=HOG= (North American) - Feedback Thread.
Posted: 2016-06-22 22:58
I am not part of =HOG=, I am simply giving feedback to them.
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 21
United States of America United States of America
Location: Detroit
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Default =HOG= Virginia Insurgency & Muttrah (North America)
Servers Information
=HOG= Hardcore Older Gamers has Project Reality Servers.
Any issue can be addressed at our web site posted below.
Server Name: =HOG= 24/7 MUTTRAH PR 0.937
Server IP:
Server Size:64 slots
Server Location:Virginia (USA)
Map Rotation: Muttrah City,
Server Admin(s):=HOG= Linkmantower
Smart Balance:enabled
Battlerecorder :d isabled
BF2 VOIP: enabled
Ban list:Yes / Punksbusted, PBBans, GGC
Log streaming: Yes / Punksbusted, PPBans, GGC
Team Kill Auto Kick/Ban:4 punishes before auto kick / auto ban 1 round
Squadless Kick: enabled
Reserved Slots:none
High Ping Kick: enabled / 350
Ban Appeals Forum Link: News
No racism at all this is a bannable offence
No shooting, grenades or smoke on the carrier. This may result in kick/48hr ban
No extreme language (vulgar) keep in mind kids play this game as well as adults. This may result in a kick/ 24hr ban
Respect all players and play as a team.
This is a teamwork server so join a squad unassigned players will be kicked
Please promote team play by not locking your squad, so keep it to a minimum.
Hold off on making a squad until the timer has reached 1:30 mark, this is to help prevent any squad bugs on the server, and give the server time to clear the cache from the last round, this is a kickable offence.
No intentional Team-Killing, it does happen in battle so please be kind if it happens to you by mistake.
Apologize for your Team-Kills
Need an admin for any issue? Our vent info ( this can be found in the servers load screen as well.
Please report disruptive players to an ADMIN, DO NOT TAKE MATTERS IN TO YOUR OWN HANDS. Let the admin deal with the player that is what we are here for. This may result in a kick / 24hr ban
Team switching is not allowed if asked it is possible an admin will switch you sides but no guaranties.
Respect all the Admins.
No heavy assets (BTR, AAV, MTLB, BEAST, attack huey, CAS, Cobra, Tanks etc.) until a minimum of 20 players in the server. This may result in a kick/24hr ban
If you want to have the priority rights to any of the heavy assets, please name your squad appropriately (jet) (little bird) and so on???. and you will be given right of way.
No duplicate or one man squads this may result in a kick.
If you cannot fly, do not practice here go to a training server. This may result in a kick / 1week ban
Don?t fly HUEYs upside down.
No single seating heavy assets this may result in a kick/24hr ban.
Don?t waste assets, they cost tickets to your team and someone else might use them for something better.
The US team cannot occupy/attack MEC Fortress or Main Spawn area unless the Attack flag is on it.
The MEC team cannot occupy/attack US Repair Station unless MEC owns ALL Flags. This may result in a kick/48hr BAN.
However if the MEC is in the Fortress and is shooting from there.... All bets are off and it is war, US can return fire until target or targets are gone, however unless the Attack flag is on it, the US may not land forces there at all.
Do not attack or enter the main, unless the Gold Shield icon is up and (AAS) tells you that it is legal to attack.
If your squad neutralizes the enemies main flag, they have the right to stay and defend it but another flag is retaken in the middle of this, The NO BASERAPE rule is applied. This may result in a kick / 48hr ban
No firing in or at the main with assets or sniper kits from close by. This may result in kick /48hr ban
No aircraft flyovers or strafing. This may result in a kick/ 48hr ban
No mortars in the mec main or near the ramp / No mortars in the repair station
IF mortars are built in fortress USMC is allowed to eliminate the threat if fired upon by means of CAS Huey, COBRA or mortars under no circumstances is any USMC infantry allowed to enter or be near fortress until AAS marker indicates to do so.
