Our simple rules:
Remain as active as your real life allows. A lot of the fun/competitiveness we have is because of our time spent getting to know each other out of game, and as friends, not just squad members. Discord is a place to do more than just PR; post memes, laugh about random shit, get guys together for other games when PR gets boring and get to know one another!
We are competitive, but we are here to enjoy the games, not to win every time. We don't believe in constant steamrolls being fun and regularly switch to balance teams. No matter your in game role it is expected to communicate through discord, mumble and chat to help the team, this includes leading them. Leadership isn't always the SL saying what to do, its also simple things like you noticing the medic is down and getting someone to get him up, or telling two people to watch separate angles. This is the kind of initiative we strive for. Do your best, learn from your mistakes/others, don't take things too seriously and let the shit slide off you and you'll do just fine here.
We are friends and play the game for fun, but we are also skilled in all aspects of the game, we expect you to not only be able to outshoot the average player but also fill in many of the roles that are required, and hopefully find a few that you are the cream of the crop at. With that said, everyone has their pros and cons that you can learn from or teach others.
Be as mature as possible and don't cause drama for yourself or the group. Play the game, shoot people, try to help the team and try to keep it to a minimum of bullshit banter on the PR servers. When and if there comes a time that something needs to be said, try to be respectful, but in the end have a spine, stand up for your fellow friends and remember that loyalty is an amazing quality.
We are mostly North American Based, but we aren't location exclusive. As long as you are fun, social and enjoy working as a team we should have a spot for you! It is highly recommended to play with us and get to know us and our style before applying, our discord is a public place that welcomes anyone in the PR community, and you're all free to join the voice channels and get to know the gang.
If all of this sounds like something you would be interested in, follow the links below, and submit an application on discord or the website!