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Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-02 17:06
by Nate.
Discuss here.

Note: Instead of current 15s, it will be reduced to 10s.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-02 18:19
by AlonTavor
pointless change

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-02 19:17
by Bastiannn
Revert to original with little to no delay

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-02 19:18
by Mineral
it was 4 seconds FYI

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-02 20:18
by hairyballs
4 is better than 10, im still getting confused whenever i open my map. In fact 4 was a good amount of time to quickly open your map and see who just died.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-02 21:22
by Temur
Finding this really frustrating, getting punished for killing enemies in firefights. One of the best things about PR compared to Squad, PS etc is that it allows for more run-and-gun play. That has just become harder and it's really frustrating

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-03 21:26
by Danesh_italiano
Temur wrote:Finding this really frustrating, getting punished for killing enemies in firefights. One of the best things about PR compared to Squad, PS etc is that it allows for more run-and-gun play. That has just become harder and it's really frustrating
also, revert aa/flare/heli/jet fisiks to 1.3.9. tenkiul.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-03 23:17
by friendly
I like the side effect (intended or not) of increased time to see wounded squad members on the map before they disappear. I thought 4 seconds was too short on some occasions but 15 seconds was definitely too long. 10 seconds seems fine now but I don't have enough playtime to make that assertion yet. I think shorter time visible on map is better than longer for sure though. I also think it might be good if players' icons change to differentiate between wounded and dead such as an automatic yellow icon when wounded and/or a smaller permanent red cross when 'CALL MEDIC' feature is used but I also don't want to assert that without testing it.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-03 23:41
by Hunter291
Many pointless changes in this update but this is far the worst (mini-map same level). Say you are a medic and a teammate went down if and you revive him instantly he has no kit to protect himself or the medic because it takes the kit 10 seconds to be used again. Ruins gameplay. What temur said is even more true with this change.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-04 06:48
by AfterDune
Been playing as medic for quite some hours these last few days and plays just fine to me. I haven't had any bad experiences because of this change at all. I haven't been playing much PR before the release, so that might help - I'm not used to how it was.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-04 10:04
by AlonTavor
AfterDune wrote:Been playing as medic for quite some hours these last few days and plays just fine to me. I haven't had any bad experiences because of this change at all. I haven't been playing much PR before the release, so that might help - I'm not used to how it was.
This isn't about medic. Actually, medic would have the least issues with this because he rarely needs to pick up enemy kits when he kills them.

The kit-pickup radius on revive is 10m, you'd generally never drag more than 10m, just past the corner, so there's no need to keep the kit on the ragdoll.

Revert to 4s.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-04 10:32
by AfterDune
Even as non-medic player I haven't (yet) had issues with it, that's all. If it needs to be reverted, because the majority of players have issues, then so be it.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-04 11:31
by Smol Shrum
Actually a good change. Mainly stops people in firefights from getting extra healing and ammo immediately after kill.

It was creating weird play pattern, where in firefight people would run right at the enemy they just wounded so they could get more health/grenades/ammo (plus confusing for unexperienced players mismatch model when using enemy kit). This kit-juggling is just a way to abuse weird old game-y mechanic in PR, which supposed to have realistic combat.
And even though I have pretty much mastered this shit, I still want it changed, and 15s drop kit delay is a good stop gap.

The only thing I would like to be reverted is kit pickup radius, as it too often does weird stuff, like giving player the enemy kit from the other room over own kit, etc. Having people be revived unarmed if no kit nearby is for me preferable than teleporting kits from 10m away.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-04 11:45
by Fastjack
because the majority of players have issues
The main issue is that the majority want the insta HAT/LAT kit switch.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-04 11:58
by Bastiannn
Fastjack wrote:The main issue is that the majority want the insta HAT/LAT kit switch.
"insta" enemy kit for his rifle/nade/patches in cqc inf fights > insta lat/hat switch

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-04 14:04
by Danesh_italiano
Yeah... dont make this game boring to play like Arma or Squad.

Revert pl0x.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-05 12:41
by Temur
Smol Shrum wrote:Actually a good change. Mainly stops people in firefights from getting extra healing and ammo immediately after kill.
It's not immediate though, you're still in a really vulnerable position when you patch up.

I'm not a particularly skilled inf player, certainly nowhere near the top tier, and even I find this change annoying. It's a non-solution to a problem that really didn't exist

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-05 15:51
by UncleSmek
Revert back to normal.

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-09 11:04
by hairyballs
Still getting me killed thinking friendlies are alive when they're actually dead. Can anyone actually give a good reason as to why this was changed in the first place?

Re: Kit drop delay

Posted: 2020-05-09 11:13
by mectus11
Personally I don't like it, don't see the point of it.