We believe in a fair play for all, and do our best to keep the server this way.
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 21
United States of America United States of America
Location: Detroit
Send a message via MSN to Linkman Send a message via Skype? to Linkman
Default =HOG= Virginia Insurgency & Muttrah (North America)
Servers Information
=HOG= Hardcore Older Gamers has Project Reality Servers.
Any issue can be addressed at our web site posted below.
Server Name: =HOG= 24/7 MUTTRAH PR 0.937
Server IP:
Server Size:64 slots
Server Location:Virginia (USA)
Map Rotation: Muttrah City,
Server Admin(s):=HOG= Linkmantower
Smart Balance:enabled
Battlerecorder :d isabled
BF2 VOIP: enabled
Ban list:Yes / Punksbusted, PBBans, GGC
Log streaming: Yes / Punksbusted, PPBans, GGC
Team Kill Auto Kick/Ban:4 punishes before auto kick / auto ban 1 round
Squadless Kick: enabled
Reserved Slots:none
High Ping Kick: enabled / 350
Ban Appeals Forum Link: News
No racism at all this is a bannable offence
No shooting, grenades or smoke on the carrier. This may result in kick/48hr ban
No extreme language (vulgar) keep in mind kids play this game as well as adults. This may result in a kick/ 24hr ban
Respect all players and play as a team.
This is a teamwork server so join a squad unassigned players will be kicked
Please promote team play by not locking your squad, so keep it to a minimum.
Hold off on making a squad until the timer has reached 1:30 mark, this is to help prevent any squad bugs on the server, and give the server time to clear the cache from the last round, this is a kickable offence.
No intentional Team-Killing, it does happen in battle so please be kind if it happens to you by mistake.
Apologize for your Team-Kills
Need an admin for any issue? Our vent info ( this can be found in the servers load screen as well.
Please report disruptive players to an ADMIN, DO NOT TAKE MATTERS IN TO YOUR OWN HANDS. Let the admin deal with the player that is what we are here for. This may result in a kick / 24hr ban
Team switching is not allowed if asked it is possible an admin will switch you sides but no guaranties.
Respect all the Admins.
No heavy assets (BTR, AAV, MTLB, BEAST, attack huey, CAS, Cobra, Tanks etc.) until a minimum of 20 players in the server. This may result in a kick/24hr ban
If you want to have the priority rights to any of the heavy assets, please name your squad appropriately (jet) (little bird) and so on???. and you will be given right of way.
No duplicate or one man squads this may result in a kick.
If you cannot fly, do not practice here go to a training server. This may result in a kick / 1week ban
Don?t fly HUEYs upside down.
No single seating heavy assets this may result in a kick/24hr ban.
Don?t waste assets, they cost tickets to your team and someone else might use them for something better.
The US team cannot occupy/attack MEC Fortress or Main Spawn area unless the Attack flag is on it.
The MEC team cannot occupy/attack US Repair Station unless MEC owns ALL Flags. This may result in a kick/48hr BAN.
However if the MEC is in the Fortress and is shooting from there.... All bets are off and it is war, US can return fire until target or targets are gone, however unless the Attack flag is on it, the US may not land forces there at all.
Do not attack or enter the main, unless the Gold Shield icon is up and (AAS) tells you that it is legal to attack.
If your squad neutralizes the enemies main flag, they have the right to stay and defend it but another flag is retaken in the middle of this, The NO BASERAPE rule is applied. This may result in a kick / 48hr ban
No firing in or at the main with assets or sniper kits from close by. This may result in kick /48hr ban
No aircraft flyovers or strafing. This may result in a kick/ 48hr ban
No mortars in the mec main or near the ramp / No mortars in the repair station
IF mortars are built in fortress USMC is allowed to eliminate the threat if fired upon by means of CAS Huey, COBRA or mortars under no circumstances is any USMC infantry allowed to enter or be near fortress until AAS marker indicates to do so.
We believe in a fair play for all, and do our best to keep the server this way.