Coop Round Start Delay Issue
Posted: 2020-02-15 15:27
Hi, so i've been trying to add a round start delay in local coop & for instance in doesn't seem to have any effect, so i'm wondering what if any way there is to add a start delay when running coop other than the value specified in the coop config, if that's even possible, perhaps it's not with bots & if not, i think the option should be removed from that config if it has no effect on coop...
As to my motive, it's simply to be able to !swapteams when running coop, unless there's an alternative way to specify the side when using !setnext.
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As to my motive, it's simply to be able to !swapteams when running coop, unless there's an alternative way to specify the side when using !setnext.