggestions. period. As an SL it is hard enough to make sound decisions with all of the surrounding factors and yelling suggestions over comms makes that 100% harder. If we are operating as a fireteam split suggestions may come from bravo teams' team leader.

Speaking of comms, joking is 100% okay if the situation permits. We aren't mindless zombies after all, but when the situation calls for it the comms will be dead silent unless I'm issuing orders, you're calling out targets, or responding to my orders. No yelling anything over comms. I don't care if there's a tank bearing down on us. If what you have is more important say, break break break, and continue in a clear voice. You will not speak over any other member unless it's tactically more important.

SL and kit roles:
I don't want a squad that only knows specific roles. We need each soldier to be a swiss army knife. In the event SL is unrevivable I want each soldier to know how to lead. That goes for every other kit. We need effective soldier who know how to lead and make the tough decisions when the time comes. That being said, each soldier will have a chance to lead and play different roles. We will have set roles for serious game play though.

Medic revives:
Always use your best judgement. If you need an assist, call for an assist. If you need to smoke, smoke. But never run out into the open and expect good results. Always revive if the tactical situation permits. Your first role is to fire back, then once the enemy is suppressed you will assume your medical role. When reviving always go in this order unless a soldier is dead or unobtainable in the current tactical situation. Obviously skip if not wounded/dead:

2nd medic

You will be the most micromanaged kit. It's either mine or bravo team leader's job to use you effectively. That means we'll be placing you where we think is best.

That's all I could think of for now, more will be added later and put on the steam group.

If you meet these requirements and agree to follow these rules please fill out the form below.

Application form:

Ingame ID:

Steam ID:


Skill set:

Preferred kit(Medic, AR, Breacher, etc):
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Post by Cavazos »

It can be difficult setting up a group of guys with a limited player base. Even in very large games like Battlefield 3, building a solid player base is hard.

I ended up just trying out already established groups until I found one that was tactical but not serious like most "tactical" or "realism" clans have been.

You are welcomed to coordinate your group with Tiger Platoon and work together with us so we can have squads running side by side in-game for maximum effect.

Just let me know because it looks like we got the same mindset.

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Re: Looking for tactical individuals

Post by joe2340 »

Hey would love to join you/ have you join us.. its just mr and my brother always has been. Love city urban maps and urban combat. Been playin for 7yrs. 24yo firefighter emt so I know how ranking and orders should go.

ingame. [Fox]Crazydrunkone
steam. killer45177
kit. SL all I ever end up using. But can use anything.
time. Eastern after 1530

we also have our own 15man ventrilo
Posts: 4
Joined: 2014-03-13 15:52

Re: Looking for tactical individuals

Post by AutoluxAfter »

I'm no longer looking. Thanks guys
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